最近与Lambert投影做了一段时间斗争, 从saga中扣出来一个可直接使用得方法


 double a = 6378245;// oSourceSRS.GetSemiMajor(); //oSourceSRS.getdouble f = 1.0000000000000000000 / 298.3;// oSourceSRS.GetInvFlattening();double Origin_Latitude = 0 * PI / 180;double Central_Meridian = 105* PI / 180;double Std_Parallel_1 = 30* PI / 180;double Std_Parallel_2 = 62* PI / 180;double False_Easting = 0;double False_Northing = 0;Set_Lambert_Parameters(a,f,Origin_Latitude,Central_Meridian,Std_Parallel_1,Std_Parallel_2,False_Easting,False_Northing);double Latitude = 0;double Longitude = 0;Convert_Lambert_To_Geodetic(xsaga, ysaga, &Latitude, &Longitude);double deLatitude = Latitude * 180 / PI;double deLongitude = Longitude * 180 / PI;


/*********************************************************** Version $Id: lambert_1.c 911 2011-02-14 16:38:15Z reklov_w $*********************************************************/
/* RSC IDENTIFIER: LAMBERT_1** ABSTRACT**    This component provides conversions between Geodetic coordinates*    (latitude and longitude in radians) and Lambert Conformal Conic*    (1 parallel) projection coordinates (easting and northing in meters) defined*    by one standard parallel.  ** ERROR HANDLING**    This component checks parameters for valid values.  If an invalid value*    is found the error code is combined with the current error code using*    the bitwise or.  This combining allows multiple error codes to be*    returned. The possible error codes are:**       LAMBERT_1_NO_ERROR           : No errors occurred in function*       LAMBERT_1_LAT_ERROR          : Latitude outside of valid range*                                      (-90 to 90 degrees)*       LAMBERT_1_LON_ERROR          : Longitude outside of valid range*                                      (-180 to 360 degrees)*       LAMBERT_1_EASTING_ERROR      : Easting outside of valid range*                                      (depends on ellipsoid and projection*                                     parameters)*       LAMBERT_1_NORTHING_ERROR     : Northing outside of valid range*                                      (depends on ellipsoid and projection*                                     parameters)*       LAMBERT_1_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR   : Origin latitude outside of valid*                                      range (-89 59 59.0 to 89 59 59.0 degrees)*       LAMBERT_1_CENT_MER_ERROR     : Central meridian outside of valid range*                                      (-180 to 360 degrees)*         LAMBERT_1_SCALE_FACTOR_ERROR : Scale factor outside of valid*                                      range (0.3 to 3.0)*       LAMBERT_1_A_ERROR            : Semi-major axis less than or equal to zero*       LAMBERT_1_INV_F_ERROR        : Inverse flattening outside of valid range*                                                      (250 to 350)*** REUSE NOTES**    LAMBERT_1 is intended for reuse by any application that performs a Lambert*    Conformal Conic (1 parallel) projection or its inverse.*    * REFERENCES**    Further information on LAMBERT_1 can be found in the Reuse Manual.**    LAMBERT_1 originated from:*                      U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center*                      Geospatial Information Division*                      7701 Telegraph Road*                      Alexandria, VA  22310-3864** LICENSES**    None apply to this component.** RESTRICTIONS**    LAMBERT_1 has no restrictions.** ENVIRONMENT**    LAMBERT_1 was tested and certified in the following environments:**    1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC, version 2.8.1*    2. Windows 98/2000 with MS Visual C++, version 6** MODIFICATIONS**    Date              Description*    ----              -----------*    03-05-05          Original Code***//***************************************************************************/
/**                               INCLUDES*/#include <math.h>
#include "lambert_1.h"
/**    math.h     - Standard C math library*    lambert_1.h  - Is for prototype error checking*//***************************************************************************/
