基于WebAudio API来创建合成音乐效果



  • 第一步:创建一个蜂鸣器,就是喇叭,能响就行
  • 第二步:根据音调的不同,创建所需的音符
  • 第三步:设置高低音
  • 第四步:添加按键监听事件,控制播放
  • 设置按键


var BEEP = {VERSION: 3,//  Chrome, Opera, and Firefox already provide AudioContext()//  but Safari instead provides webkitAudioContext().//  Let’s just standardize this for our own sanity right here:AudioContext: window.AudioContext ? window.AudioContext : window.webkitAudioContext,//  We’ll keep track of Voices, Triggers, and Instruments// (but not Notes because we just throw those away left and right)//  so we can access and/or destroy them later even if unnamed.voices:      [],triggers:    [],instruments: [],//  Once the “DOM Content Loaded” event fires we’ll come back//  and set this to either an existing DOM Element with a #beep ID//  or create a new element and append it to the Body.domContainer: null,//  Destroy everything. EVERYTHING. DO IT. DO IT NOW.destroy: function(){while( this.voices.length ){this.voices.pop().destroy()}while( this.triggers.length ){this.triggers.pop().destroy()}while( this.instruments.length ){this.instruments.pop().destroy()}},//  Create a new Instrument from the code//  currently in the code editor.eval: function(){var code = document.getElementById( 'editor' ).valuetry {eval( code )   }catch( e ){console.log( 'OMFG', e )}},//  Right now just runs BEEP.eval() but in the near future//  we might have some more tricks up our sleeve...boot: function(){this.eval()},//  We need to tear everything down.//  Then build it right back up.reset: function(){this.destroy()this.boot()}
}//  We might as well create an instance of AudioContext
//  that we can re-use over and over if necessary.
//  Why? Because the number of AudioContext instance is
//  limited by hardware. For example, my personal laptop
//  can only handle 6 of them at once!
BEEP.audioContext = new BEEP.AudioContext()//  Once our DOM Content is ready for action
//  it’s time to GIVE IT ACTION. W000000000000T !
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function(){BEEP.domContainer = document.getElementById( 'beep' )BEEP.boot()


BEEP.Note = function( params ){var that = thisif( typeof params === 'number' ) this.hertz = paramselse if( typeof params === 'object' && params.hertz !== undefined ){Object.keys( params ).forEach( function( key ){that[ key ] = params[ key ]})}else return BEEP.Note.EDO12( params )
}//  Common Western music has 12 notes per octave,
//  lettered A through G with modifier symbols for sharps and flats.
//  Let’s build a validator for Western music:
BEEP.Note.validateWestern = function( params ){var NAMES   = [ 'A♭', 'A♮', 'B♭', 'B♮', 'C♮', 'C♯', 'D♮', 'E♭', 'E♮', 'F♮', 'F♯', 'G♮' ],LETTERS = 'ABCDEFG',SHARPS  = 'CF',FLATS   = 'EAB',tempif( typeof params === 'undefined' ) params = {}else if( typeof params === 'string' ){temp = paramsparams = {}temp.split( '' ).forEach( function( p, i ){if( +p + '' !== 'NaN' ) params.octaveIndex = +pelse if( '♭♮♯#'.indexOf( p ) !== -1 ){params.modifier = p}else if(( LETTERS + 'H' ).indexOf( p.toUpperCase() ) !== -1 ){if( p.toUpperCase() === 'H' ) params.letter = 'B'else if( p === 'b' && i > 0 ) params.modifier = '♭'else params.letter = p.toUpperCase()}})}//  What octave is this?if( params.octaveIndex === undefined || params.octaveIndex === ''|| +params.octaveIndex +'' === 'NaN' ) params.octaveIndex = 4params.octaveIndex = +params.octaveIndexif( params.octaveIndex < 0 ) params.octaveIndex = 0else if( params.octaveIndex > 7 ) params.octaveIndex = 7//  What’s this Note’s name?if( params.letter === undefined ) params.letter = 'A'params.letterIndex = LETTERS.indexOf( params.letter )if( params.modifier === undefined ) params.modifier = '♮'if( params.A === undefined ) params.A = 440.00//  Force the correct accidental symbols.if( params.modifier === 'b' ) params.modifier = '♭'if( params.modifier === '#' ) params.modifier = '♯'//  Handy function for redefining the letter//  when the letterIndex may have shifted.function setLetterByLetterIndex( params ){if( params.letterIndex < 0 ){params.letterIndex += LETTERS.lengthparams.octaveIndex --}if( params.letterIndex >= LETTERS.length ){params.letterIndex -= LETTERS.length//  Next line commented out but left in as a reminder//  that it would cause G♯ conversion to A♭//  to jump up an entire octave for no good reason!//params.octaveIndex ++}params.letter = LETTERS.substr( params.letterIndex, 1 )return params}//  Force the correct sharp / flat categorization.//  Why does the Equal Temperament scale consider certain letters flat or sharp//  when they are mathematically equal?!//  Has to do with the delta between Equal Temperament and the Just Scale.