
最近一直在看odb官网上odb-manual,由于是全英文文档,仔细看过一遍之后虽然感觉基本了解,但是隔几天之后再翻开时又要逐一回忆当初理解的一些细节,毕竟不是母语,没有那种一看就条件反射式的想起来,所以把一些key word记录下来,避免下次重复花时间来消化知识。对于一个coder,能够用代码来阐述的,就尽量不用文字,所以在记录过程中尽量通过代码来展示一些api的用法。



Hello World实例

  1. 声明持久化类

    // person.hxx
    #include <string>
    class person
    {public:person(const std::string& first,const std::string& last,unsigned short age);const std::string& first () const;const std::string& last () const;unsigned short age () const;void age (unsigned short);
    private:std::string first_;std::string last_;unsigned short age_;


    // person.hxx
    #include <odb/core.hxx> // (1)
    #include <string>#pragma db object // (2)
    class person
    {public:person(const std::string& first,const std::string& last,unsigned short age);const std::string& first () const;const std::string& last () const;unsigned short age () const;void age (unsigned short);
    private:person () {} // (3)friend class odb::access; // (4)#pragma db id auto // (5)unsigned long id_; // (5)std::string first_;std::string last_;unsigned short age_;
  2. 产生odb的中间文件

    odb -d mysql --generate-query person.hxx


    odb -d mysql --generate-query --generate-schema person.hxx
  3. 编译运行

    mysql --user=odb_test --database=odb_test < person.sql
  4. 创建持久化对象


    // driver.cxx
    #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr
    #include <iostream>
    #include <odb/database.hxx>
    #include <odb/transaction.hxx>
    #include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>
    #include "person.hxx"
    #include "person-odb.hxx"
    using namespace std;
    using namespace odb::core;int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    {try{// mysql server's host name: root, password:123456, ip:, port:30306auto_ptr<database> db(new odb::mysql::database("root", "123456", "odb_test", "", 30306));unsigned long john_id, jane_id, joe_id;// Create a few persistent person objects.//{person john ("John", "Doe", 33);person jane ("Jane", "Doe", 32);person joe ("Joe", "Dirt", 30);transaction t (db->begin ());// Make objects persistent and save their ids for later use.//15 Revision 2.4, February 2015 C++ Object Persistence with ODB2.4 Making Objects Persistentjohn_id = db->persist (john);jane_id = db->persist (jane);joe_id = db->persist (joe);t.commit ();}}catch (const odb::exception& e){cerr << e.what () << endl;return 1;}
  5. 查询数据库对象

    // driver.cxx
    #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr
    #include <iostream>
    #include <odb/database.hxx>
    #include <odb/transaction.hxx>
    #include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>
    #include "person.hxx"
    #include "person-odb.hxx"
    using namespace std;
    using namespace odb::core;int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    {try{// mysql server's host name: root, password:123456, ip:, port:30306auto_ptr<database> db(new odb::mysql::database("root", "123456", "odb_test", "", 30306));unsigned long john_id, jane_id, joe_id;// Create a few persistent person objects.//{person john ("John", "Doe", 33);person jane ("Jane", "Doe", 32);person joe ("Joe", "Dirt", 30);transaction t (db->begin ());// Make objects persistent and save their ids for later use.//15 Revision 2.4, February 2015 C++ Object Persistence with ODB2.4 Making Objects Persistentjohn_id = db->persist (john);jane_id = db->persist (jane);joe_id = db->persist (joe);t.commit ();}typedef odb::query<person> query;typedef odb::result<person> result;// Say hello to those over 30.//{transaction t (db->begin ());result r (db->query<person> (query::age > 30));for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i){cout << "Hello, " << i->first () << "!" << endl;}t.commit ();}}catch (const odb::exception& e){cerr << e.what () << endl;return 1;}
  6. 数据库更新

    // driver.cxx
    #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr
    #include <iostream>
    #include <odb/database.hxx>
    #include <odb/transaction.hxx>
    #include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>
    #include "person.hxx"
    #include "person-odb.hxx"
    using namespace std;
    using namespace odb::core;int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    {try{// mysql server's host name: root, password:123456, ip:, port:30306auto_ptr<database> db(new odb::mysql::database("root", "123456", "odb_test", "", 30306));unsigned long john_id, jane_id, joe_id;// Create a few persistent person objects.//{person john ("John", "Doe", 33);person jane ("Jane", "Doe", 32);person joe ("Joe", "Dirt", 30);transaction t (db->begin ());// Make objects persistent and save their ids for later use.//15 Revision 2.4, February 2015 C++ Object Persistence with ODB2.4 Making Objects Persistentjohn_id = db->persist (john);jane_id = db->persist (jane);joe_id = db->persist (joe);t.commit ();}// Joe Dirt just had a birthday, so update his age.//{transaction t (db->begin ());auto_ptr<person> joe (db->load<person> (joe_id));joe->age (joe->age () + 1);db->update (*joe);t.commit ();}typedef odb::query<person> query;typedef odb::result<person> result;// Say hello to those over 30.//{transaction t (db->begin ());result r (db->query<person> (query::age > 30));for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i){cout << "Hello, " << i->first () << "!" << endl;}t.commit ();}}catch (const odb::exception& e){cerr << e.what () << endl;return 1;}
  7. 删除数据库

    // driver.cxx
    #include <memory> // std::auto_ptr
    #include <iostream>
    #include <odb/database.hxx>
    #include <odb/transaction.hxx>
    #include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>
    #include "person.hxx"
    #include "person-odb.hxx"
    using namespace std;
    using namespace odb::core;int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    {try{// mysql server's host name: root, password:123456, ip:, port:30306auto_ptr<database> db(new odb::mysql::database("root", "123456", "odb_test", "", 30306));unsigned long john_id, jane_id, joe_id;// Create a few persistent person objects.//{person john ("John", "Doe", 33);person jane ("Jane", "Doe", 32);person joe ("Joe", "Dirt", 30);transaction t (db->begin ());// Make objects persistent and save their ids for later use.//15 Revision 2.4, February 2015 C++ Object Persistence with ODB2.4 Making Objects Persistentjohn_id = db->persist (john);jane_id = db->persist (jane);joe_id = db->persist (joe);t.commit ();}// Joe Dirt just had a birthday, so update his age.//{transaction t (db->begin ());auto_ptr<person> joe (db->load<person> (joe_id));joe->age (joe->age () + 1);db->update (*joe);t.commit ();}typedef odb::query<person> query;typedef odb::result<person> result;// Say hello to those over 30.//{transaction t (db->begin ());result r (db->query<person> (query::age > 30));for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i){cout << "Hello, " << i->first () << "!" << endl;}t.commit ();}// John Doe is no longer in our database.//{transaction t (db->begin ());db->erase<person> (john_id);t.commit ();}// John Doe is no longer in our database. An alternative// implementation without using the object id.//{transaction t (db->begin ());// Here we know that there can be only one John Doe in our// database so we use the query_one() shortcut again.//auto_ptr<person> john (db->query_one<person> (query::first == "John" &&query::last == "Doe"));if (john.get () != 0)db->erase (*john);t.commit ();}}catch (const odb::exception& e){cerr << e.what () << endl;return 1;}

    上一篇 odb 使用指南(一)环境搭建
    下一篇 odb 使用指南(三)持久化对象的处理

odb 使用指南(二)Hello World相关推荐

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