
  • 一、设备树语法
    • 1.1 简介
    • 1.2 基本数据格式
    • 1.3 一个例子
      • 1.3.1 根节点
      • 2.3.2 CPU
      • 1.3.3 节点名称
      • 1.3.4 设备
      • 1.3.5 status
      • 1.3.6 编址
      • 1.3.7 地址转换
      • 1.3.8 中断
    • 1.4 设备特定数据
    • 1.5 特殊节点
  • 二、设备树加载过程
    • 2.1 整体流程
    • 2.2 dtb结构
    • 2.3 property
    • 2.4 device_node
    • 2.5 platform_device
  • 三、设备树与驱动关系
    • 3.1 总线
    • 3.2 驱动端
    • 3.3 设备端



1.1 简介

Device Tree设备树是描述单板资源以及设备的一种文本文件,格式是dts,包含的头文件格式是dtsi。

1.2 基本数据格式

设备树是一个包含节点和属性的简单树状结构。属性就是键-值对,而节点可以同时包含属性和子节点。例如,以下就是一个 .dts 格式的简单树:

/ {node1 {a-string-property = "A string";a-string-list-property = "first string", "second string";a-byte-data-property = [0x01 0x23 0x34 0x56];child-node1 {first-child-property;second-child-property = <1>;a-string-property = "Hello, world";};child-node2 {};};node2 {an-empty-property;a-cell-property = <1 2 3 4>; /* each number (cell) is a uint32 */child-node1 {};};


  • 一个单独的根节点:“/”
  • 两个子节点:“node1”和“node2”
  • 两个 node1 的子节点:“child-node1”和“child-node2”
  • 一堆分散在树里的属性。


  • 文本字符串(无结束符)可以用双引号表示:string-property = “a string”
  • ‘Cells’是32位无符号整数,用尖括号限定:cell-property = <0xbeef 123 0xabcd1234>
  • 二进制数据用方括号限定:binary-property = [0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67]
  • 不同表示形式的数据可以使用逗号连在一起:mixed-property = “a string”, [0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67], <0x12345678>;
  • 逗号也可用于创建字符串列表:string-list = “red fish”, “blue fish”;

1.3 一个例子

1.   / {
2.      compatible = "acme,coyotes-revenge";
3.      #address-cells = <1>;
4.      #size-cells = <1>;
5.      interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
7.      cpus {
8.          #address-cells = <1>;
9.          #size-cells = <0>;
10.         cpu@0 {
11.             compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
12.             reg = <0>;
13.         };
14.         cpu@1 {
15.             compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
16.             reg = <1>;
17.         };
18.     };
20.     serial@101f0000 {
21.         compatible = "arm,pl011";
22.         reg = <0x101f0000 0x1000 >;
23.         interrupts = < 1 0 >;
24.     };
26.     serial@101f2000 {
27.         compatible = "arm,pl011";
28.         reg = <0x101f2000 0x1000 >;
29.         interrupts = < 2 0 >;
30.     };
32.     gpio@101f3000 {
33.         compatible = "arm,pl061";
34.         reg = <0x101f3000 0x1000
35.                0x101f4000 0x0010>;
36.         interrupts = < 3 0 >;
37.     };
39.     intc: interrupt-controller@10140000 {
40.         compatible = "arm,pl190";
41.         reg = <0x10140000 0x1000 >;
42.         interrupt-controller;
43.         #interrupt-cells = <2>;
44.     };
46.     spi@10115000 {
47.         compatible = "arm,pl022";
48.         reg = <0x10115000 0x1000 >;
49.         interrupts = < 4 0 >;
50.     };
52.     external-bus {
53.         #address-cells = <2>
54.         #size-cells = <1>;
55.         ranges = <0 0  0x10100000   0x10000     // Chipselect 1, Ethernet
56.                   1 0  0x10160000   0x10000     // Chipselect 2, i2c controller
57.                   2 0  0x30000000   0x1000000>; // Chipselect 3, NOR Flash
59.         ethernet@0,0 {
60.             compatible = "smc,smc91c111";
61.             reg = <0 0 0x1000>;
62.             interrupts = < 5 2 >;
63.         };
65.         i2c@1,0 {
66.             compatible = "acme,a1234-i2c-bus";
67.             #address-cells = <1>;
68.             #size-cells = <0>;
69.             reg = <1 0 0x1000>;
70.             interrupts = < 6 2 >;
71.             rtc@58 {
72.                 compatible = "maxim,ds1338";
73.                 reg = <58>;
74.                 interrupts = < 7 3 >;
75.             };
76.         };
78.         flash@2,0 {
79.             compatible = "samsung,k8f1315ebm", "cfi-flash";
80.             reg = <2 0 0x4000000>;
81.         };
82.     };
83. };
1.3.1 根节点

compatible 指定了系统的名称。它包含了一个“<制造商>,<型号>”形式的字符串。重要的是要指定一个确切的设备,并且包括制造商的名字,以避免命名空间冲突。由于操作系统会使用 compatible的值来决定如何在机器上运行,所以正确的设置这个属性变得非常重要。