/*                               DEFINES**/#define PI         3.14159265358979323e0   /* PI     */
#define PI_OVER_2  (PI / 2.0)
#define PI_OVER_4  (PI / 4.0)
#define MAX_LAT    (( PI *  89.99972222222222) / 180.0)  /* 89 59 59.0 degrees in radians */
#define TWO_PI     (2.0 * PI)
#define LAMBERT_m(clat,essin)                  (clat / sqrt(1.0 - essin * essin))
#define LAMBERT_t(lat,essin)                   tan(PI_OVER_4 - lat / 2) /               \pow((1.0 - essin) / (1.0 + essin), es_OVER_2)
#define ES_SIN(sinlat)                         (es * sinlat)
#define MIN_SCALE_FACTOR  0.3
#define MAX_SCALE_FACTOR  3.0/**************************************************************************/
/*                               GLOBAL DECLARATIONS**//* Ellipsoid Parameters, default to WGS 84  */
static double Lambert_1_a = 6378137.0;               /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters */
static double Lambert_1_f = 1 / 298.257223563;       /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
static double es = 0.08181919084262188000;           /* Eccentricity of ellipsoid */
static double es_OVER_2 = .040909595421311;          /* Eccentricity / 2.0 */
static double Lambert_1_n = 0.70710678118655;        /* Ratio of angle between meridians */
static double Lambert_1_rho0 = 6388838.2901212;      /* Height above ellipsoid */
static double Lambert_1_rho_olat = 6388838.2901211;
static double Lambert_1_t0 = 0.41618115138974;/* Lambert_Conformal_Conic projection Parameters */
static double Lambert_1_Origin_Lat = (45 * PI / 180);   /* Latitude of origin in radians */
static double Lambert_1_Origin_Long = 0.0;              /* Longitude of origin, in radians */
static double Lambert_1_False_Northing = 0.0;           /* False northing, in meters */
static double Lambert_1_False_Easting = 0.0;            /* False easting, in meters */
static double Lambert_1_Scale_Factor = 1.0;             /* Scale Factor *//* Maximum variance for easting and northing values for WGS 84. */
static double Lambert_Delta_Easting = 40000000.0;
static double Lambert_Delta_Northing = 40000000.0;/* These state variables are for optimization purposes. The only function* that should modify them is Set_Lambert_1_Parameters.         *//************************************************************************/
/*                              FUNCTIONS**/long Set_Lambert_1_Parameters(double a,double f,double Origin_Latitude,double Central_Meridian,double False_Easting,double False_Northing,double Scale_Factor){ /* BEGIN Set_Lambert_1_Parameters */
/** The function Set_Lambert_1_Parameters receives the ellipsoid parameters and* Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel) projection parameters as inputs, and sets the* corresponding state variables.  If any errors occur, the error code(s)* are returned by the function, otherwise LAMBERT_1_NO_ERROR is returned.**   a                   : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters   (input)*   f                   : Flattening of ellipsoid                    (input)*   Origin_Latitude     : Latitude of origin, in radians            (input)*   Central_Meridian    : Longitude of origin, in radians           (input)*   False_Easting       : False easting, in meters                  (input)*   False_Northing      : False northing, in meters                 (input)*   Scale_Factor        : Projection scale factor                   (input) **/double es2;double es_sin;double m0;double inv_f = 1 / f;long Error_Code = LAMBERT_1_NO_ERROR;if (a <= 0.0){ /* Semi-major axis must be greater than zero */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_A_ERROR;}if ((inv_f < 250) || (inv_f > 350)){ /* Inverse flattening must be between 250 and 350 */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_INV_F_ERROR;}if (((Origin_Latitude < -MAX_LAT) || (Origin_Latitude > MAX_LAT)) ||(Origin_Latitude == 0)){ /* Origin Latitude out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR;}if ((Central_Meridian < -PI) || (Central_Meridian > TWO_PI)){ /* Origin Longitude