1. 概念

2. API
(constructor)    Construct bitset (public member function)
operator[]    Access bit (public member function)
set    Set bits (public member function)
reset    Reset bits (public member function )
flip    Flip bits (public member function)
to_ulong    Convert to unsigned long integer (public member function)
to_string    Convert to string (public member function)
count    Count bits set (public member function)
size    Return size (public member function)
test    Return bit value (public member function )
any    Test if any bit is set (public member function)
none    Test if no bit is set (public member function)

3. 源码剖析
SGI bitset部分实现源码

[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. template<size_t _Nb>
  2. class bitset : private _Base_bitset<__BITSET_WORDS(_Nb)>
  3. {
  4. private:
  5. typedef _Base_bitset<__BITSET_WORDS(_Nb)> _Base;
  6. typedef unsigned long _WordT;
  7. private:
  8. void _M_do_sanitize() {
  9. _Sanitize<_Nb%__BITS_PER_WORD>::_M_do_sanitize(this->_M_hiword());
  10. }
  11. .....
  12. }
[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. #define __BITS_PER_WORD (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned long))
  2. #define __BITSET_WORDS(__n) \
  3. ((__n) < 1 ? 1 : ((__n) + __BITS_PER_WORD - 1)/__BITS_PER_WORD)
[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. template<size_t _Nw>
  2. struct _Base_bitset {
  3. typedef unsigned long _WordT;
  4. _WordT _M_w[_Nw];                // 0 is the least significant word.
  5. _Base_bitset( void ) { _M_do_reset(); }
  6. _Base_bitset(unsigned long __val) {
  7. _M_do_reset();
  8. _M_w[0] = __val;
  9. }
  10. static size_t _S_whichword( size_t __pos )
  11. { return __pos / __BITS_PER_WORD; }
  12. static size_t _S_whichbyte( size_t __pos )
  13. { return (__pos % __BITS_PER_WORD) / CHAR_BIT; }
  14. static size_t _S_whichbit( size_t __pos )
  15. { return __pos % __BITS_PER_WORD; }
  16. static _WordT _S_maskbit( size_t __pos )
  17. { return (static_cast<_WordT>(1)) << _S_whichbit(__pos); }
  18. _WordT& _M_getword(size_t __pos)       { return _M_w[_S_whichword(__pos)]; }
  19. _WordT  _M_getword(size_t __pos) const { return _M_w[_S_whichword(__pos)]; }
  20. _WordT& _M_hiword()       { return _M_w[_Nw - 1]; }
  21. _WordT  _M_hiword() const { return _M_w[_Nw - 1]; }
  22. void _M_do_and(const _Base_bitset<_Nw>& __x) {
  23. for ( size_t __i = 0; __i < _Nw; __i++ ) {
  24. _M_w[__i] &= __x._M_w[__i];
  25. }
  26. }
  27. void _M_do_or(const _Base_bitset<_Nw>& __x) {
  28. for ( size_t __i = 0; __i < _Nw; __i++ ) {
  29. _M_w[__i] |= __x._M_w[__i];
  30. }
  31. }
  32. void _M_do_xor(const _Base_bitset<_Nw>& __x) {
  33. for ( size_t __i = 0; __i < _Nw; __i++ ) {
  34. _M_w[__i] ^= __x._M_w[__i];
  35. }
  36. }

1. bitset继承_Base_bitset,具体操作封装在_Base_bitset中
2. bitset 的size作为模板参数(非类型模板参数的一个要求是,编译器能在编译期就能把参数确定下来),因此,bitset大小在编译期固定,不支持插入和删除元素
3. 各种位操作,性能高
4._Base_bitset使unsigned long作为底层存储,不支持指针、引用、迭代器
5. 使用 _WordT _M_w[_Nw];分配内存,因此在栈中定义bitset需要注意大小(和STL标准容器堆内存分配区别开)。

[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. void fun()
  2. {
  3. const int n = 800000000;
  4. bitset<n> a;
  5. cout << a.size() << endl;
  6. }
  7. int main(int argc, char** argv)
  8. {
  9. fun();
  10. return 0;
  11. }


[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. const int n = 800000000;
  2. bitset<n> *a = new(std::nothrow) bitset<n>;
  3. if(a)
  4. {
  5. cout << a->size() << endl;
  6. delete a;
  7. a = NULL;
  8. }

4. vector<bool>及deque<bool>
vector<bool>不是一个STL容器,并且不容纳bool(like bitse底层t机制)

[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. deque<bool> a;
  2. a[0] = 0;
  3. bool* b = &a[0];
  4. cout << *b << endl;

[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. vector<bool> a;
  2. a[0] = 0;
  3. bool* b = &a[0];
  4. cout << *b << endl;

使用deque<bool>正确,而是用vector<bool>会报错:“cannot convert `std::_Bit_reference*' to `bool*' in initialization“


[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. int main(int argc, char** argv)
  2. {
  3. deque<bool> a(10000000000);
  4. sleep(100);
  5. return 0;
  6. }

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                               
23612 work      25   0 9990m 9.8g  720 S  0.0 65.0   0:39.35 test


[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. int main(int argc, char** argv)
  2. {
  3. vector<bool> a(10000000000);
  4. sleep(100);
  5. return 0;
  6. }

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                               
23909 work      25   0 1198m 1.2g  716 S  0.0  7.8   0:01.31 test


[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. int main(int argc, char** argv)
  2. {
  3. const unsigned long int n = 10000000000;
  4. bitset<n> *a = new(std::nothrow) bitset<n>;
  5. sleep(100);
  6. return 0;
  7. }

PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                               
24439 work      25   0 1198m 1.2g  712 S 30.7  7.8   0:00.92 test


5. 总结



Vector specialization: vector<bool>

The vector class template has a special template specialization for the bool type.

This specialization is provided to optimize for space allocation: In this template specialization, each element occupies only one bit (which is eight times less than the smallest type in C++:char).

The references to elements of a bool vector returned by the vector members are not references tobool objects, but a special member type which is a reference to a single bit, defined inside thevector<bool> class specialization as:

[cpp] view plaincopy
  1. class vector<bool>::reference {
  2. friend class vector;
  3. reference();                                 // no public constructor
  4. public:
  5. ~reference();
  6. operator bool () const;                      // convert to bool
  7. reference& operator= ( const bool x );       // assign from bool
  8. reference& operator= ( const reference& x );  // assign from bit
  9. void flip();                                 // flip bit value.
  10. }


标准非STL容器 : bitset相关推荐

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