2.3.2 CPU


1.3.3 节点名称


<名称> 就是一个不超过31位的简单ascii字符串。通常,节点的命名应该根据它所体现的是什么样的设备。



1.3.4 设备



1.3.5 status

device tree中的status标识了设备的状态,使用status可以去禁止设备或者启用设备,看下设备树规范中的status可选值:

  • “okay” 表示设备正在运行
  • “disabled” 表示该设备目前尚未运行,但将来可能会运行
  • “fail” 表示设备无法运行。 在设备中检测到严重错误,确实如此没有修理就不可能投入运营
  • “fail-sss” 表示设备无法运行。 在设备中检测到严重错误,它是没有修理就不可能投入运营。 值的sss部分特定于设备并指示检测到的错误情况
1.3.6 编址


  • reg
  • #address-cells
  • #size-cells

每个可编址设备都有一个元组列表的 reg,元组的形式为:reg = <地址1 长度1 地址2 长度2 地址3 长度3 …>。每个元组都表示一个该设备使用的地址范围。每个地址值是一个或多个32位整型数列表,称为cell。同样,长度值也可以是一个cell列表或者为空。


在cpu节点中,#address-cells设置为1,#size-cells设置为0。这意味着子节点的reg 值是一个单一的uint32,这是一个不包含大小字段的地址,为这两个cpu分配的地址是0和1。cpu节点的#size-cells为0是因为只为每个cpu分配一个单独的地址。

与cpu节点里单一地址值不同,内存映射设备应该分配给内存映射设备一个地址范围。#size-cells声明每个子节点的reg元组中长度字段的大小。在接下来的例子中,每个地址值是1 cell(32 位),每个长度值也是1 cell,这是典型的32位系统。64位的机器则可以使用值为2的#address-cells和#size-cells来获得在设备树中的64位编址。


1.3.7 地址转换


根节点始终描述的是CPU视角的地址空间。根节点的子节点已经使用的是CPU的地址域,所以它们不需要任何直接映射。例如,serial@101f0000设备就是直接分配的0x101f0000 地址。


ranges是一个地址转换列表。ranges表中的每一项都是一个包含子地址、父地址和在子地址空间中区域大小的元组。每个字段的值都取决于子节点的#address-cells、父节点的#address-cells和子节点的#size-cells。以本例中的外部总线来说,子地址是2 cell、父地址是1 cell、区域大小也是1 cell。那么三个ranges被翻译为:

  • 从片选0开始的偏移量0被映射为地址范围:0x10100000…0x1010ffff
  • 从片选1开始的偏移量0被映射为地址范围:0x10160000…0x1016ffff
  • 从片选2开始的偏移量0被映射为地址范围:0x30000000…0x10000000



1.3.8 中断


  • interrupt-controller - 一个空的属性定义该节点作为一个接收中断信号的设备。
  • #interrupt-cells - 这是一个中断控制器节点的属性。它声明了该中断控制器的中断指示符中cell的个数(类似于#address-cells和#size-cells)。
  • interrupt-parent - 这是一个设备节点的属性,包含一个指向该设备连接的中断控制器的phandle。那些没有interrupt-parent的节点则从它们的父节点中继承该属性。
  • interrupts - 一个设备节点属性,包含一个中断指示符的列表,对应于该设备上的每个中断输出信号。



#interrupt-cells是2,所以每个中断指示符都有2个cell。本例使用一种通用的模式,也就是用第一个cell 来编码中断线号;然后用第二个cell编码标志位,比如高电平/低电平有效,或者边缘/水平触发。对于任何给定的中断控制器,请参考该控制器的binding文档以了解指示符如何编码。

1.4 设备特定数据





1.5 特殊节点

引用一个特定的节点通常使用全路径,如/external-bus/ethernet@0,0,aliases 节点可以用于指定一个设备全路径的别名。例如:

1.       aliases {
2.          ethernet0 = &eth0;
3.          serial0 = &serial0;
4.      };


1.       chosen {
2.          bootargs = "root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= console=ttyS0,115200";
3.      };


    memory@0 {device_type = "memory";reg = <0x000000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x800000000x000000001 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000>;};