//  Where Equal Temperament comes in higher than Just we call it sharp,//  and where it comes in lower than Just we call it flat://  http://www.phy.mtu.edu/~suits/scales.htmlif( params.modifier === '♭' && FLATS.indexOf( params.letter ) === -1 ){params.letterIndex = LETTERS.indexOf( params.letter ) - 1params = setLetterByLetterIndex( params )if( SHARPS.indexOf( params.letter ) > -1 ) params.modifier = '♯'else params.modifier = '♮'}else if( params.modifier === '♯' && SHARPS.indexOf( params.letter ) === -1 ){params.letterIndex = LETTERS.indexOf( params.letter ) + 1params = setLetterByLetterIndex( params )if( FLATS.indexOf( params.letter ) > -1 ) params.modifier = '♭'else params.modifier = '♮'}//  Now that we’re certain the modifier is correct//  we can set convenience booleans.if( params.modifier === '♯' ) params.isSharp = trueelse if( params.modifier === '♭' ) params.isFlat = trueelse params.isNatural = true//  A final cleanse. Should test if this is still necessary...params = setLetterByLetterIndex( params )//  Penultimate bits...  params.name = params.letter + params.modifierparams.nameSimple = params.letterif( params.modifier !== '♮' ) params.nameSimple += params.modifierparams.nameIndex = NAMES.indexOf( params.name )params.pianoKeyIndex = params.octaveIndex * 12 + params.nameIndexif( params.nameIndex > 3 ) params.pianoKeyIndex -= 12//  What tuning method are we supposed to use? if( params.tuning === undefined ) params.tuning = 'EDO12'//  We now have the majority of the Note ready for use.//  Everything except for ... the FREQUENCY of the Note!//  That will be decided based on the tuning method.return params
}//  Does exactly what it says on the tin, man.
BEEP.Note.EDO12 = function( params ){params = BEEP.Note.validateWestern( params )params.hertz = params.A * Math.pow( Math.pow( 2, 1 / 12 ), params.pianoKeyIndex - 49 )params.tuning = 'EDO12'return new BEEP.Note( params )
}//  The most mathematically beautiful tuning,
//  makes for sonically gorgeous experiences
//  ... Until you change keys!
BEEP.Note.JustIntonation = function( params, key ){var that = this,relationshipIndexparams = BEEP.Note.validateWestern( params )params.tuning = 'JustIntonation'params.key = new BEEP.Note.EDO12( key )//  This is Ptolemy’s “Intense Diatonic Scale” which is based on //  Pythagorean tuning. It is but one example of Just Intonation.relationshipIndex = ( params.nameIndex - params.key.nameIndex ) % 12if( relationshipIndex < 0 ) relationshipIndex += 12params.hertz = [params.key.hertz,          //  Do  UNISONparams.key.hertz * 16 / 15,//      minor     2ndparams.key.hertz *  9 /  8,//  Re  MAJOR     2ndparams.key.hertz *  6 /  5,//      minor     3rdparams.key.hertz *  5 /  4,//  Mi  MAJOR     3rdparams.key.hertz *  4 /  3,//  Fa  PERFECT   4thparams.key.hertz * 45 / 32,//      augmented 4thparams.key.hertz *  3 /  2,//  So  PERFECT   5thparams.key.hertz *  8 /  5,//      minor     6thparams.key.hertz *  5 /  3,//  La  MAJOR     6thparams.key.hertz * 16 /  9,//      minor     7th (HD, baby!)params.key.hertz * 15 /  8,//  Ti  MAJOR     7thparams.key.hertz *  2      //  Do  OCTAVE][ relationshipIndex ]//  If the key’s octave and our desired note’s octave were equal//  then we’d be done. Otherwise we’ve got to bump up or down our //  note by whole octaves.params.hertz = params.hertz * Math.pow( 2, params.octaveIndex - params.key.octaveIndex )return new BEEP.Note( params )


BEEP.Voice = function( a, b ){//  Remember the ? will be validated by Note()//  so it could be an Object, String, Number, etc.////      ( AudioContext, Note )//      ( AudioContext, ?    )//      ( GainNode,     Note )//      ( GainNode,     ?    )if( a instanceof BEEP.AudioContext || a instanceof GainNode ){if( a instanceof BEEP.AudioContext ){this.audioContext = athis.destination  = a.destination}else if( a instanceof GainNode ){this.audioContext = a.audioContextthis.destination  = a}if( b instanceof BEEP.Note ) this.note = belse this.note = new BEEP.Note( b )//  Still ok if b === undefined.}//  Again, the ? will be validated by Note()//  so it could be an Object, String, Number, etc.////      ( Note               )//      ( Note, AudioContext )//      ( Note, GainNode     )//      ( ?                  )//      ( ?,    AudioContext )//      ( ?,    GainNode     )else {if( a instanceof BEEP.Note ) this.note = aelse this.note = new BEEP.Note( a )//  Still ok if a === undefined.if(  b instanceof BEEP.AudioContext ){this.audioContext = bthis.destination  = b.destination}else if( b instanceof GainNode ){this.audioContext = b.audioContextthis.destination  = b}else {this.audioContext = BEEP.audioContextthis.destination  = this.audioContext.destination}}//  Create a Gain Node//  for turning this voice up and down.this.gainNode = this.audioContext.createGain()this.gainNode.gain.value = 0this.gainNode.connect( this.destination )this.gainHigh = this.note.gainHigh !== undefined ? this.note.gainHigh : 1//  Create an Oscillator//  for generating the sound.this.oscillator = this.audioContext.createOscillator()this.oscillator.connect( this.gainNode )this.oscillator.type = 'sine'this.oscillator.frequency.value = this.note.hertz//  Right now these do nothing; just here as a stand-in for the future.this.duration = Infinitythis.attack   = 0this.decay    = 0this.sustain  = 0//  Because of “iOS reasons” we cannot begin playing a sound//  until the user has tripped an event.//  So we’ll use this boolean to trip this.oscillator.start(0)//  on the first use of this Voice instance.this.isPlaying = false//  Push a reference of this instance into BEEP’s library//  so we can access and/or destroy it later.BEEP.voices.push( this )
}//  Voices are *always* emitting, so “playing” a Note
//  is really a matter of turning its amplitude up.
