• 用turtle模块创建图形
  • 使用参数方程
  • 利用数学方程生成曲线
  • 用线段画曲线
  • 用定时器来生成图形动画
  • 将图形保存为图像文件


import math
import turtle#Python的turtle模块来创建图案#draw the circle using turtle
def drawCircleTurtle(x,y,r):#move to the dtart of circleturtle.up()#调用up告诉python提笔,即让笔离开虚拟的纸turtle.setpos(x+r,y)#绘图前先定义海龟的位置turtle.down()#调用down,开始绘图#draw the circlefor i in range(0,365,5):#步长为5,变量i为角度参数a = math.radians(i)#将角度转换为弧度turtle.setpos(x+r*math.cos(a),y+r*math.sin(a))#绘制圆的参数方程drawCircleTurtle(100,100,50)#调用圆形绘图函数


  • Spiro函数创造新turtle对象
  • getParams()方法:初始化Spiro对象
  • restart()方法:重置Spiro对象的绘制参数
  • draw()方法:用连续的线段绘制曲线
  • update()方法:利用线段绘制曲线创建动画
  • SpiroAnimator类:同时绘制随机螺线
  • genRandomParams()方法:生成随机参数
  • restart()方法:重新启动程序
  • update()方法:由定时器调用,以动画的形式更新所有的Spiro对象
  • toggleTurtles()方法:显示或隐藏光标
  • saceDrawing()方法:绘制保存PNG图像文件
import sys, random, argparse
import numpy as np
import math
import turtle
import random
from PIL import Image
from datetime import datetime
from fractions import gcd#a class tat draws a Spirough
class Spiro:#constructordef __init__(self,xc,yc,col,R,r,l):#creat the turtle objectself.t = turtle.Turtle()#创建一个新的turtle对象#set the cursor shapeself.t.shape('turtle')#在光标的位置设置海龟#set the step in degreesself.step = 5#将参数绘图角度的增量设置为5#setr the drawing cpmplete flagself.drawingComplete = False#设置提个标志,在动画中使用它,它会产生一组螺线#set the parametersself.setparams(xc,yc,col,R,r,l)#调用设置函数#initialize the drawingself.restart()#调用设置函数# set the parametersdef setparams(self, xc, yc, col, R, r, l) :# the Spirograph parametersself.xc = xc  # 保存曲线中心坐标self.yc = ycself.R = int(R)  # 将每个圆的半径转换为整数,并保留这些数值self.r = int(r)self.l = lself.col = col# reduce r/R to its smallest form by dividing with the GCOgcdVal = gcd(self.r, self.R)  # Python模块feacyion内置的gcd()方法来计算半径的GCDself.nRot = self.r // gcdVal  # 确定曲线的周期性# get ratio of radiiself.K = r / float(R)# set the colorself.t.color(*col)# store the current angleself.a = 0  # 保存当前角度,用来创建动画"""restart()方法重置Spiro对象绘制参数,让他准备好重画"""# restart the drawingdef restart(self) :# set the flagself.drawingComplete = False  # 布置布尔标志drawingComplete ,确定绘图是否完成# show the turtleself.t.showturtle()  # 显示海龟图标# go to the first pointself.t.up()  # 提笔R, K, l = self.R, self.K, self.l  # 设置局部变量a = 0.0x = R * ((l - K) * math.cos(a) + l * K * math.cos((l - K) * a / K))  # 计算角度a设为0时,x和y坐标y = R*((l - K) * math.sin(a) - l * K * math.sin((l - K) * a / K))self.t.setpos(self.xc + x, self.yc + y)  # 移动到下一个位置而不画线self.t.down()  # 落笔# draw the whole thingdef draw(self) :# draw the rest of the pointsR, K, l = self.R, self.K, self.lfor i in range(0, 360 * self.nRot + 1, self.step) :  # 遍历i的所有范围,以度表示,a = math.radians(i)x = R * ((l - K) * math.cos(a) + l * K * math.cos((l - K) * a / K))  # 计算参数i的每个值对应的x,y的坐标y = R((l - K) * math.sin(a) - l * K * math.sin((l - K) * a / K))self.t.setpos(self.xc + x, self.yc + y)# drwing is now done sp hide the turtle cursorself.t.hideturtle()# update by on stepedef update(self) :# skip the rest of dteps if doneif self.drawingComplete :  # update()方法检查drawingComplete标志是否设置return  # 若果没有设置,则继续代码其余部分# increment the angleself.a += self.step  # update()增加当前的角度# draw a stepR, K, l = self.R, self.K, self.l# set the anglea = math.radians(self.a)  # 计算当前的角度对应的(x,y)坐标,并将海龟的位置蝶弄到那里,过程画线x = R * ((l - K) * math.cos(a) + l * K * math.cos((l - K) * a / K))y = R*((l - K) * math.sin(a) - l * K * math.sin((l - K) * a / K))self.t.setpos(self.xc + x, self.yc + y)# if drawing is complete,set the flagif self.a >= 360 * self.nRot :  # 检查角度是否达到这条特定曲线定制的完整范围self.drawingComplete = True  # 达到范围设置drawingComplete,即完成绘图# drawing is now done so hide the turtle cursorself.t.hideturtle()  # 调用函数隐藏绘图光标#clear everythingdef clear(self):self.t.clear()#a classfor animal Spirographs