2.1 整体流程


2.2 dtb结构

可以通过fdtdump –sd xxx.dtb文件查看结构

Device Tree源文件的结构分为header、fill_area、dt_struct及dt_string四个区域。


header在Linux内核中使用struct fdt_header结构体描述。struct fdt_header结构体定义在scripts\dtc\libfdt\fdt.h文件中。

struct  fdt_header  {fdt32_t  magic;             /* magic word FDT_MAGIC */fdt32_t  totalsize;         /* total size of DT block */fdt32_t  off_dt_struct;        /* offset to  structure */fdt32_t  off_dt_strings;       /* offset to  strings */fdt32_t  off_mem_rsvmap;       /* offset to  memory reserve map */fdt32_t  version;               /* format version */fdt32_t  last_comp_version;    /* last compatible  version *//*  version 2 fields below */fdt32_t  boot_cpuid_phys;   /* Which physical CPU  id we're booting on *//*  version 3 fields below */fdt32_t  size_dt_strings;   /* size of the  strings block *//*  version 17 fields below */fdt32_t  size_dt_struct;       /* size of the  structure block */

节点信息使用struct fdt_node_header结构体描述。属性信息使用struct fdt_property结构体描述。各个结构体信息如下:

struct fdt_node_header  {fdt32_t  tag;char  name[0];
};struct  fdt_property  {fdt32_t  tag;fdt32_t  len;fdt32_t  nameoff;char  data[0];


#define FDT_BEGIN_NODE   0x1    /*  Start node: full name */
#define FDT_END_NODE  0x2    /*  End node */
#define FDT_PROP          0x3    /*  Property: name off, size, content */
#define FDT_NOP            0x4    /* nop */
#define FDT_END            0x9

FDT_BEGIN_NODE和FDT_END_NODE标识node节点的起始和结束,FDT_PROP标识node节点下面的属性起始符,FDT_END标识Device Tree的结束标识符。因此,对于每个node节点的tag标识符一般为FDT_BEGIN_NODE,对于每个node节点下面的属性的tag标识符一般是FDT_PROP。

描述属性采用struct fdt_property描述,tag标识是属性,取值为FDT_PROP;len为属性值的长度(包括‘\0’,单位:字节);nameoff为属性名称存储位置相对于off_dt_strings的偏移地址。

例如:compatible =“samsung,goni”, “samsung,s5pv210”;compatible是属性名称,“samsung,goni”, "samsung,s5pv210"是属性值。compatible属性名称字符串存放的区域是dt_string。“samsung,goni”, "samsung,s5pv210"存放的位置是fdt_property.data后面。因此fdt_property.data指向该属性值。fdt_property.tag的值为属性标识,len为属性值的长度(包括‘\0’,单位:字节),此处len = 29。nameoff为compatible字符串的位置相对于off_dt_strings的偏移地址,即&compatible = nameoff +off_dt_strings。

2.3 property

kernel会根据Device Tree的结构解析出kernel能够使用的struct property结构体。kernel根据Device Tree中所有的属性解析出数据填充struct property结构体。struct property结构体描述如下:

struct property  {char  *name;                          /* property full name */int  length;                          /* property  value length */void  *value;                         /* property  value */struct  property *next;             /* next property  under the same node */unsigned  long _flags;unsigned  int unique_id;struct  bin_attribute attr;        /* 属性文件,与sysfs文件系统挂接 */

总的来说,kernel根据Device Tree的文件结构信息转换成struct property结构体,并将同一个node节点下面的所有属性通过property.next指针进行链接,形成一个单链表。

2.4 device_node

Device Tree中的每一个node节点经过kernel处理都会生成一个struct device_node的结构体,struct device_node最终一般会被挂接到具体的struct device结构体。struct device_node结构体描述如下:

struct device_node  {const  char *name;              /* node的名称,取最后一次“/”和“@”之间子串 */const  char *type;              /* device_type的属性名称,没有为<NULL> */phandle  phandle;               /* phandle属性值 */const  char *full_name;        /* 指向该结构体结束的位置,存放node的路径全名,例如:/chosen */struct  fwnode_handle fwnode;struct property *properties;  /* 指向该节点下的第一个属性,其他属性与该属性链表相接 */struct property *deadprops;   /* removed properties */struct device_node *parent;   /* 父节点 */struct device_node *child;    /* 子节点 */struct device_node *sibling;  /* 姊妹节点,与自己同等级的node */struct kobject kobj;            /* sysfs文件系统目录体现 */unsigned  long _flags;          /* 当前node状态标志位,见/include/linux/of.h line124-127 */void   *data;
};/* flag descriptions (need to be  visible even when !CONFIG_OF) */
#define OF_DYNAMIC        1 /* node and properties were  allocated via kmalloc */
#define OF_DETACHED       2  /* node has been detached from the device tree*/
#define OF_POPULATED      3  /* device already created for the node */
#define OF_POPULATED_BUS  4 /* of_platform_populate recursed to children of this node */



