Android studio总是闪退。有时候刚新建就闪退,有时候写着写着代码就闪退?????求解决

We used to walk hand in hand 过去我们携手同行

In the pouring rhythm of the rain 在雨水浇节奏

We used to share each other's joys 我们用来分享彼此的乐趣

We used to share each other's pain 我们用来分享彼此的疼痛

But somehow things would change 但不知何故情况将有变化

I know you're leaving 我知道你离开

Every sign that's telling me you're leaving 所有迹象都表明的告诉我你离开

Don't you know I live I die 你不知道我住我死

I love I cry 我爱我哭了 I breathe and sing for you 我呼吸为你唱

I love to remember everything 记得我喜欢一切

My love we used to do 我的爱,我们用来做

Forever I'll pretend myself that 我会永远假装自己

always you're been true 总是你是真的

Believe in the foolish excuses 相信愚蠢的借口

that I sadly made for you 遗憾的是我为你

Music 遗憾的是我为你

So that's the way it seems to be

With a melancholy girl like me

So what's the use of lover's vow

Before they see eternity

People hand in hand lost in confusion

Cause' when they're face to face

They see illusion

And though I know by now you might be

holding someone new

And hurting me by doing the things

My love we used to do

Forever I'll pretend myself that

always you're been true

Believe in the foolish excuses

that I sadly made for you

And though I know by now you might be

holding someone new

And hurting me by doing the things

My love we used to do

Don't you know I live I die

I love I cry

I breathe and sing for you

I love to remember everything

My love we used to do

Forever I'll pretend myself that

always you're been true

Believe in the foolish excuses

that I sadly made for you


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