def perfect_square(num):

for number in range(1, num, 1):

square = number ** 2

# print(square, end='')

print("the perfect squares from {} are: {}".format(num, square))

上面的输出Enter a positive integer: 10

the perfect squares from 10 are: 81

第二次尝试def perfect_square(num):

import math

for number in range(1, num, 1):

square = number ** 2

# print(square, end='')

print("the perfect squares from {} are: {}".format(num, square))

上面的输出Enter a positive integer: 10

the perfect squares from 10 are: 1

the perfect squares from 10 are: 4

the perfect squares from 10 are: 9

the perfect squares from 10 are: 16

the perfect squares from 10 are: 25

the perfect squares from 10 are: 36

the perfect squares from 10 are: 49

the perfect squares from 10 are: 64

the perfect squares from 10 are: 81The required output needs to look like this

Enter a positive integer: 10

The perfect squares for the number 10 are: 1, 4, 9

import math

for number in range(1, num):

if number ** .05 % 1 == 0:

print("the perfect squares from {} are: {}".format(num, number))

输出Enter a positive integer: 10

the perfect squares from 10 are: 1

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