  • (1) 扫描/chosen或者/chose@0节点下面的bootargs属性值到boot_command_line,此外,还处理initrd相关的property,并保存在initrd_start和initrd_end这两个全局变量中;
  • (2) 扫描根节点下面,获取{size,address}-cells信息,并保存在dt_root_size_cells和dt_root_addr_cells全局变量中;
  • (3) 扫描具有device_type = “memory”属性的/memory或者/memory@0节点下面的reg属性值,并把相关信息保存在meminfo中,全局变量meminfo保存了系统内存相关的信息。

Device Tree的解析首先从unflatten_device_tree()开始,代码列出如下:

/*** unflatten_device_tree - create tree of  device_nodes from flat blob** unflattens the device-tree passed by the  firmware, creating the* tree of struct device_node. It also fills  the "name" and "type"* pointers of the nodes so the normal  device-tree walking functions* can be used.*/
void  __init unflatten_device_tree(void)
{__unflatten_device_tree(initial_boot_params,  &of_root,early_init_dt_alloc_memory_arch);/*  Get pointer to "/chosen" and "/aliases" nodes for use  everywhere */of_alias_scan(early_init_dt_alloc_memory_arch);
}/*** __unflatten_device_tree - create tree of  device_nodes from flat blob** unflattens a device-tree, creating the* tree of struct device_node. It also fills  the "name" and "type"* pointers of the nodes so the normal  device-tree walking functions* can be used.* @blob: The blob to expand* @mynodes: The device_node tree created by  the call* @dt_alloc: An allocator that provides a  virtual address to memory* for the resulting tree*/
static void __unflatten_device_tree(const  void *blob,struct device_node **mynodes,void * (*dt_alloc)(u64 size, u64 align))
{unsigned  long size;int  start;void  *mem;/* 省略部分不重要部分 *//*  First pass, scan for size */start  = 0;size  = (unsigned long)unflatten_dt_node(blob, NULL, &start, NULL, NULL, 0,  true);size  = ALIGN(size, 4);/*  Allocate memory for the expanded device tree */mem  = dt_alloc(size + 4, __alignof__(struct device_node));memset(mem,  0, size);/*  Second pass, do actual unflattening */start  = 0;unflatten_dt_node(blob,  mem, &start, NULL, mynodes, 0, false);

分析以上代码,在unflatten_device_tree()中,调用函数__unflatten_device_tree(),参数initial_boot_params指向Device Tree在内存中的首地址,of_root在经过该函数处理之后,会指向根节点,early_init_dt_alloc_memory_arch是一个函数指针,为struct device_node和struct property结构体分配内存的回调函数(callback)。在__unflatten_device_tree()函数中,两次调用unflatten_dt_node()函数,第一次是为了得到Device Tree转换成struct device_node和struct property结构体需要分配的内存大小,第二次调用才是具体填充每一个struct device_node和struct property结构体。