class SpiroAnimator:#construtordef __init__(self,N):#set the timer value in millisecondsself.deltaT = 10#以毫秒为单位的时间间隔,用于定时器#get the window dimensionsself.width = turtle.window_width()#海龟窗口的尺寸self.height = turtle.window_height()#creat the Spiro objectsself.spiros = []#创建空数组,其中将填入spiro对象for i in range(N):#generate random parametersrparams = self.genRandomParams()#调用辅助方法genRandomParams()#set tge spiro parametersspiro = Spiro(*rparams)#创建新的spiro对象,并将其添加到Spiro对象列表,rparams为元组,但是构造函数需要参数列表,*rparams将元组转换为参数列表self.spiros.append(spiro)#call timerturtle.ontimer(self.update,self.deltaT)#  turtle.ontimer()方法每隔deltaT毫秒调用update()# restart spieo drawingdef restart(self) :for spiro in self.spiros :  # 变量所有的spiro对象,清除以前绘制的每条螺线# clearspiro.clear()# generate random parametersrparams = self.genRandomParams()# set the spiro parametersspiro.setparams(*rparams)  # 分配新的螺线参数# restart drawingspiro.restart()  # 重启程序# generate random parametersdef genRandomParams(self) :  # randint()方法:返回指定范围内的随机数width, height = self.width, self.heightR = random.randint(50, min(width, height) // 2)  # R设置为50至窗口短边一半的随机整数r = random.randint(10, 9 * R // 10)  # r设置为R的10%-90%之间l = random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)  # ubiform()方法 l为0.1-0.9之间的随机小数xc = random.randint(-width // 2, width // 2)  # 屏幕内随机选择x,y坐标,选择屏幕上的一个随机点作为螺线的中心yc = random.randint(-height // 2, height // 2)col = (random. random(),  # 随机设置红,绿,蓝色的成份random. random(),random. random())return (xc, yc, col, R, r, l)  # 计算的参数作为一个元祖返回"""update()方法:由定时器调用,以动画的形式更新所有的Spiro对象"""def update(self) :  # 使用计算器nComplete来记录已画的Spiro对象的数目# update all spirosnComplete = 0  # 初始化for spiro in self.spiros :  # 遍历Spiro对象的列表# updatespiro.update()  # 更新# count completed spirosif spiro.drawingComplete :  # 如果一个Spiro完成,计算器加1nComplete += 1# restart if all spiros are completeif nComplete == len(self.spiros) :  # 检查计算器,看所有对象是否已经完成self.restart()# call the timerturtle.ontimer(self.update, self.deltaT)  # 调用计时器的方法,在deltaT毫秒后再次调用update()方法# toggle turtle cursor on and offdef toggleTurtles(self) :for spiro in self.spiros :if spiro.t.isvisible() :spiro.t.hideturtle()else :spiro.t.showturtle()
def saveDrawing():#hide the turtle cursorturtle.hideturtle()#隐藏海龟图标#generate unique filenamesdateStr = (datetime.now()).strftime("%d%b%Y-%H%M%S")#利用时间和时期生成图像文件的唯一名称,日-月-年-时-分-秒fileName ='spiro-'+dateStrprint('saving drawing to %s.eps/png' % fileName)#get the tkinter canvascanvas = turtle.getcanvas()#save the drawing as a postscipt imagecanvas.postscript(file = fileName + '.eps')#利用canvas对象,将图像保存为嵌入式EPS文件格式#use the Pillow module to convert the postscript image file to pngimg = Image.open(fileName + '.eps')#打开EPS文件,将其保存为png格式img.save(fileName + '.png','png')#show the turtle cursorturtle.showturtle()#取消隐藏的海龟图标#main() function
def main():#use sys.argv if neededprint('generate spirograph...')#creat parserdescStr = """This program draws Spirographs using the Turtle module.When run with no arguments,this program draws random Spirogrphs.Terminology:R:radius of outer circler:radius of inner circlel:ratio of hole distance to r""""""解析命令行和参数初始化"""parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = descStr)#创建参数解析对象#argoarse为python的解析包#add expected argumentsparser.add_argument('--sparams',nargs=3,dest='sparams',required=False,#向解析器添加--sparams可选参数help = "THe three arguments in sparams:R,r,l,")# parse argsargs = parser.parse_args()#调用函数进行解析#set the width od the drawing windoe to 80 percent of the screen widthturtle.setup(width=0.8)#将绘图窗口的宽度设置为80%的屏幕宽度#set the cursoe shape to turtleturtle.shape('turtle')#设置光标的图像为海龟#set the title to Spirographs!turtle.title('Spirographs!')#设置窗口标题#add the key handle to save our drawingsturtle.onkey(saveDrawing,"s")#按s键保存图像#start listeningturtle.listen()#让窗口监听用户事件#hide the main turtle cursorturtle.hideturtle()#隐藏海龟图标#check for any arguments sent ti --sparams and draw the Spirographif args.sparams:#检查是否有参数传给--sparms,如果有,就从字符串中提取,并用‘列表解析’将它们转换为浮点数params = [float(x) for x in args.sparams]#draw the Spirograph with the given parameterscol = (0.0,0.0,0.0)spiro = Spiro(0,0,col,*params)spiro.draw()else:#若果命令行没有采纳数,就进入随机模式#create the animator objectspiroAnim = SpiroAnimator(4)#创建4幅图像#add a kry handler to toggle the turtle cursorturtle.onkey(spiroAnim.toggleTurtles,"t")#按键t切换海龟光标#add a key handler to restart the animationturtle.onkey(spiroAnim.restart,"space")#处理空格键盘space#start the turtle main loopturtle.mainloop()#调用mianloop():tikinter窗口打开#call main
if __name__ == '__main__':main()



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