使用 URI 指定的输入文档执行转换,然后将结果输出到 XmlWriter。Executes the transform using the input document specified by the URI and outputs the results to an XmlWriter. The XsltArgumentList provides additional run-time arguments.


void Transform(System::String ^ inputUri, System::Xml::Xsl::XsltArgumentList ^ arguments, System::Xml::XmlWriter ^ results);

public void Transform (string inputUri, System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList? arguments, System.Xml.XmlWriter results);

public void Transform (string inputUri, System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList arguments, System.Xml.XmlWriter results);

member this.Transform : string * System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList * System.Xml.XmlWriter -> unit

Public Sub Transform (inputUri As String, arguments As XsltArgumentList, results As XmlWriter)



输入文档的 URI。The URI of the input document.

XsltArgumentList,包含用作转换输入的命名空间限定的参数。An XsltArgumentList containing the namespace-qualified arguments used as input to the transform. 此值可为 null。This value can be null.

The XmlWriter to which you want to output.

If the style sheet contains an xsl:output element, you should create the XmlWriter using the XmlWriterSettings object returned from the OutputSettings property. 这样可以确保 XmlWriter 的输出设置是正确的。This ensures that the XmlWriter has the correct output settings.


inputUri 或 results 值为 null。The inputUri or results value is null.

执行 XSLT 转换时出错。There was an error executing the XSLT transform.

inputtUri 值包含无法找到的文件名或目录。The inputtUri value includes a filename or directory cannot be found.

无法解析 inputUri 值。The inputUri value cannot be resolved.

- 或 --or-

处理该请求时出错。An error occurred while processing the request.

inputUri 不是有效的 URI。inputUri is not a valid URI.

加载输入文档时出现分析错误。There was a parsing error loading the input document.


下面的示例使用 XsltArgumentList 对象创建一个表示当前日期和时间的参数。The following example uses an XsltArgumentList object to create a parameter representing the current date and time.

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Xml;

using System.Xml.Xsl;

public class Sample


public static void Main()


// Create the XslCompiledTransform and load the stylesheet.

XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();


// Create the XsltArgumentList.

XsltArgumentList xslArg = new XsltArgumentList();

// Create a parameter which represents the current date and time.

DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

xslArg.AddParam("date", "", d.ToString());

// Transform the file.

using (XmlWriter w = XmlWriter.Create("output.xml"))


xslt.Transform("order.xml", xslArg, w);



}Imports System.IO

Imports System.Xml

Imports System.Xml.Xsl

Public Class Sample

Public Shared Sub Main()

' Create the XslCompiledTransform and load the stylesheet.

Dim xslt As New XslCompiledTransform()


' Create the XsltArgumentList.

Dim xslArg As New XsltArgumentList()

' Create a parameter which represents the current date and time.

Dim d As DateTime = DateTime.Now

xslArg.AddParam("date", "", d.ToString())

Using w As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create("output.xml")

' Transform the file.

xslt.Transform("order.xml", xslArg, w)

End Using

End Sub

End Class

该示例使用以下两个数据文件作为输入。The example uses the following two data files as input.


The Handmaid's Tale




order .xslorder.xsl


此方法使用 XmlUrlResolver 没有用户凭据的默认值来解析输入文档和 document() 在样式表中找到的任何 XSLT 函数的实例。This method uses a default XmlUrlResolver with no user credentials to resolve the input document and any instances of the XSLT document() function found in the style sheet. 如果这些资源中的任何一个需要身份验证的网络资源,请使用 XmlResolver 以作为其参数之一的重载,并使用 XmlResolver 所需的凭据指定。If any of these resources are located on a network resource that requires authentication, use the overload that takes an XmlResolver as one of its arguments and specify an XmlResolver with the necessary credentials.

使用 XmlReader 带有默认设置的来加载输入文档。An XmlReader with default settings is used to load the input document. 在上禁用 DTD 处理 XmlReader 。DTD processing is disabled on the XmlReader. 如果需要 DTD 处理,请创建一个 XmlReader 启用了此功能的,并将其传递给 Transform 方法。If you require DTD processing, create an XmlReader with this feature enabled, and pass it to the Transform method.


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