/*** unflatten_dt_node - Alloc and populate a  device_node from the flat tree* @blob: The parent device tree blob* @mem: Memory chunk to use for allocating  device nodes and properties* @poffset: pointer to node in flat tree* @dad: Parent struct device_node* @nodepp: The device_node tree created by  the call* @fpsize: Size of the node path up at the  current depth.* @dryrun: If true, do not allocate device  nodes but still calculate needed* memory size*/
static void * unflatten_dt_node(const  void *blob,void  *mem,int  *poffset,struct  device_node *dad,struct  device_node **nodepp,unsigned  long fpsize,bool  dryrun)
{const  __be32 *p;struct  device_node *np;struct  property *pp, **prev_pp = NULL;const  char *pathp;unsigned  int l, allocl;static  int depth;int  old_depth;int  offset;int  has_name = 0;int  new_format = 0;/*  获取node节点的name指针到pathp中 */pathp  = fdt_get_name(blob, *poffset, &l);if  (!pathp)return  mem;allocl  = ++l;/*  version 0x10 has a more compact unit name here instead of the full* path. we accumulate the full path size  using "fpsize", we'll rebuild* it later. We detect this because the first  character of the name is* not '/'.*/if  ((*pathp) != '/') {new_format  = 1;if  (fpsize == 0) {/*  root node: special case. fpsize accounts for path* plus terminating zero. root node only has  '/', so* fpsize should be 2, but we want to avoid  the first* level nodes to have two '/' so we use  fpsize 1 here*/fpsize  = 1;allocl  = 2;l  = 1;pathp  = "";}  else {/*  account for '/' and path size minus terminal 0* already in 'l'*/fpsize  += l;allocl  = fpsize;}}/*  分配struct device_node内存,包括路径全称大小 */np  = unflatten_dt_alloc(&mem, sizeof(struct device_node) + allocl,__alignof__(struct  device_node));if  (!dryrun) {char  *fn;of_node_init(np);/*  填充full_name,full_name指向该node节点的全路径名称字符串 */np->full_name  = fn = ((char *)np) + sizeof(*np);if  (new_format) {/*  rebuild full path for new format */if  (dad && dad->parent) {strcpy(fn,  dad->full_name);fn  += strlen(fn);}*(fn++)  = '/';}memcpy(fn,  pathp, l);/*  节点挂接到相应的父节点、子节点和姊妹节点 */prev_pp  = &np->properties;if  (dad != NULL) {np->parent  = dad;np->sibling  = dad->child;dad->child  = np;}}/*  处理该node节点下面所有的property */for  (offset = fdt_first_property_offset(blob, *poffset);(offset >= 0);(offset = fdt_next_property_offset(blob,  offset))) {const  char *pname;u32  sz;if  (!(p = fdt_getprop_by_offset(blob, offset, &pname, &sz))) {offset  = -FDT_ERR_INTERNAL;break;}if  (pname == NULL) {pr_info("Can't  find property name in list !\n");break;}if  (strcmp(pname, "name") == 0)has_name  = 1;pp  = unflatten_dt_alloc(&mem, sizeof(struct property),__alignof__(struct  property));if  (!dryrun) {/*  We accept flattened tree phandles either in* ePAPR-style "phandle"  properties, or the* legacy "linux,phandle"  properties.  If both* appear and have different values, things* will get weird.  Don't do that. *//*  处理phandle,得到phandle值 */if  ((strcmp(pname, "phandle") == 0) ||(strcmp(pname, "linux,phandle")  == 0)) {if  (np->phandle == 0)np->phandle  = be32_to_cpup(p);}/*  And we process the "ibm,phandle" property* used in pSeries dynamic device tree* stuff */if  (strcmp(pname, "ibm,phandle") == 0)np->phandle  = be32_to_cpup(p);pp->name  = (char *)pname;pp->length  = sz;pp->value  = (__be32 *)p;*prev_pp  = pp;prev_pp  = &pp->next;}}/*  with version 0x10 we may not have the name property, recreate* it here from the unit name if absent*//*  为每个node节点添加一个name的属性 */if  (!has_name) {const  char *p1 = pathp, *ps = pathp, *pa = NULL;int  sz;/*  属性name的value值为node节点的名称,取“/”和“@”之间的子串 */while  (*p1) {if  ((*p1) == '@')pa  = p1;if  ((*p1) == '/')ps  = p1 + 1;p1++;}if  (pa < ps)pa  = p1;sz  = (pa - ps) + 1;pp  = unflatten_dt_alloc(&mem, sizeof(struct property) + sz,__alignof__(struct  property));if  (!dryrun) {pp->name  = "name";pp->length  = sz;pp->value  = pp + 1;*prev_pp  = pp;prev_pp  = &pp->next;memcpy(pp->value,  ps, sz - 1);((char  *)pp->value)[sz - 1] = 0;}}/*  填充device_node结构体中的name和type成员 */if  (!dryrun) {*prev_pp  = NULL;np->name  = of_get_property(np, "name", NULL);np->type  = of_get_property(np, "device_type", NULL);if  (!np->name)np->name  = "<NULL>";if  (!np->type)np->type  = "<NULL>";}old_depth  = depth;*poffset  = fdt_next_node(blob, *poffset, &depth);if  (depth < 0)depth  = 0;/*  递归调用node节点下面的子节点 */while  (*poffset > 0 && depth > old_depth)mem  = unflatten_dt_node(blob, mem, poffset, np, NULL,fpsize,  dryrun);if  (*poffset < 0 && *poffset != -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND)pr_err("unflatten:  error %d processing FDT\n", *poffset);/** Reverse the child list. Some drivers  assumes node order matches .dts* node order*/if  (!dryrun && np->child) {struct  device_node *child = np->child;np->child  = NULL;while  (child) {struct  device_node *next = child->sibling;child->sibling  = np->child;np->child  = child;child  = next;}}if  (nodepp)*nodepp  = np;return  mem;

