
第七讲 被动语态的译法 (Translation of Passive Voice)




⒈ You will be shown our workshop by the old worker. 这位老工人将领你们参观我们的车间。

⒉ The workshops will be mechanized by us. 我们将使这些车间机械化.

(二)原文中没有by 短语时,常译为汉语的无主句。

⒈ A force is needed to stop a moving body.


⒉ It may therefore be said that the ability to design is both an art and science.


⒊ Simple ways of instructing computers have been invented.



⒈ A large number of advances have also been made in other fields.


⒉ Many online workstations, and magnetic tape drives are commonly found in large systems. (注:large systems = large computer systems)


⒊ A unique IP address is required for each host and network component that communicates  by using TCP/IP.



⒈ It has been foundthat this machine is similar to the other one in design.


⒉ If one or more electrons are moved, the atom is said to be positively charged.



(注:此类句子将英语中的主语译为汉语的宾语,通过在宾语前加“把” 、“将” 、“对”等词,可以把宾语提到动词之前,译成汉语的无主句)

⒈ The plastics are heated until they are soft enough to be shaped.


⒉ Cutting tools should be inspected carefully prior to use.


⒊ The data retained on sequential access storage media are periodically accessed and updated by the sequential processing techniques.



⒈ Plastics have been applied to mechanical engineering.


⒉ These devices were mainly developed to do word processing and record processing.


⒊ The second-generation computers were given auxiliary storage.


⒋ Metals may be cast into various shapes.



⒈ Steam, oil and water power have been used by man for doing work.


⒉ The magnetic field is produced by an electric current.


⒊ Only a small part of the sun’s energy reaching the earth is used by us.


⒋ When ice is changed into water by heating, it does not expand.


⒌ Radium was discovered in 1898.



Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the translation of passive voice:

1.The complicated problem will be solved by them.

2.Heat and light are given off by the chemical reaction.

3.These computers would be very large and bulky if vacuum tubes were used.

4.Iron and steel are used in every industry.

5.Buoyancy is found to be equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object submerged in it.

6.Solar energy will be used on a large scale.

7.The metal, iron in particular, is known to be an important material in engineering.

8.When we are speaking of power, time is taken into account.

9.If a 10-kilogram box is lifted one metre, the work done is 10 kilogram-metres.

10.The energy is converted into heat.

11.In this process, thermal energy is transferred from the hotter object to the cooler object.

12.Scientific truths are found by experiment.

13.The biggest stage is thrown away only minutes after the rocket takes off.

14.However, not all corrosion is caused by oxidation.

15.The electronic devices are used in radios and television sets.

16.The electronic devices can be turned on and off millions of times in a second.

17.The output of the flip-flop can be used to control other circuits.

18.A flip-flop can be used a switch, or as a place to hold one of the two numbers 0 or 1.

19.Most of the tubes in a computer are used in much simple ways than those in a television set .

20.For each different job, it must be given the right program.

21.Once it is written, the whole program is fed into the computer.


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