BEEP.Voice.prototype.play = function( params ){//  Let’s create that Note.//  The params will specify a frequency assignment method to use//  otherwise Note() will pick a default.if( params !== undefined ) this.note = new BEEP.Note( params )this.oscillator.frequency.value = this.note.hertzthis.gainNode.gain.value = this.gainHigh || params.gainHigh || 1//  Oh, iOS. This “wait to play” shtick is for you.if( this.isPlaying === false ){this.isPlaying = truethis.oscillator.start( 0 )}return this
}BEEP.Voice.prototype.pause = function(){this.gainNode.gain.value = 0return this
}BEEP.Voice.prototype.destroy = function(){if( this.isPlaying ) this.oscillator.stop( 0 )// Stop oscillator after 0 seconds.this.oscillator.disconnect()// Disconnect oscillator so it can be picked up by browser’s garbage collector.return this
}BEEP.Voice.prototype.getGainHigh = function(){return this.gainHigh
BEEP.Voice.prototype.setGainHigh = function( normalizedNumber ){this.gainHigh = normalizedNumberreturn this
BEEP.Voice.prototype.getOscillatorType = function(){return this.oscillator.type
BEEP.Voice.prototype.setOscillatorType = function( string ){this.oscillator.type = stringreturn this


BEEP.Trigger = function(){var that = this//  Trigger is rather permissive with its parameters.//  You can send it an Instrument, Note, a replacement function//  for its createVoices() method, or something that might//  possibly be a valid Note if you ran it through Note().//  Don’t shoot your eye out, kiddo.Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).forEach( function( arg ){if( arg instanceof BEEP.Instrument ) that.instrument = argelse if( arg instanceof Function ) that.createVoices = argelse if( arg instanceof BEEP.Note ) that.note = argelse that.note = new BEEP.Note( arg )})//  Might be a grand idea to have a unique ID in case anyone should//  need that down the road.this.id = Date.now() +'-'+ Math.round( Math.random() * 10000000000 )//  If we already have an Instrument then we ought plug into//  its existing Audio Context. Otherwise we’ll aim straight for//  the “global” BEEP one.if( this.instrument ) this.audioContext = this.instrument.audioContextelse this.audioContext = BEEP.audioContext//  What if we didn’t receive anything useful as a Note?//  We’ll just run with defaults.if( this.note === undefined ) this.note = new BEEP.Note()//  Now that we have an Audio Context we should add a buffer of Voices.//  Also good to know if our Trigger is engaged or not!this.engaged = falsethis.voices  = []this.createVoices()//  This container visually houses the note name//  and the visible trigger below it.this.domContainer = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domContainer.classList.add( 'trigger-container' )if( this.note.isSharp || this.note.isFlat ) this.domContainer.classList.add( 'unnatural' )else this.domContainer.classList.add( 'natural' )//  This is pretty useful for CSS tricks tied to note names (sans octave)//  like say... A RAINBOW ROLL !this.domContainer.classList.add( 'name-index-'+ this.note.nameIndex )//  Who knows, this might be useful in the future.this.domContainer.setAttribute( 'id', 'trigger-'+ this.id )    //  Every note has a name.//  This note’s name is Robert Paulson. //  HIS NAME IS ROBERT PAULSON.this.domNoteName = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domNoteName.classList.add( 'note-name' )this.domNoteName.innerHTML = '<strong>'+ this.note.nameSimple +'</strong>'+ this.note.octaveIndexthis.domContainer.appendChild( this.domNoteName )//  This is the actual visible trigger,//  the primary visual element of a keyboard interface.//  And the target of our mouse / touch events.this.domTrigger = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domTrigger.classList.add( 'trigger' )this.domContainer.appendChild( this.domTrigger )//  This will house a list of all keyboard inputs//  that trigger this, uh ... Trigger.this.domCharsList = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domCharsList.classList.add( 'chars-list' )this.domTrigger.appendChild( this.domCharsList )//  We’re either attaching all this DOM baggage to//  a proper Instrument DOM elment //  or straight to the Document Body element!if( this.instrument && this.instrument.domTriggers ) this.instrument.domTriggers.appendChild( this.domContainer )else document.body.appendChild( this.domContainer )//  Add some mouse and touch events.this.eventListeners = []this.domTrigger.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', function(){ that.engage( 'mouseenter' )})this.domTrigger.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', function(){ that.disengage( 'mouseenter' )})this.domTrigger.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function( event ){that.engage( 'touched' )event.preventDefault()})this.domTrigger.addEventListener( 'touchend', function( event ){that.disengage( 'touched' )event.preventDefault()})//  Push a reference of this instance into BEEP’s library//  so we can access and/or destroy it later.BEEP.triggers.push( this )
}BEEP.Trigger.prototype.addEventListener = function( type, action ){this.eventListeners.push({type: type,action: action})window.addEventListener( type, action )
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.removeEventListener = function( type, action ){window.removeEventListener( type, action )//@@  can we remove this shit from this.eventListeners then???