通过以上函数处理就得到了所有的struct device_node结构体

2.5 platform_device


static int __init customize_machine(void)     //  arch\arm\kernel\Setup.c
{/** customizes platform devices, or adds new ones* On DT based machines, we fall back to populating the* machine from the device tree, if no callback is provided,* otherwise we would always need an init_machine callback.*/of_iommu_init();if (machine_desc->init_machine) //如果存在machine_desc->init_machine则调用machine_desc->init_machine();
#ifdef CONFIG_OFelseof_platform_populate(NULL, of_default_bus_match_table,NULL, NULL);
#endifreturn 0;
--> start_kernel     // init/main.c
----> rest_init();
------> pid = kernel_thread(kernel_init, NULL, CLONE_FS);
--------> kernel_init
----------> kernel_init_freeable();
------------> do_basic_setup()
--------------> do_initcalls();
----------------> do_initcall_level(int level)for (fn = initcall_levels[level]; fn < initcall_levels[level+1]; fn++)do_one_initcall(*fn);
const struct of_device_id  of_default_bus_match_table[] = {{  .compatible = "simple-bus", },{  .compatible = "simple-mfd", },
#ifdef CONFIG_ARM_AMBA{  .compatible = "arm,amba-bus", },
#endif /* CONFIG_ARM_AMBA */{}  /* Empty terminated list */
};int of_platform_populate(struct  device_node *root,const  struct of_device_id *matches,const  struct of_dev_auxdata *lookup,struct  device *parent)
{struct  device_node *child;int  rc = 0;/*  获取根节点 */root  = root ? of_node_get(root) : of_find_node_by_path("/");if  (!root)return  -EINVAL;/*  为根节点下面的每一个节点创建platform_device结构体 */for_each_child_of_node(root,  child) {rc  = of_platform_bus_create(child, matches, lookup, parent, true);if  (rc) {of_node_put(child);break;}}/*  更新device_node flag标志位 */of_node_set_flag(root,  OF_POPULATED_BUS);of_node_put(root);return  rc;
}static int of_platform_bus_create(struct  device_node *bus,const struct of_device_id *matches,const struct of_dev_auxdata *lookup,struct device *parent, bool strict)
{const  struct of_dev_auxdata *auxdata;struct  device_node *child;struct  platform_device *dev;const  char *bus_id = NULL;void  *platform_data = NULL;int  rc = 0;/*  只有包含"compatible"属性的node节点才会生成相应的platform_device结构体 *//*  Make sure it has a compatible property */if  (strict && (!of_get_property(bus, "compatible", NULL))) {return  0;}/*  省略部分代码 *//*  * 针对节点下面得到status = "ok" 或者status = "okay"或者不存在status属性的* 节点分配内存并填充platform_device结构体*/dev  = of_platform_device_create_pdata(bus, bus_id, platform_data, parent);if  (!dev || !of_match_node(matches, bus))return  0;/*  递归调用节点解析函数,为子节点继续生成platform_device结构体,前提是父节点* 的“compatible” = “simple-bus”,也就是匹配of_default_bus_match_table结构体中的数据*/for_each_child_of_node(bus,  child) {rc  = of_platform_bus_create(child, matches, lookup, &dev->dev, strict);if  (rc) {of_node_put(child);break;}}of_node_set_flag(bus,  OF_POPULATED_BUS);return  rc;
static struct platform_device *of_platform_device_create_pdata(struct device_node *np,const char *bus_id,void *platform_data,struct device *parent)
{struct platform_device *dev;dev = of_device_alloc(np, bus_id, parent);dev->dev.bus = &platform_bus_type;dev->dev.platform_data = platform_data;if (of_device_add(dev) != 0) {platform_device_put(dev);goto err_clear_flag;}



3.1 总线


对于依附在USB、PCI、I2C、SPI等物理总线来 这些都不是问题。但是在嵌入式系统里面,在Soc系统中集成的独立外设控制器,挂接在Soc内存空间的外设等却不依附在此类总线。基于这一背景,Linux发明了一种总线,称为platform。


platform总线相关代码:driver\base\platform.c 文件

相关结构体定义:include\linux\platform_device.h 文件中


struct bus_type platform_bus_type = {.name       = "platform",.dev_attrs  = platform_dev_attrs,.match      = platform_match,.uevent     = platform_uevent,.pm     = &platform_dev_pm_ops,


static int platform_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv)
{struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);struct platform_driver *pdrv = to_platform_driver(drv);/* When driver_override is set, only bind to the matching driver */if (pdev->driver_override)return !strcmp(pdev->driver_override, drv->name);/* Attempt an OF style match first */if (of_driver_match_device(dev, drv))  // 设备树风格return 1;/* Then try ACPI style match */if (acpi_driver_match_device(dev, drv)) // ACPI风格return 1;/* Then try to match against the id table */if (pdrv->id_table)                        // 匹配ID表return platform_match_id(pdrv->id_table, pdev) != NULL;/* fall-back to driver name match */return (strcmp(pdev->name, drv->name) == 0); // 匹配名字
}static inline int of_driver_match_device(struct device *dev,const struct device_driver *drv)
{return of_match_device(drv->of_match_table, dev) != NULL;
static const struct of_device_id *__of_match_node(const struct of_device_id *matches,                          const struct device_node *node)
{const struct of_device_id *best_match = NULL;int score, best_score = 0;if (!matches)return NULL;for (; matches->name[0] || matches->type[0] || matches->compatible[0]; matches++) {score = __of_device_is_compatible(node, matches->compatible,matches->type, matches->name);if (score > best_score) {best_match = matches;best_score = score;}}return best_match;
}static int __of_device_is_compatible(const struct device_node *device,const char *compat, const char *type, const char *name)
{struct property *prop;const char *cp;int index = 0, score = 0;/* Compatible match has highest priority */if (compat && compat[0]) {prop = __of_find_property(device, "compatible", NULL);//找到compatible节点for (cp = of_prop_next_string(prop, NULL); cp;cp = of_prop_next_string(prop, cp), index++) {if (of_compat_cmp(cp, compat, strlen(compat)) == 0) {score = INT_MAX/2 - (index << 2);break;}}if (!score)return 0;}/* Matching type is better than matching name */if (type && type[0]) {if (!__of_node_is_type(device, type))return 0;score += 2;}/* Matching name is a bit better than not */if (name && name[0]) {if (!of_node_name_eq(device, name))return 0;score++;}return score;

