



const el = document.getElementById('canvas');

const ctx = el.getContext('2d');

const dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

const pi = Math.PI;

const points = 12;

const radius = 200 * dpr;

const h = 600 * dpr;

const w = 600 * dpr;

const center = {

x: w / 2 * dpr,

y: h / 2 * dpr


const circles = [];

const rangeMin = 1;

const rangeMax = 30;

const showPoints = true;

let mouseY = 0;

let tick = 0;

const gradient1 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, w, 0);

gradient1.addColorStop(0, '#96fbc4');

gradient1.addColorStop(1, '#f9f586');

const gradient2 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, w, 0);

gradient2.addColorStop(0, '#48c6ef');

gradient2.addColorStop(1, '#6f86d6');

const gradient3 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, w, 0);

gradient3.addColorStop(0, '#9795f0');

gradient3.addColorStop(1, '#9be15d');

const gradient4 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, w, 0);

gradient4.addColorStop(0, '#f6d365');

gradient4.addColorStop(1, '#fda085');

const gradients = [ gradient1, gradient2, gradient3, gradient4 ];

window.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMove, true);

function handleMove(event) {

mouseY = event.clientY;


ctx.scale(dpr, dpr);

el.width = w * dpr;

el.height = h * dpr; = w + 'px'; = h + 'px';

// Setup swing circle points

for (var idx = 0; idx <= gradients.length - 1; idx++) {

let swingpoints = [];

let radian = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < points; i++){

radian = pi * 2 / points * i;

var ptX = center.x + radius * Math.cos(radian);

var ptY = center.y + radius * Math.sin(radian);


x: ptX,

y: ptY,

radian: radian,

range: random(rangeMin, rangeMax),

phase: 0





// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// swingCircle

function swingCircle() {

ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w * dpr, h * dpr);

ctx.globalAlpha = 1;

// ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';

ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'screen';

for (let k = 0; k < circles.length; k++) {

let swingpoints = circles[k];

for (var i = 0; i < swingpoints.length; i++){

swingpoints[i].phase += random(1, 10) * -0.01;

let phase = 4 * Math.sin(tick / 65);

if (mouseY !== 0) {

phase = mouseY / 200 + 1;


var r = radius + (swingpoints[i].range * phase * Math.sin(swingpoints[i].phase)) - rangeMax;

swingpoints[i].radian += pi / 360;

var ptX = center.x + r * Math.cos(swingpoints[i].radian);

var ptY = center.y + r * Math.sin(swingpoints[i].radian);

if (showPoints === true) {

ctx.strokeStyle = '#96fbc4';


ctx.arc(ptX, ptY, 2 * dpr, 0, pi * 2, true);




swingpoints[i] = {

x: ptX,

y: ptY,

radian: swingpoints[i].radian,

range: swingpoints[i].range,

phase: swingpoints[i].phase,



const fill = gradients[k];

drawCurve(swingpoints, fill);






// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// drawCurve

function drawCurve(pts, fillStyle) {

ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;



(pts[cycle( - 1, points)].x + pts[0].x) / 2,

(pts[cycle( - 1, points)].y + pts[0].y) / 2);

for (var i = 0; i < pts.length; i++){




(pts[i].x + pts[cycle(i + 1, points)].x) / 2,

(pts[i].y + pts[cycle(i + 1, points)].y) / 2);





// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// cycle

function cycle( num1, num2 ) {

return ( num1 % num2 + num2 ) % num2;


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// random

function random (num1, num2) {

var max = Math.max(num1, num2);

var min = Math.min(num1, num2);

return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// rotate

// function rotate (x, y, angle) {

// var radians = (pi / 180) * angle,

// cos = Math.cos(radians),

// sin = Math.sin(radians),

// nx = (cos * (x - center.x)) + (sin * (y - center.y)) + center.x,

// ny = (cos * (y - center.y)) - (sin * (x - center.x)) + center.y;

// return { x: nx, y: ny };

// }

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