Zend Framework提供了命令行的方式快速创建应用,如果是用ZendStudio9,可能步采用命令行的方式,当时你稀饭的话,可以用。


root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/ZendFramework-1.11.11# tree -L 2
├── bin
│   ├── zf.bat
│   ├── zf.php
│   └── zf.sh
├── demos
│   └── Zend
├── documentation
│   ├── api
│   └── manual
├── externals
│   └── dojo
├── extras
│   ├── library
│   └── tests
├── incubator
├── INSTALL.txt
├── library
│   └── Zend
├── LICENSE.txt
├── README.txt
├── resources
│   └── languages
├── src
└── tests├── AllTests.php├── phpunit.xml├── resources├── runtests.sh├── TestConfiguration.php.dist├── TestHelper.php└── Zend20 directories, 11 files


Zend Framework Command Line Console Tool v1.11.11
Usage:zf [--global-opts] action-name [--action-opts] provider-name [--provider-opts] [provider parameters ...]Note: You may use "?" in any place of the above usage string to ask for more specific help information.Example: "zf ? version" will list all available actions for the version provider.Providers and their actions:Versionzf show version mode[=mini] name-included[=1]Note: There are specialties, use zf show version.? to get specific help on them.Configzf create configzf show configzf enable configNote: There are specialties, use zf enable config.? to get specific help on them.zf disable configNote: There are specialties, use zf disable config.? to get specific help on them.Phpinfozf show phpinfoManifestzf show manifestProfilezf show profileProjectzf create project path name-of-profile file-of-profilezf show projectNote: There are specialties, use zf show project.? to get specific help on them.Applicationzf change application.class-name-prefix class-name-prefixModelzf create model name moduleViewzf create view controller-name action-name-or-simple-name moduleControllerzf create controller name index-action-included[=1] moduleActionzf create action name controller-name[=Index] view-included[=1] moduleModulezf create module nameFormzf enable form modulezf create form name moduleLayoutzf enable layoutzf disable layoutDbAdapterzf configure db-adapter dsn section-name[=production]DbTablezf create db-table name actual-table-name module force-overwriteNote: There are specialties, use zf create db-table.? to get specific help on them.ProjectProviderzf create project-provider name actions




export PATH=$PATH:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/ZendFramework-1.11.11/bin


root@coder-671T-M:~# zf.sh show version
Zend Framework Version: 1.11.11

Project 创建一个项目
    zf create project path name-of-profile file-of-profile
    zf show project
    Note: There are specialties, use zf show project.? to get specific help on them.

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www# zf.sh create project zf_demo2
Creating project at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2
Note: This command created a web project, for more information setting up your VHOST, please see docs/README
Testing Note: PHPUnit was not found in your include_path, therefore no testing actions will be created.root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www# ll
总用量 28
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2011-12-06 16:35 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 2011-12-06 16:08 ../
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2011-12-06 12:48 .metadata/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   17 2011-12-06 12:30 phpinfo.php
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-12-06 12:48 RemoteSystemsTempFiles/
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2011-12-06 13:56 zf_demo1/
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 2011-12-06 16:35 zf_demo2/




root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh show profile

    zf.sh show phpinfo


zf.sh ?  (命令)

    zf create config
    zf show config
    zf enable config
    Note: There are specialties, use zf enable config.? to get specific help on them.
    zf disable config
    Note: There are specialties, use zf disable config.? to get specific help on them.
root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create config
Successfully written Zend Tool config.
It is located at: /root/.zf.ini


php.include_path = "/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/ZendFramework-1.11.11/library:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear"


Model 创建Model,可以指定模块,也是创建全局的
    zf create model name module

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create model myModel testmod
Note: The canonical model name that is used with other providers is "MyModel"; not "myModel" as supplied
Creating a model at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/models/MyModel.php
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'


<?phpclass Testmod_Model_MyModel

Controller 创建Controller,可以指定模块,也是创建全局的
    zf create controller name index-action-included[=1] module