3.2 驱动端


struct platform_driver {struct device_driver driver;                // 设备驱动结构体const struct platform_device_id *id_table;int (*probe)(struct platform_device *);     // probe函数,在设备和驱动匹配时调用int (*remove)(struct platform_device *);    // remove函数,在移除设备时调用void (*shutdown)(struct platform_device *);int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *, pm_message_t state);int (*resume)(struct platform_device *);bool prevent_deferred_probe;


struct device_driver {struct module *owner;   // THIS_MODULEconst char     *name;   // 设备驱动的名字,struct bus_type *bus;   // 总线类型,有platform,IIC,SPI等const struct of_device_id *of_match_table;int (*probe) (struct device *dev);      // probe函数,这个接口调用真正的 probe 函数int (*remove) (struct device *dev);     // remove函数,这个接口调用真正的 remove 函数struct driver_private *p;               // 私有数据指针const char *mod_name;       /* used for built-in modules */bool suppress_bind_attrs;   /* disables bind/unbind via sysfs */enum probe_type probe_type;const struct acpi_device_id    *acpi_match_table;void (*shutdown) (struct device *dev);  // 电源管理相关int (*suspend) (struct device *dev, pm_message_t state);    // 电源管理相关int (*resume) (struct device *dev);     // 电源管理相关const struct attribute_group **groups;const struct dev_pm_ops *pm;            // 电源管理相关


#define platform_driver_register(pdrv) __platform_driver_register(pdrv, THIS_MODULE) (include\linux\platform_device.h)   // 平台驱动注册函数|-> pdrv->driver.bus = &platform_bus_type;    (drivers\base\platform.c)|-> platform_bus_type.name = "platform"      // 总线的名字|-> platform_bus_type.match = platform_match// match函数pdrv->driver.probe = platform_drv_probe;      // probe 函数 pdrv->driver.remove = platform_drv_remove;      // remove函数|-> driver_register(struct device_driver *drv) (drivers\base\driver.c)|-> bus_add_driver(struct device_driver *drv) (drivers\base\bus.c)   // 添加驱动到总线上|-> driver_attach(struct device_driver *drv) (drivers\base\dd.c)|-> bus_for_each_dev(drv->bus, NULL, drv, __driver_attach) (drivers\base\bus.c)|-> __driver_attach(struct device *dev, void *data) (drivers\base\dd.c)|-> driver_match_device(struct device_driver *drv, struct device *dev) (drivers\base\base.h)    // 驱动和设备匹配|-> return drv->bus->match ? drv->bus->match(dev, drv) : 1|-> platform_match(struct device *dev, struct device_driver *drv) (drivers\base\platform.c) // 匹配函数|-> strcmp(pdev->driver_override, drv->name)  // 通常不设置|-> platform_match_id(pdrv->id_table, pdev)       // 匹配ID表|-> strcmp(pdev->name, pdrv->id_table->name)|-> strcmp(pdev->name, drv->name)              // 最后匹配名字,以上三种匹配方式只要有一个成功,返回1|-> driver_probe_device(drv, dev) (drivers\base\dd.c)        // 驱动和设备匹配成功后,执行probe函数      |-> really_probe(drv, dev) (drivers\base\dd.c)           // 执行真正的 probe 函数|-> if (dev->bus->probe) {                // 没有定义ret = dev->bus->probe(dev);if (ret)goto probe_failed;} else if (drv->probe) {          // 执行 device_driver 里面的 probe 函数ret = drv->probe(dev);if (ret)goto probe_failed;}|-> if (dev->bus->remove)             // remove 函数dev->bus->remove(dev);else if (drv->remove)                // 在这里调用真正的自己定义的remove函数drv->remove(dev);|-> platform_drv_probe(struct device *_dev) (drivers\base\platform.c)|-> struct platform_driver *drv = to_platform_driver(_dev->driver)   // 找到 platform_driver 结构体|-> #define to_platform_driver(drv) (container_of((drv), struct platform_driver, driver)) (include\linux\platform_device.h)|-> struct platform_device *dev = to_platform_device(_dev)|-> #define to_platform_device(x) container_of((x), struct platform_device, dev)|-> if (drv->probe) {ret = drv->probe(dev);   // 执行真正的probe函数,也就是在 platform_driver 中自己定义的,并将 pdev 传入进去if (ret)dev_pm_domain_detach(_dev, true);} else {/* don't fail if just dev_pm_domain_attach failed */ret = 0;}

