这是Design Patterns in C++: Creational的学习笔记,课程链接:


  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open-closed Principle
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Dependency Injection with Boost.DI
  • Monads

Single Responsibility Principle

Open-closed Principle

  • Entities should be open for extension but closed for modification
enum class Color {Red, Green, Blue};
enum class Size {Small, Medium, Large};template <typename T> struct ISpecification
{virtual bool is_satisfied(T* item) = 0;
};template <typename T> struct IFilter
{virtual std::vector<T*> filter(std::vector<T*> items, ISpecification<T>& spec) = 0;
};struct BetterFilter : IFilter<Product>
{typedef std::vector<Product*> Items;Items filter(Items items, ISpecification<Product>& spec) override{Items result;for (auto& p : items)if (spec.is_satisfied(p))result.push_back(p);return result;}
};struct ColorSpecification: ISpecification<Product>
{Color color;explicit ColorSpecification(const Color color): color{color}{}bool is_satisfied(Product* item) override {return item->color == color;}
};struct SizeSpecification: ISpecification<Product>
{Size size;explicit SizeSpecification(const Size size): size{size}{}bool is_satisfied(Product* item) override {return item->size == size;}
};template <typename T> struct AndSpecification : ISpecification<T>
{ISpecification<T>& first;ISpecification<T>& second;AndSpecification(ISpecification<T>& first, ISpecification<T>& second): first{first},second{second}{}bool is_satisfied(T* item) override {return first.is_satisfied(item) && second.is_satisfied(item);}
};int main()
{Product apple{ "Apple", Color::Green, Size::Small };Product tree{ "Tree", Color::Green, Size::Large };Product house{ "House", Color::Blue, Size::Large };std::vector<Product*> all{ &apple, &tree, &house };BetterFilter bf;ColorSpecification green(Color::Green);auto green_things = bf.filter(all, green);for (auto& x : green_things)std::cout << x->name << " is green" << std::endl;SizeSpecification big(Size::Large);AndSpecification<Product> green_and_big{ big,green };auto green_big_things = bf.filter(all, green_and_big);for (auto& x : green_big_things)std::cout << x->name << " is green and big" << std::endl;return 0;

Liskov Substitution Principle

  • Objects should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes withou altering program correctness.

Interface Segregation Principle

  • No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.
  • Many client-specifc interfaces better than one general-purpose interface.
struct Document;// ======================Bad Example below================
struct IMachine
{virtual void print(std::vector<Document*> docs) = 0;virtual void scan(std::vector<Document*> docs) = 0;virtual void fax(std::vector<Document*> docs) = 0;
};struct MFP : IMachine
{void print(std::vector<Document*> docs) override;void scan(std::vector<Document*> docs) override;void fax(std::vector<Document*> docs) override;
};// ===============Good Example below===============
// Break up your interface into lots of little interfaces
struct IPrinter
{virtual void print(std::vector<Document*> docs) = 0;
};struct IScanner
{virtual void scan(std::vector<Document*> docs) = 0;
};struct Printer : IPrinter
{void print(std::vector<Document*> docs) override;
};struct Scanner : IScanner
{void scan(std::vector<Document*> docs) override;
};//if you still want that big interface,
//use multiple inheritance for the interface type itself
struct IMachine : IPrinter, IScanner {};struct Machine : IMachine
{IPrinter& printer;IScanner& scanner;Machine(IPrinter& printer, IScanner& scanner): printer{printer},scanner{scanner}{}void print(std::vector<Document*> docs) override {printer.print(docs);}void scan(std::vector<Document*> docs) override {scanner.scan(docs);}

Dependency Inversion Principle

  • Dependencies should be abstract rather than concrete.
  • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but both should depend on some form of abstraction.
  • Abstractions should not depend upon details, but details should depend upon abstractions.

Dependency Injection with Boost.DI


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