• CIL: Core Interface Layer

• HCD: Host Contoller Driver

• PCD: Perpherial Contoller Driver


dwc_cfi_common.h[code] This file contains the CFI specific common constants, interfaces (functions and macros) and structures for Linux
dwc_otg_attr.c[code] The diagnostic interface will provide access to the controller for bringing up the hardware and testing
dwc_otg_attr.h[code] This file contains the interface to the Linux device attributes
dwc_otg_cfi.c[code] This file contains the most of the CFI implementation for the OTG
dwc_otg_cfi.h[code] This file contains the CFI related OTG PCD specific common constants, interfaces (functions and macros) and data structures
dwc_otg_cil.c[code] The Core Interface Layer provides basic services for accessing and managing the DWC_otg hardware
dwc_otg_cil.h[code] This file contains the interface to the Core Interface Layer
dwc_otg_cil_intr.c[code] The Core Interface Layer provides basic services for accessing and managing the DWC_otg hardware
dwc_otg_core_if.h[code] This file defines DWC_OTG Core API
dwc_otg_dbg.h[code] This file defines debug levels
dwc_otg_driver.c[code] The dwc_otg_driver module provides the initialization and cleanup entry points for the DWC_otg driver
dwc_otg_driver.h[code] This file contains the interface to the Linux driver
dwc_otg_hcd.c[code] This file implements HCD Core
dwc_otg_hcd.h[code] This file contains the structures, constants, and interfaces for the Host Contoller Driver (HCD)
dwc_otg_hcd_ddma.c[code] This file contains Descriptor DMA support implementation for host mode
dwc_otg_hcd_if.h[code] This file defines DWC_OTG HCD Core API
dwc_otg_hcd_intr.c[code] This file contains the implementation of the HCD Interrupt handlers
dwc_otg_hcd_linux.c[code] This file contains the implementation of the HCD
dwc_otg_hcd_queue.c[code] This file contains the functions to manage Queue Heads and Queue Transfer Descriptors
dwc_otg_pcd.c[code] This file implements PCD Core
dwc_otg_pcd.h[code] This file contains the structures, constants, and interfaces for the Perpherial Contoller Driver (PCD)
dwc_otg_pcd_if.h[code] This file defines DWC_OTG PCD Core API
dwc_otg_pcd_intr.c[code] This file contains the implementation of the PCD Interrupt handlers
dwc_otg_pcd_linux.c[code] This file implements the Peripheral Controller Driver
dwc_otg_regs.h[code] This file contains the data structures for accessing the DWC_otg core registers


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