相对于其他的子系统来说, 输入系统是比较简单的. 很多游戏根本就没有对这一块进行封装, 而直接采用了Win32的消息机制.

不过经过封装的输入系统使用起来很方便, 呵呵.

N3中有三种输入设备, 键盘, 鼠标, 手柄. 分别是基于Win32消息, DirectInput, XInput实现的. 这里有一个继承图能够很好的说明输入系统的组织结构:


InputServer里有默认的一个键盘, 一个鼠标, 一个手柄的"handler", 在每帧开始时InputServer会检测当前的输入消息,  得到一个InputEvent, 由相应的InputHandler来处理.  各个InputHandler都保存着当前帧各种输入状态的缓存(如鼠标左键是否按下), 因此, 在程序运行过程中, 我们只要在绘制结束前检测各个InputHandler的状态就相当于知道当前用户是怎样输入的了.


  1. // Mouse
  2. /// return true if button is currently pressed
  3. bool ButtonPressed(Input::MouseButton::Code btn) const;
  4. /// return true if button was down at least once in current frame
  5. bool ButtonDown(Input::MouseButton::Code btn) const;
  6. /// return true if button was up at least once in current frame
  7. bool ButtonUp(Input::MouseButton::Code btn) const;
  8. /// return true if a button has been double clicked
  9. bool ButtonDoubleClicked(Input::MouseButton::Code btn) const;
  10. /// return true if mouse wheel rotated forward
  11. bool WheelForward() const;
  12. /// return true if mouse wheel rotated backward
  13. bool WheelBackward() const;
  14. /// get current absolute mouse position (in pixels)
  15. const Math::float2& GetPixelPosition() const;
  16. /// get current screen space mouse position (0.0 .. 1.0)
  17. const Math::float2& GetScreenPosition() const;
  18. /// get mouse movement
  19. const Math::float2& GetMovement() const;
  1. //Keyboard//
  2. /// return true if a key is currently pressed
  3. bool KeyPressed(Input::Key::Code keyCode) const;
  4. /// return true if key was down at least once in current frame
  5. bool KeyDown(Input::Key::Code keyCode) const;
  6. /// return true if key was up at least once in current frame
  7. bool KeyUp(Input::Key::Code keyCode) const;
  8. /// get character input in current frame
  9. const Util::String& GetCharInput() const;

GamePad先略过, 原理相同

测试例子, 在上一次的代码中添加一段:

  1. void OnRenderFrame()
  2. {
  3. if (this->inputServer->GetDefaultMouse()->ButtonDown(MouseButton::LeftButton))
  4. {
  5. MessageBoxA(this->displayDevice->GetHwnd(), "Left Button Down", NULL, 0);
  6. }
  7. //...//
  8. }




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