}//  You can add as many or as few trigger characters you like.
//  Why would you want to add more?
//  Try out the default synthesizer and see what happens when
//  you walk the keys up an octave.
//  Is the higher C where you expected it to be?
//  @@ TODO:
//  Does it make sense to add these listeners to instrument.domContainer instead of window?
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.addTriggerChar = function( trigger ){var that = this,triggerChar,triggerCharCodeif( typeof trigger === 'string' ){triggerChar = trigger.toUpperCase()triggerCharCode = triggerChar.charCodeAt( 0 )if( triggerChar === '<' ) triggerCharCode = 188// Ad hoc conversion of ASCII to KeyCode.}else if( typeof trigger === 'number' ){triggerCharCode = triggertriggerChar = String.fromCharCode( triggerCharCode )if( triggerCharCode === 188 ) triggerChar = '<'// Ad hoc conversion of KeyCode to ASCII.}this.addEventListener('keydown', function( event ){var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCodeif( keyCode === triggerCharCode && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey ) that.engage( 'keydown-'+ triggerCharCode )})this.addEventListener('keyup', function( event ){var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCodeif( keyCode === triggerCharCode && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey ) that.disengage( 'keydown-'+ triggerCharCode )})this.domCharsList.innerHTML += '<br>'+ triggerCharreturn this
}//  This is the default createVoices() function. You can easily override this
//  by sending your own Function to the Trigger constructor, or even sending
//  your own Function to Instrument, which will in turn pass it on to each
//  Trigger instance that it builds.
// “Down here, it’s our time. It’s our time down here.
//  That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket.”
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.createVoices = function(){//  Let’s call this our “Foundation Voice”//  because it will sing the intended Note.this.voices.push( new BEEP.Voice( this.note, this.audioContext ).setOscillatorType( 'square' ).setGainHigh( 0.2 ))//  This Voice will sing 1 octave below the Foundation Voice.this.voices.push( new BEEP.Voice( this.note.hertz / 2, this.audioContext ).setOscillatorType( 'sine' ).setGainHigh( 0.3 ))
}//  All-stop. Kill all the voices (in your head).
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.destroyVoices = function(){var i = this.voices.lengthwhile( i -- ){if( this.voices[ i ] !== undefined && typeof this.voices[ i ].pause === 'function' ) this.voices[ i ].pause()delete this.voices[ i ]}this.voices  = []this.engaged = falsereturn this
}BEEP.Trigger.prototype.play = function(){this.voices.forEach( function( voice ){ voice.play() })
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.pause = function(){this.voices.forEach( function( voice ){ voice.pause() })
}//  Engage() and disengage() are like wrappers for
//  play() and stop() respectively
//  with safety mechanisms and interface feedback.
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.engage = function( eventType ){if( this.engaged === false ){this.engaged = truethis.eventType = eventTypethis.domContainer.classList.add( 'engaged' )this.play()}return this
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.disengage = function( eventType ){if( this.engaged === true && ( this.eventType === eventType || this.eventType === 'code' )){this.engaged = false      this.pause()this.domContainer.classList.remove( 'engaged' )}return this
}//  If you’re replacing your Instrument’s keyboard
//  it might be useful to dispose of its Triggers in
//  a meaningful way.
