
hello world 初体验


  • npm
  • git
  • 最新版的VS Code(我的是1.32.3,结果测试的时候说我版本太低,就升级到了1.33.0)

根据官网给的链接your-first-extension, 我们需要安装一个代码生成工具,减少重复代码的编写。

npm install -g yo generator-code

万事俱备只欠东风,接下来试试官网的hello world,首先是把项目结构搭建出来。

yo code


# ? What type of extension do you want to create? New Extension (TypeScript)
# ? What's the name of your extension? HelloWorld
### Press <Enter> to choose default for all options below #### ? What's the identifier of your extension? helloworld
# ? What's the description of your extension? LEAVE BLANK
# ? Enable stricter TypeScript checking in 'tsconfig.json'? Yes
# ? Setup linting using 'tslint'? Yes
# ? Initialize a git repository? Yes
# ? Which package manager to use? npm

然后进入到**./helloworld** 目录,就可以看到目录结构已经出来了。这种级别的 demo 一般都是可以直接跑的。

  • 将**./helloworld**目录放到VS Code中。
  • F5 就会自动进行编译,然后会打开一个Extension Development Host窗口
  • Command+Shift+P 输入Hello World就可以看到效果了。

自带的特效是输出一个“Hello World” 的**InformationMessage**框。具体可以看:

经过对Hello World的练手,环境搭建,项目目录的搭建基本上就熟悉了,然后就可以着手准备本次的插件开发了。

cd ../ && rm -rf helloworld/

目标功能:实时字数统计 + 翻译选中文本



所以我打开VS Code 直接在插件市场输入word count,结果出来了一堆,然后找了一个看起来还不赖的,ycjc868-vscode-word-count, 点进去Repository地址,先看看人家是怎么实现的,感觉可用的关键代码有这么几个:

// VSCode 底部状态栏private _statusBarItem: vscode.StatusBarItem = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left);
// 注册光标改变事件vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(this.updateWordCount, this, subscriptions);// 获取当前编辑器对象const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
// 获取文本以及将内容展示到状态栏const wordCount = this._getWordCount(doc);this._statusBarItem.text = `${wordCount} Words`;this._statusBarItem.show();





本次要做一个VS Code中的翻译,这个场景就蛮适合,最起码不会打扰到自己。思路还是看看别人是咋实现类似的功能的。找到了一个**天气预报**的插件,里面有一段代码如下:

const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('remind-me') //获取可配置项中的数据
const appkey = config.hefengAppkey? config.hefengAppkey: 'YOUR_KEY' // 这里放和风天气的KEY
WebRequest.get(`https://way.jd.com/he/freeweather?city=${encodeURI(cityName)}&appkey=${appkey}`).then(reps => {let rep = JSON.parse(reps.body)...... )


npm install web-request


import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as WebRequest from 'web-request';


let selection = editor.selection
let text = editor.document.getText(selection)

经过测试发现,代码是间歇性正常,然后我使用**console.log** 打印了下web请求的结果,发现是返回内容解析出错了,猜想是汉字在URL中有编解码的影响,然后会导致出问题。就拿encodeURI对选中的文本加了下处理。

public _translate(keyword: string): string {// 获取选中的文本let wcconfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("wordcount");let url = wcconfig.transapi ? wcconfig.transapi : "https://fanyi.baidu.com/transapi?from=auto&to=auto&query="if(keyword) {url = url + encodeURI(keyword)WebRequest.get(url).then(resp => {let rep = JSON.parse(resp.content);console.log(resp.content);let transret = rep.data[0].dst;this._statusBarItem.text = "[" + keyword + "]:" + transret;this._statusBarItem.show();});}return "失败了~~~~(>_<)~~~~"


"commands": [{"command": "extension.wordCount","title": "count Words"}
"configuration":{"type": "object","title": "some configuration for translate","properties": {"wordcount.transapi": {"type": "string","default": "https://fanyi.baidu.com/transapi?from=auto&to=auto&query=","description": "auto translate api from baidu"}}

拓展代码使用let wcconfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("wordcount");就可以拿到对应的配置值了。


东西做出来,肯定得分享,不然不会有进步的。然后还是看看别人怎么弄的,跟着做就好了。找到了一个VSCode插件开发全攻略(十)打包、发布、升级 真的是详细。


README.md 文件修改问题

➜  wordcount git:(master) ✗ vsce package
Executing prepublish script 'npm run vscode:prepublish'...> wordcount@0.0.1 vscode:prepublish /Users/biao/Code/vscode/wordcount
> npm run compile> wordcount@0.0.1 compile /Users/biao/Code/vscode/wordcount
> tsc -p ./ERROR  Make sure to edit the README.md file before you publish your extension.



➜  wordcount git:(master) ✗ vsce packageERROR  Missing publisher name. Learn more: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/working-with-extensions/publishing-extension#publishing-extensions

解决思路:missing publisher name 在package.json 中加入publisher信息就好了。


➜  wordcount git:(master) ✗ vsce package
Executing prepublish script 'npm run vscode:prepublish'...> wordcount@0.0.1 vscode:prepublish /Users/biao/Code/vscode/wordcount
> npm run compile> wordcount@0.0.1 compile /Users/biao/Code/vscode/wordcount
> tsc -p ./WARNING  A 'repository' field is missing from the 'package.json' manifest file.
Do you want to continue? [y/N] n


git add .
git commit -m 'xxxxxx'
git remote add origin your-git-repository
git push origin master

publish 失败

➜  wordcount git:(master) ✗ vsce puhlish
Usage: vsce [options] [command]Options:-V, --version                        output the version number-h, --help                           output usage informationCommands:ls [options]                         Lists all the files that will be publishedpackage [options]                    Packages an extensionpublish [options] [<version>]        Publishes an extensionunpublish [options] [<extensionid>]  Unpublishes an extension. Example extension id: microsoft.csharp.list <publisher>                     Lists all extensions published by the given publisherls-publishers                        List all known publisherscreate-publisher <publisher>         Creates a new publisherdelete-publisher <publisher>         Deletes a publisherlogin <publisher>                    Add a publisher to the known publishers listlogout <publisher>                   Remove a publisher from the known publishers listshow [options] <extensionid>         Show extension metadatasearch [options] <text>              search extension gallery*


➜  wordcount git:(master) ✗ vsce login guoruibiao
Publisher 'guoruibiao' is already known
Do you want to overwrite its PAT? [y/N] y
Personal Access Token for publisher 'guoruibiao': ****************************************************(node:95091) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification.
➜  wordcount git:(master) ✗ vsce publish
Executing prepublish script 'npm run vscode:prepublish'...> wordcount@0.0.1 vscode:prepublish /Users/biao/Code/vscode/wordcount
> npm run compile> wordcount@0.0.1 compile /Users/biao/Code/vscode/wordcount
> tsc -p ./This extension consists of 566 separate files. For performance reasons, you should bundle your extension: https://aka.ms/vscode-bundle-extension
Publishing guoruibiao.wordcount@0.0.1...
(node:95103) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification.DONE  Published guoruibiao.wordcount@0.0.1
Your extension will live at https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=guoruibiao.wordcount (might take a few seconds for it to show up).

Token 的生成按照刚才的链接跟着做就好了,publish通过后会返回一个地址:




VS Code 插件市场搜索**word count** 找到作者是guoruibiao的那个,点击**install**,完事。


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