6. Wildcard Matching


Implement wildcard pattern matching with support for '?' and '*'.

'?' Matches any single character.'*' Matches any sequence of characters (including the empty sequence).

The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).

The function prototype should be:bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p)

Some examples:isMatch("aa","a") ? falseisMatch("aa","aa") ? trueisMatch("aaa","aa") ? falseisMatch("aa", "*") ? trueisMatch("aa", "a*") ? trueisMatch("ab", "?*") ? trueisMatch("aab", "c*a*b") ? false




class Solution(object):# p为匹配模式,s为字符串def recursive(self, s, p, si, pi, cur):first = Truen_cur = curwhile si < len(s) and pi < len(p) and (s[si] == p[pi] or p[pi] == '?'):si += 1pi += 1if pi == len(p):return si == len(s)if p[pi] == '*':while pi < len(p) and p[pi] == '*':pi += 1if pi >= len(p):return Truefor i in range(si, len(s)):# 表明开始重合,从这里再度开始递归if p[pi] != s[i] and p[pi] != '?':continueif first:cur += 1first = False# 可能存在多次重合但是还不算真正匹配的情况if self.recursive(s, p, i, pi, cur + 1):return Trueif cur > n_cur + 1: # 正常来说n_cur = cur + 1return Falsereturn Falsedef isMatch(self, s, p):"""
        :type s: str
        :type p: str
        :rtype: bool
        """return self.recursive(s, p, 0, 0, 0)



我们定义一个二维数组dp,横坐标为待匹配字符串,纵坐标为模式字符串,dp[i][j]则代表到模式字符串从0到 i 对应待匹配字符串的的0到 j 是否是匹配的。举个例子:

pattern = "a*bc"
str = "abbc"


\ \ a b b c
\ T F F F F
a F T F F F
* F T T T T
b F F T T F
c F F F F T



  1. 如果p.charAt(i)=='*','*'可以选择匹配0个字符,此时flag[i][j]=flag[i-1][j];可以选择匹配1个字符,此时flag[i][j]=flag[i-1][j-1];……所以可以得到下面的公式:

  2. 因为flag[i][j]=flag[i-1][j]||flag[i-1][j-1]||……||flag[i-1][0],我们可以代入上面的公式得到:


class Solution(object):# p为匹配模式,s为字符串def isMatch(self, s, p):"""
        :type s: str
        :type p: str
        :rtype: bool
        """if len(s) != len(p) - p.count('*'):return Falsenewp = ""i = 0while i < len(p):newp += p[i]if p[i] == '*':while i + 1 < len(p) and p[i + 1] == '*':i += 1i += 1sl, pl = len(s), len(newp)dp = [[False for x in range(pl + 1)] for y in range(sl + 1)]dp[0][0] = Trueif pl > 0 and p[0] == '*':dp[0][1] = Truefor x in range(1, sl + 1):for y in range(1, pl + 1):if newp[y - 1] != '*':dp[x][y] = dp[x - 1][y - 1] and (s[x - 1] == newp[y - 1] or newp[y - 1] == '?')else:dp[x][y] = dp[x - 1][y] or dp[x][y - 1]return dp[sl][pl]


class Solution:# @return a booleandef isMatch(self, s, p):length = len(s)if len(p) - p.count('*') > length:return Falsedp = [True] + [False]*lengthfor i in p:if i != '*':# 因为依赖项是前面的值,所以不能从前面往后面扫,得从后往前计算for n in reversed(range(length)):dp[n+1] = dp[n] and (i == s[n] or i == '?')else:# 更新当前行的数据for n in range(1, length+1):dp[n] = dp[n-1] or dp[n]dp[0] = dp[0] and i == '*'return dp[-1]


下标 描述
si 待匹配字符串的移动下标
pi 模式串的移动下标
lastmatch 上一次匹配的待匹配字符串的下标
laststar 上一次匹配的模式串的下标
  1. 如果当前相等或者模式串中字符为?,则移动相互的下标即可;
  2. 如果当前模式串字符为*,分别纪录lastmatch、laststar,并且移动模式串下标,但是不移动待匹配字符串下标,因为可能存在匹配0个字符串的情况;
  3. 如果当前相互对应的字符不再相等且不为*,如果前面有*号,说明之前的匹配失败了,模式字符串下标回到之前纪录laststar的后一位,不再移动,专门用来给待匹配字符串字符来匹配,这段时间内,si会不断的向前移动,直到匹配到相互的值相等才移动模式字符串的下标;
  4. 如果前面的情况都不符合,则肯定为False;


class Solution(object):# p为匹配模式,s为字符串def isMatch(self, s, p):si, pi = 0, 0lastmatch, laststar = -1, -1sl, pl = len(s), len(p)if pl - p.count('*') > sl:return False# 注意条件顺序while si < sl:if pi < pl and (s[si] == p[pi] or p[pi] == '?'):pi += 1si += 1elif pi < pl and p[pi] == '*':lastmatch, laststar = si, pi  # 之所以不更新lastmatch是因为考虑到*只匹配0个字符串pi += 1# 再次进到这个判断,说明当前下标对应的值不相等elif laststar != -1:pi = laststar + 1  # pi当前不是*,并且回到上一次星的后面,专门用来给si匹配lastmatch += 1  # 必须更新lastmatch,因为之前已经不想等,如果在回到开始的状态就会陷入死循环si = lastmatchelse:return False# 可能存在p的末尾都是*的情况while pi < len(p) and p[pi] == '*':pi += 1# 最后匹配成功模式字符串的下标必然为其长度,表示已经匹配完成return pi == pl

tips:不要小看保存你的长度值,如果你频繁的用到的话,最好保存下来,比如在这里,我保存下来以后可以让我提升%10的beat submissions!


class Solution(object):def isMatch(self, s, p):"""
        :type s: str
        :type p: str
        :rtype: bool
        """seen = {}wild_single, wild_multi = "?", "*"# seen has the pattern - source tuple as key, and bool result as successsource, pattern = s, pdef is_match(sindex, pindex):key = (sindex, pindex)if key in seen:return seen[key]result = True# if there's no string, and pattern is not only * then failif sindex >= len(source):for wildindex in xrange(pindex, len(pattern)):if pattern[wildindex] != wild_multi:result = Falsebreak# there's a string, but no patternelif pindex >= len(pattern):result = False# if next pattern is multi though, that's somethingelif pattern[pindex] == wild_multi:# for zero, simply check sindex, pindex + 1result = is_match(sindex, pindex + 1) # just for easier debug# if zero, than it's a match# otherwise we need to check multi# for that, if char is not a wild, then it has to match the source,result = result or is_match(sindex + 1, pindex)else:# either a regular char, or wild_singleresult = (( pattern[pindex] == wild_single or pattern[pindex] == source[sindex]) and is_match(sindex + 1, pindex + 1))seen[key] = resultreturn resultif (len(p) - p.count(wild_multi) > len(s)):return Falsereturn is_match(0, 0)  


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