


要把 next 数组按照字典序排列,所以用了 sorted 集合。两个坑:

  • 必须从 JFK 开始
  • 同一个路线会重复出现

最朴素的思路 DFS,还好没超时。分析过程见下图~


import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;class Vertex {String val;SortedMap<String, Integer> next;public Vertex(String val) {this.val = val;this.next = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();}public void incr(String next) {Integer count = this.next.get(next);if (count == null) this.next.put(next, 1);else this.next.put(next, count + 1);}public void decr(String next) {int count = this.next.get(next) - 1;if (count == 0) this.next.remove(next);else this.next.put(next, count);}
}class Solution {int size;public List<String> findItinerary(List<List<String>> tickets) {size = tickets.size();Map<String, Vertex> graph = new HashMap<>();for (List<String> ticket : tickets) {graph.putIfAbsent(ticket.get(0), new Vertex(ticket.get(0)));graph.putIfAbsent(ticket.get(1), new Vertex(ticket.get(1)));graph.get(ticket.get(0)).incr(ticket.get(1));}// dfs 并关注出度Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();tryDFS(graph, "JFK", stack);System.out.println(stack);return stack;}public boolean tryDFS(Map<String, Vertex> graph, String from, Stack<String> stack) {stack.push(from);System.out.println(graph.get(from).next);if (graph.get(from).next.isEmpty()) {if (stack.size() == size + 1) {return true;} else {stack.pop();return false;}}for (String next : graph.get(from).next.keySet()) { // 只要有一条可行路径 就返回graph.get(from).decr(next);if (tryDFS(graph, next, stack)) return true; // 此路可行else graph.get(from).incr(next); // 此路不可行}// 没有遇到可行路径stack.pop();return false;}

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