3.3 设备端


struct platform_device {const char   *name;int       id;bool     id_auto;struct device   dev;u32     num_resources;struct resource   *resource;const struct platform_device_id   *id_entry;char *driver_override; /* Driver name to force a match *//* MFD cell pointer */struct mfd_cell *mfd_cell;/* arch specific additions */struct pdev_archdata    archdata;
struct resource {resource_size_t start; //device_node的reg属性的address值对应的cpu地址resource_size_t end;//device_node的reg属性的address+size值对应的cpu地址的结尾const char *name;//如果device_node有reg-names,等于reg-names对应的值,否则为device_node的full_nameunsigned long flags;//代表resource的类型,\include\linux\Ioport.h中定义了各种IORESOURCE类型struct resource *parent, *sibling, *child;


struct device {struct device     *parent;struct device_private   *p;struct kobject kobj;const char       *init_name; /* initial name of the device */const struct device_type *type;struct mutex     mutex;  /* mutex to synchronize calls to* its driver.*/struct bus_type  *bus;       /* type of bus device is on */struct device_driver *driver; /* which driver has allocated thisdevice */void     *platform_data; /* Platform specific data, devicecore doesn't touch it */void      *driver_data;   /* Driver data, set and get withdev_set/get_drvdata */struct dev_pm_info    power;struct dev_pm_domain  *pm_domain;#ifdef CONFIG_GENERIC_MSI_IRQ_DOMAINstruct irq_domain    *msi_domain;
#ifdef CONFIG_PINCTRLstruct dev_pin_info    *pins;
#ifdef CONFIG_GENERIC_MSI_IRQstruct list_head   msi_list;
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_NUMAint     numa_node;  /* NUMA node this device is close to */
#endifu64       *dma_mask;  /* dma mask (if dma'able device) */u64     coherent_dma_mask;/* Like dma_mask, but foralloc_coherent mappings asnot all hardware supports64 bit addresses for consistentallocations such descriptors. */unsigned long  dma_pfn_offset;struct device_dma_parameters *dma_parms;struct list_head dma_pools;  /* dma pools (if dma'ble) */struct dma_coherent_mem    *dma_mem; /* internal for coherent memoverride */
#ifdef CONFIG_DMA_CMAstruct cma *cma_area;      /* contiguous memory area for dmaallocations */
#endif/* arch specific additions */struct dev_archdata  archdata;struct device_node *of_node; /* associated device tree node */struct fwnode_handle *fwnode; /* firmware device node */dev_t            devt;   /* dev_t, creates the sysfs "dev" */u32           id; /* device instance */spinlock_t     devres_lock;struct list_head    devres_head;struct klist_node   knode_class;struct class        *class;const struct attribute_group **groups;   /* optional groups */void   (*release)(struct device *dev);struct iommu_group   *iommu_group;struct iommu_fwspec    *iommu_fwspec;bool          offline_disabled:1;bool         offline:1;


platform_device_register(struct platform_device *pdev) (drivers\base\platform.c) //平台设备注册函数|-> platform_device_add(pdev) (drivers\base\platform.c)|-> pdev->dev.bus = &platform_bus_type|-> platform_bus_type.name = "platform"      // 总线的名字platform_bus_type.match = platform_match// match函数|-> device_add(&pdev->dev) (drivers\base\core.c)|-> bus_probe_device(dev) (drivers\base\bus.c)|-> device_initial_probe(dev) (drivers\base\dd.c)  |-> __device_attach(dev, true) (drivers\base\dd.c)   |-> bus_for_each_drv(dev->bus, NULL, &data, __device_attach_driver) (drivers\base\bus.c)|-> __device_attach_driver(struct device_driver *drv, void *_data) (drivers\base\dd.c)|-> driver_match_device(drv, dev) (drivers\base\base.h)|-> return drv->bus->match ? drv->bus->match(dev, drv) : 1...   ... // 与驱动注册后面一致|-> driver_probe_device(drv, dev) (drivers\base\dd.c)        // 驱动和设备匹配成功后,执行probe函数  ... ... // 与驱动注册后面一致    


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