php 过滤粘贴

It should have been a simple task in Excel VBA – copy a filtered range, and paste it into a new workbook. How many times have you written code to do that, and it always runs without problems?

在Excel VBA中,这应该是一个简单的任务–复制过滤的范围,然后将其粘贴到新的工作簿中。 您编写了几次代码来执行此操作,并且该代码始终可以正常运行?

However, last week a client sent me a file where that simple code wasn't working. While copying and pasting the filtered range, an error message kept popping up:

但是,上周一位客户给我发送了一个文件,该文件中的简单代码无法正常工作。 复制和粘贴过滤范围时,错误消息不断弹出:

Run-time error '1004': Paste method of Worksheet class failed.


寻找明显的问题 (Look For the Obvious Problems)

I figured there was some simple and obvious reason for the error, and went through the code, looking for problems.


I tweaked a few lines in the code, where there were ambiguous references, but nothing helped. That annoying error message kept popping up. And, ,to add to the confusion, the data had been copied onto the worksheet, despite the error message.

我在代码中调整了几行,其中有不明确的引用,但没有任何帮助。 该烦人的错误消息不断弹出。 而且,尽管有错误消息,但仍将数据复制到了工作表上,这增加了混乱。

A Google search was fruitless – there were many people complaining about similar problems, but no solutions that appeared to work. At least there weren't any solutions that I could find.

Google搜索是徒劳的-许多人抱怨类似的问题,但似乎没有解决方案。 至少没有我能找到的解决方案。

Most of the suggestions were to change the order of the steps, because Excel might be losing the copied data, before it could paste. I tried that too, and it didn't change anything.

大多数建议是更改步骤顺序,因为Excel在粘贴之前可能会丢失复制的数据。 我也尝试过,但没有任何改变。

过滤数据中的外部范围 (External Ranges in the Filtered Data)

Finally, I noticed that there were External Data ranges in the sheet where the filtered data was located. It seemed unlikely, but maybe those ranges were interfering with the copy and paste. So, I deleted those names, and tried the macro again. Amazingly, it worked!

最后,我注意到工作表中存在过滤数据所在的外部数据范围。 似乎不太可能,但是也许这些范围正在干扰复制和粘贴。 因此,我删除了这些名称,然后再次尝试了该宏。 令人惊讶的是,它有效!

I added code to delete those ranges as part of the macro, in case more External Data ranges are added to the data in the future.


删除命名外部范围的代码 (Code to Delete Named External Ranges)

In my client's workbook, all the external data range names started with "ExternalData_", so I used that to find the ranges and delete the names. Here is the bit of code that I added to the top of the macro.

在客户的工作簿中,所有外部数据范围名称均以“ ExternalData_”开头,因此我用它来查找范围并删除名称。 这是我添加到宏顶部的一些代码。

Dim nm As Name
For Each nm In ThisWorkbook.Names
If InStr(nm.Name, "ExternalData_") > 0 Then
End If
Next nm

问题又回来了 (The Problem Comes Back)

Unfortunately, after running the revised macro for a while, the error message came back, even though the external data ranges had been deleted.


Maybe there were new ranges, that had different names, or perhaps deleting the external data ranges was just a temporary fix.


My client added an "On Error Resume Next" line to the macro, to get past the problem section, and that's working fine for now.

我的客户在宏中添加了“ On Error Resume Next”行,以跳过问题部分,目前为止工作正常。

As a better solution, I suggested using an Advanced Filter to extract the data to the new workbook, because is very fast (except in Excel 2007), and doesn't create the same error message.

作为更好的解决方案,我建议使用“ 高级筛选器”将数据提取到新工作簿中,因为它非常快(Excel 2007中除外),并且不会创建相同的错误消息。

You can record a macro as you manually run an Advanced filter and then tweak the code to make it flexible. See the steps and a video in this blog post: Advanced Filter Macro

您可以在手动运行“高级”过滤器时记录宏,然后调整代码以使其更灵活。 请参阅此博客文章中的步骤和视频: 高级筛选器宏

在Excel 2010中仍然是一个问题 (Still a Problem in Excel 2010)

The workbook that my client sent was created in Excel 2003, and that's were I did the testing, and found the solution.

我的客户发送的工作簿是在Excel 2003中创建的,那就是我进行了测试并找到了解决方案。

To see if the problem was fixed in newer versions of Excel, I tested the workbook in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. If the External Data ranges were not deleted, the same error message appears when you run the copy and paste code.

若要查看问题是否在更高版本的Excel中得到解决,我在Excel 2007和Excel 2010中测试了工作簿。如果未删除“外部数据”范围,则在运行复制和粘贴代码时会出现相同的错误消息。

So, if you run into this error message, and none of the obvious solutions help, check for External Data, and delete those ranges, if possible. If you use this solution, please let me know if it works permanently, temporarily, or not at all.

因此,如果遇到此错误消息,并且没有明显的解决方案有帮助,请检查“外部数据”,并在可能的情况下删除这些范围。 如果您使用此解决方案,请让我知道它是否永久,暂时或完全不起作用。


php 过滤粘贴


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