BEEP.Trigger.prototype.destroy = function(){this.pause()this.eventListeners.forEach( function( event ){window.removeEventListener( event.type, event.action )})    this.eventListeners = []this.domContainer.remove()


BEEP.Instrument = function(){var that = thisArray.prototype.slice.call( arguments ).forEach( function( arg ){if( arg instanceof window.Element ) that.domContainer = argelse if( typeof arg === 'string'  ) that.domContainer = document.getElementById( arg )else if( arg instanceof Function  ) that.createVoices = arg})//  Let’s hook up to BEEP’s “global” Audio Context.this.context = BEEP.audioContext//  Now that we have an Audio Context we can give our Instrument//  its own volume knob.//  @@  Should add DAT GUI or similiar to control this...this.gainNode = this.context.createGain()this.gainNode.connect( this.context.destination )this.gainNode.gain.value = 0.3//  We may have passed in a DOM Element as a target for this Instrument//  or a String representing a DOM Element’s ID.//  Otherwise we need to build a DOM Element and attach it.if( this.domContainer === undefined ) this.domContainer = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domContainer.classList.add( 'instrument' )if( BEEP.domContainer ) BEEP.domContainer.appendChild( this.domContainer )else document.body.appendChild( this.domContainer )    //  What’s an Instrument without an interface?//  Let’s add storage for our Triggers.this.triggers = {}this.domTriggers = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domTriggers.classList.add( 'triggers' )this.domContainer.appendChild( this.domTriggers )//  And we could use a handy interface button//  for playing the score we’re going to load.var playPauseContainer = document.getElementById( 'play-pause-container' )if( !playPauseContainer ) playPauseContainer = this.domContainerthis.domScorePlayPause = document.createElement( 'div' )this.domScorePlayPause.classList.add( 'score-play-pause' )playPauseContainer.appendChild( this.domScorePlayPause )this.domScorePlayPause.addEventListener( 'click', function(){ that.scoreToggle() })this.domScorePlayPause.addEventListener( 'touchend', function( event ){ that.scoreToggle()event.preventDefault()})//  Might be nice if Spacebar can play / pause a score.window.addEventListener( 'keypress', function( event ){var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCodeif( keyCode === 32 ){that.scoreToggle()event.preventDefault()}//  OMFG this is annoying.//  We cannot reliably detect the ESCAPE key here//  because of this problem in Chrome: //  https://github.com/philc/vimium/issues/499//  Temporarily using SHIFT + ENTER key instead....else if( keyCode === 13 && event.shiftKey && that.scoreIsPlaying === false ){if( Object.keys( that.triggers ).length ) that.unbuild()else that.build()event.preventDefault()}})//  Each Trigger will handle its own touch-start and touch-end//  but touch-move must be handled by the Trigger’s container.this.domContainer.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function( event ){//  What are the bounds {X Y W H} of for each touch-move?//  Does that intersect with bounds for any of our triggers?//  @@  IN THE FUTURE WE’LL ADD EVENT.FORCE :)Array.prototype.slice.call( event.changedTouches ).forEach( function( touch ){Object.keys( that.triggers ).forEach( function( triggerKey ){var trigger = that.triggers[ triggerKey ],rect = trigger.domTrigger.getBoundingClientRect()if( rect.left   < touch.pageX &&touch.pageX < rect.right   &&rect.top    < touch.pageY &&touch.pageY < rect.bottom ){trigger.engage( 'touched' )}else trigger.disengage( 'touched' )})})event.preventDefault()})this.domContainer.addEventListener( 'touchend', function( event ){Object.keys( that.triggers ).forEach( function( triggerKey ){that.triggers[ triggerKey ].disengage( 'touched' )})})//  Maybe this instrument should play some tunes?//  Perhaps makes sense to move all of this into a score.js//  rather than have it be a part of Instrument?this.bpm            = 140//  Beats per minute.this.beatsPerBar    =   4//  Not in use yet.this.oneBeat        = 1/4//  Quarter note.this.beats          =   0//  Current beat... Maybe change name?this.timePrevious   =   0this.scoreCompleted =  []this.scoreRemaining =  []this.scoreIsPlaying = falsethis.build()//  Push a reference of this instance into BEEP’s library//  so we can access and/or destroy it later.BEEP.instruments.push( this )
