计算机辅助设计 课件

Computer-Adided Design or simply CAD is a computer technology that computer programs, applications, and resources are used to create, update, evaluate a design which is generally a graphical design in different types.

Computer-Adided Design或简称为CAD是一种计算机技术,计算机程序,应用程序和资源用于创建,更新和评估设计,该设计通常是不同类型的图形设计。

计算机辅助设计(CAD)类型 (Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Types)

Computer-Aided Design can be accomplished with different types of software according to the design aim. In general, the following categories can be used for CAD classification.

根据设计目的,可以使用不同类型的软件来完成计算机辅助设计。 通常,以下类别可用于CAD分类。

  • 2D CAD is the process of designing and creating a design that has only 2 spaces x and y coordinates like a 2D movie. This is the most basic and easy type of CAD.

    2D CAD是设计和创建仅具有2个空间x和y坐标(如2D电影)的设计的过程。 这是最基本,最简单的CAD类型。

  • 3D CAD is the process of designing and creating a design that has only 3 spaces x, y and z coordinates like a 3D movie or real life. This type of CAD design is far harder to create according to 2D CAD Design.

    3D CAD是设计和创建仅具有3个空间x,y和z坐标(如3D电影或现实生活)的设计的过程。 根据2D CAD设计,很难创建这种类型的CAD设计。

  • 3D CAD Surface Modelling is the process of detailing the surfaces of the 3D object which has been already designed.

    3D CAD Surface Modelling是详细说明已经设计的3D对象表面的过程。

  • Solid Modelling is the process of modeling solid object like a real-life object.

    Solid Modelling是对实体对象(如现实生活中的对象)进行建模的过程。

计算机辅助设计(CAD)的优势 ( Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Advantages )

A design can be done by using different methods wherein the old-time hand made design was defacto standard. With the advancement of computers, the design also changed and special applications are created to help the design processes. Computer-Aided Design has a lot of advantages over other types of designs which are listed below.

可以通过使用不同的方法来完成设计,其中旧的手工设计是事实上的标准。 随着计算机的进步,设计也发生了变化,并创建了特殊的应用程序来帮助设计过程。 与以下列出的其他类型的设计相比,计算机辅助设计具有很多优势。

  • Designs can be updated without erasing and redrawing.无需删除和重画就可以更新设计。
  • The design can be zoomed with CAD easily.可以使用CAD轻松缩放设计。
  • 3D designs can be easily created.可以轻松创建3D设计。
  • 3D design can easily be rotated on any axis without a problem in a fast way.3D设计可以轻松地在任何轴上快速旋转而不会出现问题。
  • Viewing a CAD is easy to view and showcase from different angles and axis.查看CAD很容易从不同的角度和轴进行查看和展示。
  • Ready o use components can be used without the need to recreate them.可以使用即用型组件,而无需重新创建它们。
  • Creating designs are a lot easier and faster.创建设计变得更加容易和快捷。
  • Sharing CAD design is very easy which can be published using the internet or sent to specific people via email.共享CAD设计非常容易,可以使用Internet发布或通过电子邮件发送给特定的人。
  • Copying CAD design is very easy where the design file can be copy and pasted or cloned via CAD software.复制CAD设计非常容易,可以通过CAD软件复制和粘贴或克隆设计文件。
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LEARN MORE  What Is GUI (Graphical User Interface)?

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什么是CAD软件? (What Is CAD Software?)

What makes CAD so advantageous is the CAD software. CAD Software is used to create, update, change, view, publish CAD designs. CAD software provides a very complex GUI for designing. Below we can see the popular CAD software named AutoCAD GUI.

使CAD如此具有优势的是CAD软件。 CAD软件用于创建,更新,更改,查看,发布CAD设计。 CAD软件为设计提供了非常复杂的GUI。 在下面,我们可以看到流行的CAD软件AutoCAD GUI。

AutoCAD CAD Software GUI and Parts
  1. This part is the menu that provides access to all features, screens of the AutoCAD.该部分是菜单,可用于访问AutoCAD的所有功能和屏幕。
  2. This part is the tools that provide the tools which are used during design.这部分是提供在设计过程中使用的工具的工具。
  3. This part is the Object Properties where the created objects properties are listed and can be changed.这部分是“对象属性”,其中列出了可以更改的创建对象属性。
  4. This part is the GUI view of the design.这部分是设计的GUI视图。
  5. This part is the navigation pane where the GUI view of the design can be navigated easily for x,y, and z-axis.这部分是导航窗格,可以在其中轻松浏览设计的GUI视图的x,y和z轴。

计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件列表 (Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software List)

CAD is a popular technology and area used by a lot of professionals. CAD software is the heart of the CAD and before starting a design the CAD software is should be selected and some basic knowledge about the software will be very beneficial. Below we will list some popular and useful CAD software that is paid or free.

