--仓库号    城市    面积
--wh1    北京    370
--wh2    上海    500
--wh3    广州    200
--wh4    武汉    400
create table cangku
cno varchar(50) primary key not null,--将仓库号设为主键
city varchar(50) not null,
mianji int not null)
insert into cangku values('wh1','北京',370);
insert into cangku values('wh2','上海',500);
insert into cangku values('wh3','广州',200);
insert into cangku values('wh4','武汉',400);
select *from cangku
--仓库号    职工号    工资
--wh2    e1    1220
--wh1    e3    1210
--wh2    e4    1250
--wh3    e6    1230
--wh1    e7    1250
create table zhigong
cno varchar(50) references cangku(cno),--仓库号为外键
zhigonghao varchar(50) primary key not null,--职工号设为主键
gongzi int not null
insert into zhigong values('wh2','e1',1220);
insert into zhigong values('wh1','e3',1210);
insert into zhigong values('wh2','e4',1250);
insert into zhigong values('wh3','e6',1230);
insert into zhigong values('wh1','e7',1250);
select *from zhigong--订购单表:
--职工号    供应商号    订购单号    订购日期
--e3    s7    or67    2001-6-23
--e1    s4    or73    2001-7-28
--e7    s4    or76    2001-5-25
--e6    null    or77      -   -
--e3    s4    or79    2001-6-13
--e1    null    or80      -   -
--e3    null    or90      -   -
--e3    s3    or91    2001-7-13
create table dinggou--订购单表
(zhigonghao varchar(50) references zhigong(zhigonghao),--职工号设为外键gongyingshanghao varchar(50) references gongyingshang(gongyingshanghao) ,goudanhao varchar(50) not null,goudanri varchar(50),
insert into dinggou values('e3','s7','or67','2017-6-23')
insert into dinggou values('e1','s4','or73','2017-7-28')
insert into dinggou values('e7','s4','or76','2017-5-25')
insert into dinggou values('e6',null,'or77','--')
insert into dinggou values('e3','s4','or79','2017-6-13')
insert into dinggou values('e1',null,'or80','--')
insert into dinggou values('e3',null,'or90','--')
insert into dinggou values('e3','s3','or91','2017-7-13')
select *from dinggou
drop table dinggou
--供应商号    供应商名    地址
--s3    振华电子厂    西安
--s4    华通电子公司    北京
--s6    607厂    郑州
--s7    爱华电子厂    北京
create table gongyingshang--供应商表
gongyingshanghao varchar(50) primary key,
gongyingshangming varchar(50) not null,
dizhi varchar(50) not null,
insert into gongyingshang values('s3','振华电子厂','西安')
insert into gongyingshang values('s4','华通电子公司','北京')
insert into gongyingshang values('s6','607厂','郑州')
insert into gongyingshang values('s7','爱华电子厂','北京')
select *from gongyingshang
select *from zhigong
select gongzi from zhigong
select *from cangku
select *from zhigong
select zhigonghao from zhigong where gongzi>1230
--4.检索哪些仓库有工资多于1210元的职工select cno from zhigong where gongzi>1230
select *from zhigong
select zhigonghao from zhigong where cno in ('wh1','wh2')and gongzi<1250
--找到了职工号来自于职工表 从仓库里找寻wh1或者wh2,并且工资高于1250
select *from cangku
select *from zhigong
select city,zhigonghao from zhigong
join cangku on cangku.cno=zhigong.cno and gongzi>1230
select *from cangkuselect cno,city from cangku where mianji>400
select *from cangku
select *from zhigong
--select city from  cangku where cno in(select cno from zhigong where gongzi=1250)
select city from  cangku where cno in(select cno from zhigong where gongzi=1250 group by cno having COUNT(*)>=1)
select *from zhigong
select *from cangku where cno in(select cno from zhigong group by cno having MIN(gongzi)>1210)
select gongzi from zhigong where zhigonghao='e4'
select zhigonghao from zhigong where gongzi in (select gongzi from zhigong where zhigonghao='e4')--11.检索出工资在1220元到1240元范围内的职工信息select *from zhigong where gongzi between 1220 and 1240
select *from gongyingshang
select *from cangku
select *from gongyingshang where gongyingshangming like('%公司')
select *from gongyingshang where dizhi!='北京'
select *from zhigong order by gongzi --order by 排序 默认从小到大
select *from zhigong order by cno,gongzi
select *from gongyingshang
select count(*),dizhi from gongyingshang group by dizhi
select *from zhigong
select sum(gongzi)as 工资总和 from zhigong
select *from zhigong
select *from cangku
select cno from cangku where city in('北京','上海')
select sum(gongzi) 工资总和 from zhigong where cno in (select cno from cangku where city in('北京','上海'))--19.求所有职工的工资都多于1210元的仓库的平均面积
select *from zhigong
select *from cangkuselect avg(mianji) as 平均面积 from cangku  where cno in(select cno from zhigong group by cno having MIN(gongzi)>1210)
select *from zhigong
select *from zhigong where cno='wh2'
select  MAX(gongzi)as 最高工资值 from zhigong where cno='wh2'



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