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.destroy = function(){}BEEP.Instrument.prototype.newTrigger = function( note, triggerChars ){var triggerif( note instanceof BEEP.Note === false ) note = new BEEP.Note( note )   //  Here we’re going to assume if we intentionally sent a createVoices()//  function to our Instrument then we’d like all Triggers to use it.//  Otherwise you could quite easily send unique functions for creating//  voices to each individual Trigger, eh?if( this.createVoices !== undefined )trigger = new BEEP.Trigger( this, note, this.createVoices )else trigger = new BEEP.Trigger( this, note )//  What keyboard character or characters should trigger this Trigger?if( triggerChars instanceof Array === false ) triggerChars = [ triggerChars ]triggerChars.forEach( function( triggerChar ){if( triggerChar !== undefined ) trigger.addTriggerChar( triggerChar )})//  We’ll go with this format for ID’s://  Octave # + Note Name (sans any Natural symbols).this.triggers[ note.octaveIndex + note.nameSimple ] = triggerreturn this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.play = function( trigger ){var triggersArray  = Object.keys( this.triggers ),triggersMiddle = Math.floor( triggersArray.length / 2 )//  Middle C on our standard 2 octave build.if( trigger === undefined ) trigger = triggersArray[ triggersMiddle ]if( typeof trigger === 'string' && this.triggers[ trigger ]) trigger = this.triggers[ trigger ]if( trigger instanceof BEEP.Trigger ) trigger.engage( 'code' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.pause = function( trigger ){var that = thisif( typeof trigger === 'string' && this.triggers[ trigger ]) trigger = this.triggers[ trigger ]if( trigger instanceof BEEP.Trigger ) trigger.disengage()if( trigger === undefined ) Object.keys( this.triggers ).forEach( function( trigger ){that.triggers[ trigger ].disengage()//  Kill eveything now regardless of who started it!})return this
}BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildStandard = function(){this.unbuild().newTrigger( '3C' , 'z' ).newTrigger( '3C♯', 's' ).newTrigger( '3D' , 'x' ).newTrigger( '3E♭', 'd' ).newTrigger( '3E' , 'c' ).newTrigger( '3F' , 'v' ).newTrigger( '3F♯', 'g' ).newTrigger( '3G' , 'b' ).newTrigger( '3A♭', 'h' ).newTrigger( '3A' , 'n' ).newTrigger( '3B♭', 'j' ).newTrigger( '3B' , 'm' ).newTrigger( '4C' , [ 'q', '<' ]).newTrigger( '4C♯', '2' ).newTrigger( '4D' , 'w' ).newTrigger( '4E♭', '3' ).newTrigger( '4E' , 'e' ).newTrigger( '4F' , 'r' ).newTrigger( '4F♯', '5' ).newTrigger( '4G' , 't' ).newTrigger( '4A♭', '6' ).newTrigger( '4A' , 'y' ).newTrigger( '4B♭', '7' ).newTrigger( '4B' , 'u' ).newTrigger( '5C' , 'i' )//  We’ve loaded a default set of Triggers with this.build()//  and now we might as well load a default score//  so it’s dead easy to demonstrate how this works.this.scoreLoadDoReMi()this.scoreLoadFromHash()return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildCloseEncounters = function(){this.unbuild().newTrigger( '4G', '1' ).newTrigger( '4A', '2' ).newTrigger( '4F', '3' ).newTrigger( '3F', '4' ).newTrigger( '4C', '5' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildCloseEncountersJust = function(){//@@  EVERYTHING IS ONE OCTAVE LOWER THAN SHOULD BE! ASIDE FROM '4A' !!this.unbuild().newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4G', '4C' ), '1' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4A', '4C' ), '2' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4F', '4C' ), '3' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3F', '4C' ), '4' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4C', '4C' ), '5' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildJustVsEDO12 = function(){this.unbuild().newTrigger( '4C', '1' ).newTrigger( '4D', '2' ).newTrigger( '4A', '3' ) .newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4C', '4C' ), '7' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4D', '4C' ), '8' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4A', '4C' ), '9' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildC = function(){this.unbuild().newTrigger( '3C', 'z' ).newTrigger( '3C♯' ).newTrigger( '3D', 'x' ).newTrigger( '3E♭' ).newTrigger( '3E', 'c' ).newTrigger( '3F', 'v' ).newTrigger( '3F♯' ).newTrigger( '3G', 'b' ).newTrigger( '3A♭' ).newTrigger( '3A', 'n' ).newTrigger( '3B♭' ).newTrigger( '3B', 'm' ).newTrigger( '4C' , [ 'a', '<' ]).newTrigger( '4C♯' ).newTrigger( '4D', 's' ).newTrigger( '4E♭' ).newTrigger( '4E', 'd' ).newTrigger( '4F', 'f' ).newTrigger( '4F♯' ).newTrigger( '4G', 'g' ).newTrigger( '4A♭' ).newTrigger( '4A', 'h' ).newTrigger( '4B♭' ).newTrigger( '4B', 'j' ).newTrigger( '5C', [ 'k', 'q' ]).newTrigger( '5C♯' ).newTrigger( '5D', 'w' ).newTrigger( '5E♭' ).newTrigger( '5E', 'e' ).newTrigger( '5F', 'r' ).newTrigger( '5F♯' ).newTrigger( '5G', 't' ).newTrigger( '5A♭' ).newTrigger( '5A', 'y' ).newTrigger( '5B♭' ).newTrigger( '5B', 'u' ).newTrigger( '6C', [ 'i', '1' ]).newTrigger( '6C♯' ).newTrigger( '6D', '2' ).newTrigger( '6E♭' ).newTrigger( '6E', '3' ).newTrigger( '6F', '4' ).newTrigger( '6F♯' ).newTrigger( '6G', '5' ).newTrigger( '6A♭' ).newTrigger( '6A', '6' ).newTrigger( '6B♭' ).newTrigger( '6B', '7' ).newTrigger( '7C', '8' ).domContainer.classList.add( 'mini' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildCRainbow = function(){this.buildC()this.domContainer.classList.add( 'rainbow' )this.scoreLoadDoReMi()this.scoreLoadFromHash()return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildCJust = function(){this.unbuild().newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3C' , '4C' ), 'z' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3C♯', '4C' )).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3D' , '4C' ), 'x' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3E♭', '4C' )).