Bear with me here. Apple Shortcuts (free on the App Store) is extraordinary and you shouldn't sleep on it. In fact, you should use it and explore it as it's amazing. I would go even further and say it could be a great place to learn to code!

在这里忍受我。 Apple快捷键(在App Store上免费提供)非常出色,您不应该睡在上面。 实际上,您应该使用它并对其进行探索,因为它很棒。 我走得更远,说这可能是学习编码的好地方!

Apple Shortcuts on iPhone is a lot like Microsoft Flow, except for your phone. Shortcuts let you string together Actions (ahem, functions) into multi-step tasks (ahem, functions that call functions). There's a rich and growing gallery of shortcuts that you can copy into your local (to your phone) library. You can then name them and invoke your Shortcuts with Siri.

iPhone上的Apple快捷方式与Microsoft Flow非常相似,但手机除外。 快捷方式使您可以将Actions(Ahem,函数)组合成多个步骤的任务(Ahem,调用函数的函数)。 您可以将丰富的快捷方式库复制到本地(到电话)库中。 然后,您可以命名它们并使用Siri调用快捷方式。

Here's a few links to Shortcuts that (assuming you are reading this from your iPhone) you can add to your library with a click!


  • Do Not Disturb Timer


  • Expand URL


  • Intelligent Power (from Reddit)

    智能电源(来自Reddit )

  • Check Spelling


  • Convert Video to GIF


  • Download YouTube Video


Once you have a shortcut you can invoke it as an item/icon on your springboard/home screen, you can have Siri run it with your voice, or invoke it via a "share sheet" that is available in all apps.


It would be reasonable to think this was a simple macro system with a few basic building blocks, but I don't think Apple's team gets enough credit. This is a complete development environment on your phone.

认为这是一个具有几个基本构建块的简单宏系统是合理的,但我认为Apple的团队没有获得足够的信誉。 这是您手机上的完整开发环境。

For example, here's a incredibly intricate and powerful Shortcut if one is pulled over by the police.


It pauses any music that may be playing, turns down your brightness and volume, turns on Do Not Disturb, and sends a message to the contact of your choosing letting them know you’re being pulled over and what your current location is. It then opens your front camera and starts a video recording so you have a video record of being pulled over.

它会暂停可能正在播放的音乐,降低亮度和音量,打开“请勿打扰”,并向您选择的联系人发送一条消息,让他们知道您被拉住了,以及您当前所在的位置。 然后,它会打开您的前置摄像头并开始视频录制,因此您会被拉下视频记录。

Once you stop the recording it sends a copy of the video to a contact you specify, puts volume and brightness back to where they were, turns off Do Not Disturb, and gives you the option to send to iCloud Drive or Dropbox!

停止录制后,它会将视频的副本发送到您指定的联系人,将音量和亮度恢复到原来的状态,关闭“请勿打扰”,并为您提供发送到iCloud Drive或Dropbox的选项!

You could then record a Siri shortcut and just say "Hey Siri, I'm being pulled over" and all this happens automatically, hands free.


Take a look at the Laundry Timer app here. It's a very classic "take input and do a thing" program. You can build and extend workflows like this and the data from one flows through to the next one.

在这里查看洗衣计时器应用程序。 这是一个非常经典的“接受输入并做某事”程序。 您可以构建和扩展这样的工作流,并且数据从一个流到另一个。

Note the Shortcut above. The "Adjust Date" action pops up a Date and is used as a Diff(erence) against the "Current Date" action, then used again in the Add New Reminder as an input to "Add New Reminder." These contextual variables flow through and are easily accessible in this genius UI. It really is near-perfect. Try it.

请注意上面的快捷方式。 “调整日期”操作会弹出一个日期,并用作“当前日期”操作的差异,然后在“添加新提醒”中再次用作“添加新提醒”的输入。 这些上下文变量流经此天才UI并很容易访问。 确实是近乎完美的。 试试吧。

At this point you may be thinking, um, OK, that's cute, but where's the learn to code revolution here? It's not that open-ended of a system, what can I really do?

在这一点上,您可能会想,嗯,好,这很可爱,但是在这里学习编码革命的地方在哪里? 不是系统的开放性,我该怎么办?

Like many connected cars, my car has a kind of REST API that its app uses to do things like heat up the climate system. Here I can literally POST (like Curl, but on your iPhone!) to an endpoint and pass in a FORM and parse the resulting JSON. Wow! Drink that in. You can write complex functions with iOS Shortcuts. Really.

像许多联网汽车一样,我的汽车具有一种REST API,其应用程序可用来执行诸如加热气候系统之类的事情。 在这里,我可以按字面意义将POST(例如Curl,但在您的iPhone上!)发布到端点并传递FORM并解析所得的JSON。 哇! 喝点东西。您可以使用iOS快捷方式编写复杂的功能。 真。

Hang on. My body has a REST API. I use the open source Nightscout project to create a REST API on top of my Diabetes Continuous Glucose Meter then surface it in places like my lighted keyboard or even my Git Prompt.

不挂断。 我的身体有一个REST API。 我使用开源Nightscout项目在“糖尿病连续血糖仪”的顶部创建一个REST API,然后将其浮在发光的键盘甚至Git Prompt之类的地方。

How hard would it be to - right now as I make this blog post - write a method to have Siri retrieve my blood sugar and announce it to me when I say "Siri what's my blood sugar?" Let's see!

现在,当我撰写此博客文章时,要写出一种方法让Siri检索我的血糖并在我说“ Siri血糖是多少”时向我宣布这将是多么困难。 让我们来看看!

I make a URL object with my REST API that returns my sugar as JSON, it gets passed into Get Contents of URL. That makes a Dictionary from the Input, then gets the value of "sgv" (serum glucose value) and then the result of that is used to make a string with the Text action.

我使用我的REST API制作了一个URL对象,该对象将我的糖作为JSON返回,并将其传递给Get URLs。 从输入中创建字典,然后获取“ sgv”(血清葡萄糖值)的值,然后将其结果用于通过“文本”操作生成字符串。

Now I have Siri SAY it. I can "debug" by running the Shortcut with the play button.

现在我有Siri说了。 我可以通过使用播放按钮运行快捷方式来“调试”。

Then I can Add it to Siri and record my phrase. Here's me saying "what's my blood sugar" and she's telling me. Yes, I know. I had a cookie. I deserved it.

然后,我可以将其添加到Siri并记录我的短语。 这是我在说“我的血糖是多少”,而她在告诉我。 是的我知道。 我有一个饼干。 我应得的

This is just the start. It could also tell me my trend lines, text someone if it's high, make a chart, I figure can do anything! I'm going to continue to explore Shortcuts but this little NightScout one can be downloaded to YOUR phone here. You'll only need to put in YOUR own URL for your Nightscout instance.

这只是开始。 它也可以告诉我我的趋势线,发短信给某人,如果它很高,绘制图表,我想做任何事! 我将继续探索“快捷方式”,但是可以在这里将这个NightScout小程序下载到您的手机中。 您只需要为Nightscout实例输入您自己的URL。


嘿Siri,我的血糖是多少? 学习使用Apple的iPhone快捷方式进行编码相关推荐

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