If you are wanting to block something like POP up ads or something coming from a website you are showing in an IFRAME - it's fairly easy.

如果你想阻止像POP廣告這樣的東西或來自你在IFRAME中展示的網站的東西 - 這很容易。

Make a framefilter.php and javascriptfilter.php which your iframe points to. You can modify it to meet your needs such as the onload blah blah and etc. But as/is - it's been working fine for me for quite a while. Hope it helps.

制作一個iframe指向的framefilter.php和javascriptfilter.php。您可以修改它以滿足您的需求,例如onload blah blah等等。但是/是 - 它已經為我工作了很長一段時間。希望能幫助到你。

Replace your standard IFRAME HTML with this:

用以下內容替換標准IFRAME HTML:

If you can see this, your browser doesn't

understand IFRAMES. However, we'll still


you to the page.


//Get the raw html.


$raw = file_get_contents($furl);


//Kill anoying popups.




$raw=str_replace("Confirm: (","isNull(",$raw);

//Modify the javascript links so they go though a filter.

$raw=str_replace("script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"","script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".$mydomain."javascriptfilter.php?jurl=",$raw);

$raw=str_replace("script src=","script src=".$mydomain."javascriptfilter.php?jurl=",$raw);

//Or kill js files


//Put in a base domain tag so images, flash and css are certain to work.






//Echo the website html to the iframe.

echo $raw;



//Get the raw html.


$raw = file_get_contents($jurl);

//Note, if trickyness like decode detected then display empty.

if(!preg_match("decode(", $raw)){

//Kill anoying popups.




$raw=str_replace("Confirm: (","isNull(",$raw);

//Echo the website html to the iframe.

echo $raw;



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