CAD是许多专业人员使用的一种流行技术和领域。 CAD软件是CAD的核心,在开始设计之前,应先选择CAD软件,有关该软件的一些基本知识将非常有益。 下面,我们将列出一些付费或免费的流行且有用的CAD软件。

ThinkerCAD is beginner level CAD software where it is created by AutoDesk which is also the creator of the AutoCAD. ThinkerCAD is provided without a fee for starters to design basic models and shapes.

ThinkerCAD是初学者级别的CAD软件,由AutoDesk(也是AutoCAD的创建者)创建。 为初学者设计基本模型和形状免费提供了ThinkerCAD。

ThnikerCAD CAD Software
ThnikerCAD CAD软件

FreeCAD is a completely free parametric 3D modeling tool which is an opensource project. FreeCAD can be used to design real-life objects easily with little or beginner level knowledge.

FreeCAD是一个完全免费的参数化3D建模工具,它是一个开源项目。 FreeCAD可以用于对现实生活中的对象的简单设计,而对这些知识的了解很少或只有初学者。

FreeCAD CAD Software

BlocksCAD is a beginner level tool that is specifically created for educational purposes. It provides some programming and algorithm blocks without any programming language experience. BlocksCAD is used without a fee.

BlocksCAD是专门用于教育目的的初学者级工具。 它提供了一些编程和算法块,而没有任何编程语言经验。 BlocksCAD是免费使用的。

BlocksCAD CAD Software
BlocksCAD CAD软件

Creo is a paid CAD designed software which is developed by Parametric Technology Corporation for more than 30 years. It provides real-world attributes like thermal, structural, motion, parametric, etc.

Creo是由Parametric Technology Corporation开发超过30年的付费CAD设计软件。 它提供了真实的属性,例如热,结构,运动,参数等。

Creo CAD Software
Creo CAD软件

Fusion 360 is cloud-based 3D CAD Software. It provides the processing power and functionality via a cloud-based solution. All the changes are automatically stored on the cloud for future inspection or revert. Fusion 360 is an intermediate level CAD software where in order to use it some fee should be paid. Fusion 360 is also an AutoDesk product.

Fusion 360是基于云的3D CAD软件。 它通过基于云的解决方案提供处理能力和功能。 所有更改都将自动存储在云中,以备将来检查或还原。 Fusion 360是一个中级CAD软件,要使用它,应支付一定的费用。 Fusion 360也是AutoDesk产品。

Fusion 360 CAD Software
Fusion 360 CAD软件

Solidworks is a professional level 3d CAD software. It provides a wide range of features like design validation tools or reverse engineering etc. It is a product of Dassault Systemes. It is a paid software.

Solidworks是专业级别的3d CAD软件。 它提供了广泛的功能,如设计验证工具或逆向工程等。它是Dassault Systemes的产品。 它是一个付费软件。

Solidworks CAD Software
Solidworks CAD软件

AutoCAD is the most popular and well-known CAD software used by millions of people. It is created by AutoDesk and provides professional-level features like 3D and 2D design. AutoCAD requires some fee to use.

AutoCAD是数百万人使用的最流行和最著名的CAD软件。 它由AutoDesk创建,并提供3D和2D设计等专业级别的功能。 AutoCAD收取一定的使用费。

AutoCAD CAD Software

CATIA is a CAD and CAM used for design and manufacturing. It is created by Dassault Aviation for its own needs and then becomes of the shelf product. It is professional level CAD software that has a license fee to be used.

CATIA是用于设计和制造的CAD和CAM。 它是由Dassault Aviation根据自己的需要创建的,然后成为货架产品。 它是专业级的CAD软件,需要使用许可费。

CATIA CAD Software

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-computer-aided-design-cad/

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