RXD’s date

Problem Description
As we all know that RXD is a life winner, therefore he always goes out, dating with his female friends.Nevertheless, it is a pity that his female friends don’t like extremely hot temperature. Due to this fact, they would not come out if it is higher than 35 degrees.
RXD is omni-potent, so he could precisely predict the temperature in the next t days, but he is poor in counting.
He wants to know, how many days are there in the next t days, in which he could go out and date with his female friends.

There is only one test case.The first line consists of one integer t.The second line consists of t integers ci which means the temperature in the next t days.
1≤t≤1000 0≤ci≤50

Output an integer which means the answer.

Sample Input

33 34 35 36 37

Sample Output

using namespace std;int main()
{int n,sum,a;while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){sum=0;while(n--){scanf("%d",&a);if(a<=35)sum++;}printf("%d\n",sum);}return 0;

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