4kyu Path Finder #1: can you reach the exit?



You are at position [0, 0] in maze NxN and you can only move in one of the four cardinal directions (i.e. North, East, South, West). Return true if you can reach position [N-1, N-1] or false otherwise.

Empty positions are marked ., Walls are marked W,Start and exit positions are empty in all test cases.




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>using namespace std;int go[4][2] = {0, 1,0, -1,1, 0,-1, 0
};struct Node {int x, y;
};queue<Node> Q;bool BFS(int length, string maze) {while( !Q.empty() ) {Node now = Q.front();Q.pop();for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {int nx = now.x + go[i][0];int ny = now.y + go[i][1];if ( nx == length - 1 && ny == length - 1 ) return true;if ( nx < 0 || nx >= length || ny < 0 || ny >= length ) continue;if ( maze[nx * ( length + 1 ) + ny]  == 'W' ) continue;maze[nx * ( length + 1 ) + ny] = 'W'; // make the tag, have goneNode tmp;tmp.x = nx;tmp.y = ny;Q.push(tmp);}}return false;
}bool path_finder(string maze) {int length = std::floor( std::sqrt( (double) maze.size() ) );while(!Q.empty()) Q.pop();maze[0] = 'W';Node tmp;tmp.x = tmp.y = 0;Q.push(tmp);return BFS(length, maze);

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