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3E' , '4C' ), 'c' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3F' , '4C' ), 'v' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3F♯', '4C' )).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3G' , '4C' ), 'b' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3A♭', '4C' )).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3A' , '4C' ), 'n' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3B♭', '4C' )).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '3B' , '4C' ), 'm' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4C' , '4C' ) , [ 'a', '<' ]).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4C♯', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4D' , '4C' ), 's' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4E♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4E' , '4C' ), 'd' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4F' , '4C' ), 'f' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4F♯', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4G' , '4C' ), 'g' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4A♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4A' , '4C' ), 'h' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4B♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '4B' , '4C' ), 'j' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5C' , '4C' ), [ 'k', 'q' ]).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5C♯', '4C' )).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5D' , '4C' ), 'w' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5E♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5E' , '4C' ), 'e' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5F' , '4C' ), 'r' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5F♯', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5G' , '4C' ), 't' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5A♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5A' , '4C' ), 'y' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5B♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '5B' , '4C' ), 'u' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6C' , '4C' ), [ 'i', '1' ]).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6C♯', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6D' , '4C' ), '2' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6E♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6E' , '4C' ), '3' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6F' , '4C' ), '4' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6F♯', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6G' , '4C' ), '5' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6A♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6A' , '4C' ), '6' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6B♭', '4C' ) ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '6B' , '4C' ), '7' ).newTrigger( new BEEP.Note.JustIntonation( '7C' , '4C' ), '8' ).domContainer.classList.add( 'mini' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.build = BEEP.Instrument.prototype.buildStandard
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.unbuild = function(){var that = thisObject.keys( this.triggers ).forEach( function( trigger ){that.triggers[ trigger ].destroy()delete that.triggers[ trigger ]})this.domContainer.classList.remove( 'mini' )this.domContainer.classList.remove( 'rainbow' )return this
}BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreLoadFromHash = function(){if( document.location.hash !== '' ){var score = document.location.hash.substr( 1 ).split( ',' ).map( function( element ){var valuetry {value = eval( element )}catch( error ){}return value})this.scoreUnload()this.scoreLoad( score )}
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreLoad = function( score ){var beat = 0, i, notefor( i = 0; i < score.length; i += 3 ){note = new BEEP.Note( score[ i+1 ])beat += score[ i+0 ] || 0this.scoreRemaining.push([ beat, note.octaveIndex + note.nameSimple, true  ])this.scoreRemaining.push([ beat + score[ i+2 ], note.octaveIndex + note.nameSimple, false ])}this.scoreRemaining.sort( function( a, b ){return a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ]})return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scorePlayLoop = function(){var performant = window.performance && window.performance.now,now = performant ? performance.now() : Date.now(),delta = now - this.timePreviousif( this.timePrevious === 0 ) delta = 1while( this.scoreRemaining.length && this.beats >= this.scoreRemaining[ 0 ][ 0 ] ){if( this.scoreRemaining[ 0 ][ 2 ]) this.play( this.scoreRemaining[ 0 ][ 1 ] )else this.pause( this.scoreRemaining[ 0 ][ 1 ] )this.scoreCompleted.push( this.scoreRemaining.shift() )}this.beats += this.bpm / 60 / delta * this.oneBeatthis.timePrevious = nowif( this.scoreRemaining.length === 0 ){this.scoreIsPlaying = falsethis.scoreRemaining = this.scoreRemaining.concat( this.scoreCompleted )this.scoreCompleted = []this.beats          = 0this.timePrevious   = 0this.domScorePlayPause.classList.remove( 'is-playing' )}if( this.scoreIsPlaying ) requestAnimationFrame( this.scorePlayLoop.bind( this ))return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scorePlay = function(){if( Object.keys( this.triggers ).length ){this.scoreIsPlaying = truethis.scorePlayLoop()this.domScorePlayPause.classList.add( 'is-playing' )}return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreStop = function(){this.scoreIsPlaying = falsethis.pause()this.domScorePlayPause.classList.remove( 'is-playing' )return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreToggle = function(){if( this.scoreIsPlaying ) this.scoreStop()else this.scorePlay()return this
