

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-__author__ = ''import logging, os, argparse, textwrap
import time
import chardet# Default configuration will take effect when corresponding input args are missing.
# Feel free to change this for your convenience.
DEFAULT_CONF = {# Only those files ending with extensions in this list will be scanned or converted.'exts'      : ['cfg'],'overwrite' : False,'add_BOM'   : False,'convert_UTF'   : False,'confi_thres' : 0.8,
}# We have to set a minimum threshold. Only those target_encoding results returned by chartdet that are above that threshold level would be accepted.
# See https://github.com/x1angli/convert2utf/issues/4 for further detailslogging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)class Convert2Utf8:def __init__(self, args):self.args = argsdef walk_dir(self, dirname):for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):for name in files:extension = os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:].strip().lower()# On linux there is a newline at the end which will cause the match to fail, so we just 'strip()' the '\n'# Also, add 'lower()' to ensure matchingif (extension in self.args.exts):fullname = os.path.join(root, name)try:self.convert_file(fullname)except IOError:log.error("Unable to read or write the file: %s. Please check the file's permission.", fullname)except KeyboardInterrupt:log.warning("Interrupted by keyboard (e.g. Ctrl+C)")exit()# else:#     log.error("Unable to process the file: %s. Please check.", fullname)#     traceback.print_stack()def convert_file(self, filename):with open(filename, 'rb') as f: # read under the binary modebytedata = f.read()if len(bytedata) == 0:log.info("Skipped empty file %s", filename)returnchr_res = chardet.detect(bytedata)if chr_res['encoding'] == None or chr_res['confidence'] < DEFAULT_CONF['confi_thres']:log.warning("Ignoring %s, since its encoding is unable to detect.", filename)returnsrc_enc = chr_res['encoding'].lower()log.debug("Scanned %s, whose encoding is %s ", filename, src_enc)if (src_enc == 'ascii'):log.info("Skipped %s, whose encoding is %s", filename, src_enc)returnif (not self.args.convert_utf) and src_enc.startswith('utf'):log.info("Skipped %s, whose encoding is %s", filename, src_enc)return# Since chardet only recognized all GB-based target_encoding as 'gb2312', the decoding will fail when the text file# contains certain special charaters. To make it more special-character-tolerant, we should# upgrade the target_encoding to 'gb18030', which is a character set larger than gb2312.if src_enc.lower() == 'gb2312':src_enc = 'gb18030'try:strdata = bytedata.decode(src_enc)except UnicodeDecodeError as e:log.error("Unicode error for file %s", filename)print(e)return# preserving file time information (modification time and access time)src_stat = os.stat(filename)# if the 'overwrite' flag is 'False', we would make a backup of the original text file.if not self.args.overwrite:backup_name = filename + '.' + str(int(round(time.time() * 1000))) + '.bak'log.info("Renaming %s to %s", filename, backup_name)os.rename(filename, backup_name)tgt_enc = self.args.target_encodinglog.debug("Writing the file: %s in %s", filename, tgt_enc)with open(filename, 'wb') as f: # write under the binary modef.write(strdata.encode(tgt_enc))log.info("Converted the file: %s from %s to %s", filename, src_enc, tgt_enc)# setting the new file's time to the old fileos.utime(filename, times = (src_stat.st_atime, src_stat.st_ctime))# end of def convert_file(self, filename)def run(self):root = self.args.rootif not os.path.exists(root):log.error("The file specified %s is neither a directory nor a regular file", root)returnlog.info("Start working now!")if os.path.isdir(root):log.info("The root is: %s. ", root)log.info("Files with these extension names will be inspected: %s", self.args.exts)self.walk_dir(root)else:log.info("Wow, only a single file will be processed: %s", root)self.convert_file(root)log.info("Finished all.")# end of def run(self, root):def clean_backups(dirname):if not os.path.isdir(dirname):log.error("The file specified %s is not a directory ", dirname)returnnow = time.time()last40min = now - 60 * 40log.info("Removing all newly-created .bak files under %s", dirname)for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):for name in files:extension = os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:]if extension == 'bak':fullname = os.path.join(root, name)ctime = os.path.getctime(fullname)if ctime > last40min:os.remove(fullname)log.info("Removed the file: %s", fullname)def cli():parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='cvt2utf8',description="A tool that converts non-UTF-encoded text files UTF-8 encoded files.",epilog="You can use this tool to remove BOM from .php source code files, or convert other target_encoding into UTF-8")parser.add_argument('root',metavar = "filename",help    = textwrap.dedent('''\the path pointing to the file or directory.If it's a directory, files contained in it with specified extensions will be converted to UTF-8.Otherwise, if it's a file, only that file will be converted to UTF-8.'''))parser.add_argument('-e','--exts',nargs   = '+', # '+'. Just like '*', all command-line args present are gathered into a list.default = DEFAULT_CONF['exts'],help    = "the list of file extensions. Only those files ending with extensions in this list will be converted.",)parser.add_argument('-o','--overwrite',action  = 'store_true',default = DEFAULT_CONF['overwrite'],help    = "Danger! If you turn this switch on, it would directly overwrite existing file without creating any backups.",)parser.add_argument('-u','--cvtutf',action  = 'store_true',dest    = 'convert_utf',default = DEFAULT_CONF['convert_UTF'],help    = "By default, we will skip files whose encodings are UTF (including UTF-8 and UTF-16), and BOM headers in these files will remain unchanged. ""But, if you want to change BOM headers for these files, you could utilize this option to change their signatures.",)parser.add_argument('-b','--addbom',action  = 'store_true',dest    = 'add_bom',default = DEFAULT_CONF['add_BOM'],help    = "If this command line argument is missing, we convert files to UTF-8 without BOM (i.e. the target encoding would be just 'utf-8'). ""But with this flag, we would add BOM in encoded text files (i.e. the target encoding would be 'utf-8-sig').",)parser.add_argument('-c','--cleanbak',action  = 'store_true',dest    = 'clean_bak',default = False,help    = textwrap.dedent('''Clean all .bak files generated within last 40 minutes.When enabled, no files will be converted to UTF-8. Use this flag with extra caution! '''),)args = parser.parse_args()if args.clean_bak:clean_backups(args.root)else:args.target_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' if args.add_bom else 'utf-8'cvt2utf8 = Convert2Utf8(args)cvt2utf8.run()if __name__ == '__main__':cli()





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