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create controller NewsManage  1  testmod
Note: PHPUnit is required in order to generate controller test stubs.
Creating a controller at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/controllers/NewsManageController.php
Creating an index action method in controller NewsManage
Creating a view script for the index action method at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/views/scripts/news-manage/index.phtml
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'
root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules# tree
└── testmod├── controllers│   └── NewsManageController.php├── forms│   └── TestForm.php├── models│   └── MyModel.php└── views├── filters├── helpers└── scripts└── news-manage└── index.phtml9 directories, 4 files


<?phpclass Testmod_NewsManageController extends Zend_Controller_Action
{public function init(){/* Initialize action controller here */}public function indexAction(){// action body}}

    zf create action name controller-name[=Index] view-included[=1] module

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create action add NewsManage 1 testmod
Note: PHPUnit is required in order to generate controller test stubs.
Creating an action named add inside controller at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/controllers/NewsManageController.php
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'
Creating a view script for the add action method at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/views/scripts/news-manage/add.phtml
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules# tree
└── testmod├── controllers│   └── NewsManageController.php├── forms│   └── TestForm.php├── models│   └── MyModel.php└── views├── filters├── helpers└── scripts└── news-manage├── add.phtml└── index.phtml9 directories, 5 files
<?phpclass Testmod_NewsManageController extends Zend_Controller_Action
{public function init(){/* Initialize action controller here */}public function indexAction(){// action body}public function addAction(){// action body}}

 View 创建视图脚本
    zf create view controller-name action-name-or-simple-name module

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create action edit  NewsManage  testmod
Note: PHPUnit is required in order to generate controller test stubs.
Creating an action named edit inside controller at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/controllers/NewsManageController.php
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'
Creating a view script for the edit action method at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/views/scripts/news-manage/edit.phtml
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create view  NewsManage edit  testmod
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'
root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create view  NewsManage  editx  testmod
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'
└── testmod├── controllers│   └── NewsManageController.php├── forms│   └── TestForm.php├── models│   └── MyModel.php└── views├── filters├── helpers└── scripts└── news-manage├── add.phtml├── edit.phtml├── editx.phtml└── index.phtml9 directories, 7 files

    zf create module name

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create module testmod
Creating the following module and artifacts:
Added a key for path module directory to the application.ini file
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'


resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"

    zf enable form module

zf create form name module


root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create form testForm testmod
Creating a form at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/forms/TestForm.php
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'


<?phpclass Testmod_Form_TestForm extends Zend_Form
{public function init(){/* Form Elements & Other Definitions Here ... */}}


root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create form testForm 
Creating a form at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/forms/TestForm.php
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'

<?phpclass Application_Form_TestForm extends Zend_Form
{public function init(){/* Form Elements & Other Definitions Here ... */}}


zf enable layout
    zf disable layout

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh enable layout
A layout entry has been added to the application config file.
A default layout has been created at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/layouts/scripts/layout.phtml
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'

resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts/scripts/"


<?php echo $this->layout()->content; ?>

DbAdapter 添加数据库配置信息

zf configure db-adapter dsn section-name[=production]

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh configure db-adapter "adapter=Mysqli&username=uname&password=mypass&dbname=mydb"
A db configuration for the production section has been written to the application config file.

resources.db.adapter = "Mysqli"
resources.db.params.username = "uname"
resources.db.params.password = "mypass"
resources.db.params.dbname = "mydb"

DbTable 创建一个DbTable。
    zf create db-table name actual-table-name module force-overwrite
    Note: There are specialties, use zf create db-table.? to get specific help on them.

root@coder-671T-M:/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2# zf.sh create db-table  TblUser  tbl_user testmod 
Creating a DbTable at /mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/application/modules/testmod/models/DbTable/TblUser.php
Updating project profile '/mydev_src/zend_framework_learn/www/zf_demo2/.zfproject.xml'

es# tree
└── testmod├── controllers│   └── NewsManageController.php├── forms│   └── TestForm.php├── models│   ├── DbTable│   │   └── TblUser.php│   └── MyModel.php└── views
<?phpclass Testmod_Model_DbTable_TblUser extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
{protected $_name = 'tbl_user';}



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