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreUnload = function(){this.scoreStop()this.scoreCompleted = []this.scoreRemaining = []this.beats          = 0this.timePrevious   = 0
}//  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solf%C3%A8ge
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreLoadDoReMi = function(){varmelody = [36/4, '4C',  6/4,//  Do[e]6/4, '4D',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4E',  5/4,//  deer     6/4, '4C',  2/4,//  A2/4, '4E',  4/4,//  fe4/4, '4C',  3/4,//  male4/4, '4E',  4/4,//  deer8/4, '4D',  6/4,//  Re [Ray]6/4, '4E',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4F',  1/4,//  drop2/4, '4F',  1/4,//  of2/4, '4E',  2/4,//  gold2/4, '4D',  2/4,//  en2/4, '4F',  8/4,//  sun16/4, '4E',  6/4,//  Mi [Me]6/4, '4F',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4G',  5/4,//  name6/4, '4E',  2/4,//  I 2/4, '4G',  4/4,//  call4/4, '4E',  3/4,//  my4/4, '4G',  6/4,//  self8/4, '4F',  6/4,//  Fa[r]6/4, '4G',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4A',  1/4,//  long2/4, '4A',  1/4,//  long2/4, '4G',  2/4,//  way2/4, '4F',  2/4,//  to2/4, '4A',  8/4,//  run16/4, '4G',  6/4,//  So [Sew]6/4, '4C',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4D',  2/4,//  nee2/4, '4E',  2/4,//  dle2/4, '4F',  2/4,//  pull2/4, '4G',  2/4,//  ing2/4, '4A', 12/4,//  thread16/4, '4A',  6/4,//  La6/4, '4D',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4E',  2/4,//  note2/4, '4F',  2/4,//  to2/4, '4G',  2/4,//  fol2/4, '4A',  2/4,//  low2/4, '4B', 12/4,//  So16/4, '4B',  6/4,//  Ti [Tea]6/4, '4E',  2/4,//  a2/4, '4F',  2/4,//  drink2/4, '4G',  2/4,//  with2/4, '4A',  2/4,//  jam2/4, '4B',  2/4,//  and2/4, '5C', 12/4,//  bread12/4, '4A',  1/4,//  That2/4, '4A',  1/4,//  will2/4, '4A',  3/4,//  bring4/4, '4F',  3/4,//  us4/4, '4B',  3/4,//  back4/4, '4G',  3/4,//  to4/4, '5C',  8/4,//  Do4/4, '3C', 1/16,1/16, '3D', 1/16,1/16, '3C', 1/16,1/16, '3E', 1/16,1/16, '3F', 1/16,1/16, '3G', 1/16,1/16, '3A', 1/16,1/16, '3B', 1/16,1/16, '4C', 1/16,1/16, '4D', 1/16,1/16, '4C', 1/16,1/16, '4E', 1/16,1/16, '4F', 1/16,1/16, '4G', 1/16,1/16, '4A', 1/16,1/16, '4B', 1/16,1/16, '5C',  8/4,2/4, '4C',  6/4,2/4, '3C',  4/4,],harmony = [4/4, '3C', 1/4,//  Intro measures...4/4, '3G', 1/4,4/4, '3C', 1/4,4/4, '3G', 1/4,4/4, '3C', 1/4,4/4, '3G', 1/4,4/4, '3C', 1/4,4/4, '3G', 1/4,4/4, '3C', 2/4,//  Do[e]4/4, '3G', 2/4,4/4, '3C', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,4/4, '3C', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,4/4, '3C', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,4/4, '3F', 2/4,//  Re [Ray]4/4, '3D', 2/4,4/4, '3F', 2/4,4/4, '3D', 2/4,4/4, '3F', 2/4,4/4, '3D', 2/4,4/4, '3F', 2/4,4/4, '3D', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,//  Mi [Me]4/4, '3E', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,4/4, '3E', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,4/4, '3E', 2/4,4/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,//  Fa[r]4/4, '3D', 2/4,4/4, '3F', 2/4,4/4, '3D', 2/4,4/4, '3F', 2/4,4/4, '3D', 2/4,     4/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3C', 2/4,2/4, '3D', 2/4,//  So [Sew]2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3A', 2/4,2/4, '3B', 2/4,2/4, '4C', 2/4,2/4, '3C', 2/4,2/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3A', 2/4,2/4, '3B', 2/4,2/4, '4C', 2/4,2/4, '3C', 2/4,//  La2/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3A', 2/4,2/4, '3B', 2/4,2/4, '4C', 4/4,4/4, '3B', 2/4,2/4, '3A', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3C', 4/4,//  End of La / beginning of Ti4/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3A', 2/4,2/4, '3B', 2/4,2/4, '4C', 4/4,4/4, '3B', 2/4,2/4, '3A', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,2/4, '3F', 2/4,2/4, '3E', 2/4,2/4, '3D', 2/4,2/4, '3C', 2/4,2/4, '3G', 2/4,//  When2/4, '3C', 2/4,//  you2/4, '3A', 2/4,//  know2/4, '3F', 2/4,//  the2/4, '3E', 2/4,//  notes2/4, '3C', 2/4,//  to2/4, '3D', 4/4,//  sing4/4, '3G', 2/4,//  you2/4, '3C', 2/4,//  can2/4, '3A', 2/4,//  sing2/4, '3B', 2/4,//  most2/4, '4C', 2/4,//  an2/4, '4D', 2/4,//  y2/4, '4C', 4/4,//  thing]this.scoreUnload()this.scoreLoad( melody )this.scoreLoad( harmony )
BEEP.Instrument.prototype.scoreLoadHSB = function(){var guitar = [4/4, '3A♭', 3/4,4/4, '4E♭', 3/4,4/4, '4A♭', 3/4,4/4, '4E♭', 3/4,]this.scoreUnload()this.scoreLoad( guitar )


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