我们将实验Windows PowerShell的功能,这是一系列的实验。
可参阅《Windows PowerShell应用手册》,机械工业出版社 Lee Holmes著,赵松德 王英群译。

PowerShell笔记 19:02 2011-4-18
1、PS支持常规的Windows命令行:ipconfig notepad……
2、PS命令行可通过Tab键补全: get-pr<tab> -N<tab> lsass
3、PS支持通配符参数:gps l*s
4、PS支持直接调用.Net Framework 类库
PS C:\> [System.Console]::WriteLine("{0},{1}",5%2.2,5/2)
PS C:\> [DateTime]::Now

2011年4月18日 19:09:54

PS C:\> calc
PS C:\> $process = Get-Process calc
PS C:\> $process.kill()

PS C:\> Get-Process |
>> Where-Object { $_.Handles -ge 500 } |
>> Sort-Object Handles |
>> Format-Table Handles, Name, Description -Auto

Handles Name       Description
------- ----       -----------
    531 explorer   Windows Explorer
    564 csrss
    967 powershell PowerShell.EXE
   1076 System
   1568 svchost    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services

PS C:\> Get-Command *process*

CommandType     Name                                                Definition
-----------     ----                                                ----------
Cmdlet          Get-Process                                         Get-Process [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Verbose] [-De...
Application     qprocess.exe                                        C:\WINDOWS\system32\qprocess.exe
Cmdlet          Stop-Process                                        Stop-Process [-Id] <Int32[]> [-PassThru] [-Verbo...

7、若要查找一个命令可以做什么,用 Get-Help 获得帮助
 Get_Help Get-Process

PS C:\> $count = 0
PS C:\> foreach($process in Get-Process) { $count += $process.Handles }
PS C:\> $count
PS C:\> $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
PS C:\> $content = $webClient.DownloadString("http://www.google.com/")
PS C:\> $content.Substring(0,1000)
Exception calling "Substring" with "2" argument(s): "Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length"
At line:1 char:19
+ $content.Substring( <<<< 0,1000)
PS C:\> $content
<HTML><frameset border='0' frameSpacing='0' rows='100%,0' frameBorder='0'>
<frame id ='frm123' name='frm123' src='
9nbGUuY29tLyYyPS0xOTM5OTIyMjcy&ref=1'><frame id ='frmOLD' name='frmOLD' src=''></frame
PS C:\>
PS C:\> sqlcmd -S .\sqlexpress -E
1> use northwind
2> go
Changed database context to 'Northwind'.
1> select top 1 firstname,lastname,title from employees
2> go
firstname  lastname             title
---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
Nancy      Davolio              Sales Representative

(1 rows affected)

9、PS管理WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
PS C:\> Get-WmiObject win32_bios

SMBIOSBIOSVersion : R0051V1
Manufacturer      : Phoenix Technologies LTD
Name              : Ver 1.00PARTTBLL
SerialNumber      : 28240893-9003733
Version           : Sony - 20051201

10、PS使用活动目录(Active Directory),注意WinNT的大小写
PS C:\> [ADsI] "WinNT://./AdministratOR" | Format-List *

PS C:\WINDOWS> Set-Location c:\
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem
PS C:\> Set-Location HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
PS HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows> Get-ChildItem

Hive: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows

SKC  VC Name                           Property
---  -- ----                           --------
 27   0 CurrentVersion                 {}
  3   1 Shell                          {BagMRU Size}
  4   1 ShellNoRoam                    {BagMRU Size}

PS HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows> Set-Location cert:\CurrentUser\Root
PS cert:\CurrentUser\Root> Get-ChildItem

Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::CurrentUser\Root

Thumbprint                                Subject
----------                                -------
CDD4EEAE6000AC7F40C3802C171E30148030C072  CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority, DC=microsoft, DC=com
A43489159A520F0D93D032CCAF37E7FE20A8B419  CN=Microsoft Root Authority, OU=Microsoft Corporation, OU=Copyright (c) 19...


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