最近在做ie11的兼容性问题,每次都会因为window.createPopup这个已经不支持,而导致会报一些稀奇古怪的错误,比如,var popup=window.createPopup之后,popup这个对象无法使用popup.document.getElementById,会报SCRIPT438: 对象不支持“getElementById”属性或方法这个错,现在终于解决的,,只要在每次调用之前加一个兼容性判断就OK,判断方法如下

if (!window.createPopup) {  var __createPopup = function() {  var SetElementStyles = function( element, styleDict ) {  var style = element.style ;  for ( var styleName in styleDict )style[ styleName ] = styleDict[ styleName ] ;   }  var eDiv = document.createElement( 'div' );   SetElementStyles( eDiv, { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0 + 'px', 'left': 0 + 'px', 'width': 0 + 'px', 'height': 0 + 'px', 'zIndex': 1000, 'display' : 'none', 'overflow' : 'hidden' } ) ;  eDiv.body = eDiv ;  var opened = false ;  var setOpened = function( b ) {  opened = b;   }  var getOpened = function() {  return opened ;   }  var getCoordinates = function( oElement ) {  var coordinates = {x:0,y:0} ;   while( oElement ) {  coordinates.x += oElement.offsetLeft ;  coordinates.y += oElement.offsetTop ;  oElement = oElement.offsetParent ;  }  return coordinates ;  }  return {htmlTxt : '', document : eDiv, isOpen : getOpened(), isShow : false, hide : function() { SetElementStyles( eDiv, { 'top': 0 + 'px', 'left': 0 + 'px', 'width': 0 + 'px', 'height': 0 + 'px', 'display' : 'none' } ) ; eDiv.innerHTML = '' ; this.isShow = false ; }, show : function( iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight, oElement ) { if (!getOpened()) { document.body.appendChild( eDiv ) ; setOpened( true ) ; } ; this.htmlTxt = eDiv.innerHTML ; if (this.isShow) { this.hide() ; } ; eDiv.innerHTML = this.htmlTxt ; var coordinates = getCoordinates ( oElement ) ; eDiv.style.top = ( iX + coordinates.x ) + 'px' ; eDiv.style.left = ( iY + coordinates.y ) + 'px' ; eDiv.style.width = iWidth + 'px' ; eDiv.style.height = iHeight + 'px' ; eDiv.style.display = 'block' ; this.isShow = true ; } }  }  window.createPopup = function() {  return __createPopup();   }


var winPopup = window.createPopup(); //Create the window to popup



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