the path "/usr/src/linux/include? is not an existing directory.
what is the location of the directory of c header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
the path "/usr/src/linux/include" is an existing directory ,but it does not c a "linux" subdirectory as expected.
using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc".use envir variable cc to override.
暈..居然是gcc compiler的問題...
kk.搞定..google幫了大忙..  就是感觴特麻煩...改改改..我改.
[root@netyang ~]# yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
[root@netyang ~]# yum -y update kernel
[root@netyang `]# rpm -qa | grep kernel
[root@netyang tmp] tar zxvf vmware-workstation-5.5.1-19175.tar.gz
[root@netyang tmp]#cd vmware-distrib
[root@netyang vmware-distrib]# ls
bin doc etc files installer lib man vmware-install.pl
[root@netyang vmware-distrib]# ./vmware-install.pl
creating a new installer database using the tar3 format.
trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel.
n of the pre-built vmmon modules for vmware workstation is suitable for your
running kernel. do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a c compiler installed on your system)? [yes]
using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". use envir variable cc to override.
what is the location of the directory of c header files that match your running
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
the path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory.
what is the location of the directory of c header files that match your running
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
[root@netyang vmware-distrib]#reboot
fedora core (2.6.16-1.2080_fc5)
fedora core 5 (2.6.15-1.2054_fc5)
[root@netyang ~]#cd /tmp
[root@netyang ~]#tar zxvf vmware-any-any-update101.tar.gz
[root@netyang ~]#cd vmware-any-any-update101
[root@netyang vmware-any-any-update101]# ./runme.pl
updating /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl ... already patched
updating /usr/bin/vmware ... no patch needed/available
updating /usr/bin/vmnet-bridge ... no patch needed/available
updating /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx ... no patch needed/available
updating /usr/lib/vmware/bin-debug/vmware-vmx ... no patch needed/available
vmware modules in "/usr/lib/vmware/modules/source" has been updated.
n of the pre-built vmmon modules for vmware workstation is suitable for your
running kernel. do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a c compiler installed on your system)? [yes]
using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". use envir variable cc to override.
what is the location of the directory of c header files that match your running
kernel? [/lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2080_fc5/build/include]
extracting the sources of the vmmon module.
building the vmmon module.
building for vmware workstation 5.5.x.
using 2.6.x kernel build system.
vm的一個bug...補丁打完..還得改改改...redhat 9直接就裝上了..
偶在執行上詖的過程中遇到yum命令報錯...需要改laseurl 然後更新..(在yum的配置檔中)..簡直.麻煩死了..


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