out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_CENT_MER_ERROR;}if ((Scale_Factor < MIN_SCALE_FACTOR) || (Scale_Factor > MAX_SCALE_FACTOR)){Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_SCALE_FACTOR_ERROR;}if (!Error_Code){ /* no errors */Lambert_1_a = a;Lambert_1_f = f;Lambert_1_Origin_Lat = Origin_Latitude;if (Central_Meridian > PI)Central_Meridian -= TWO_PI;Lambert_1_Origin_Long = Central_Meridian;Lambert_1_False_Easting = False_Easting;Lambert_1_False_Northing = False_Northing;Lambert_1_Scale_Factor = Scale_Factor;es2 = 2.0 * Lambert_1_f - Lambert_1_f * Lambert_1_f;es = sqrt(es2);es_OVER_2 = es / 2.0;Lambert_1_n = sin(Lambert_1_Origin_Lat);es_sin = ES_SIN(sin(Lambert_1_Origin_Lat));m0 = LAMBERT_m(cos(Lambert_1_Origin_Lat), es_sin);Lambert_1_t0 = LAMBERT_t(Lambert_1_Origin_Lat, es_sin);Lambert_1_rho0 = Lambert_1_a * Lambert_1_Scale_Factor * m0 / Lambert_1_n;Lambert_1_rho_olat = Lambert_1_rho0;}return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Set_Lambert_1_Parameters */void Get_Lambert_1_Parameters(double *a,double *f,double *Origin_Latitude,double *Central_Meridian,double *False_Easting,double *False_Northing,double *Scale_Factor){ /* BEGIN Get_Lambert_1_Parameters */
/*                         * The function Get_Lambert_1_Parameters returns the current ellipsoid* parameters and Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel) projection parameters.**   a                   : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters   (output)*   f                   : Flattening of ellipsoid                   (output)*   Origin_Latitude     : Latitude of origin, in radians            (output)*   Central_Meridian    : Longitude of origin, in radians           (output)*   False_Easting       : False easting, in meters                  (output)*   False_Northing      : False northing, in meters                 (output)*   Scale_Factor        : Projection scale factor                   (output) */*a = Lambert_1_a;*f = Lambert_1_f;*Origin_Latitude = Lambert_1_Origin_Lat;*Central_Meridian = Lambert_1_Origin_Long;*False_Easting = Lambert_1_False_Easting;*False_Northing = Lambert_1_False_Northing;*Scale_Factor = Lambert_1_Scale_Factor;return;
} /* END OF Get_Lambert_1_Parameters */long Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert_1 (double Latitude,double Longitude,double *Easting,double *Northing){ /* BEGIN Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert_1 */
/** The function Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert_1 converts Geodetic (latitude and* longitude) coordinates to Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel) projection (easting* and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and* Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel) projection parameters.  If any errors occur, the* error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise LAMBERT_NO_ERROR is* returned.**    Latitude         : Latitude, in radians                         (input)*    Longitude        : Longitude, in radians                        (input)*    Easting          : Easting (X), in meters                       (output)*    Northing         : Northing (Y), in meters                      (output)*/double t;double rho;double dlam;double theta;long  Error_Code = LAMBERT_1_NO_ERROR;if ((Latitude < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude > PI_OVER_2)){  /* Latitude out of range */Error_Code|= LAMBERT_1_LAT_ERROR;}if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > TWO_PI)){  /* Longitude out of range */Error_Code|= LAMBERT_1_LON_ERROR;}if (!Error_Code){ /* no errors */if (fabs(fabs(Latitude) - PI_OVER_2) > 1.0e-10){t = LAMBERT_t(Latitude, ES_SIN(sin(Latitude)));rho = Lambert_1_rho0 * pow(t / Lambert_1_t0, Lambert_1_n);}else{if ((Latitude * Lambert_1_n) <= 0){ /* Point can not be projected */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_LAT_ERROR;return (Error_Code);}rho = 0.0;}dlam = Longitude - Lambert_1_Origin_Long;if (dlam > PI){dlam -= TWO_PI;}if (dlam < -PI){dlam += TWO_PI;}theta = Lambert_1_n * dlam;*Easting = rho * sin(theta) + Lambert_1_False_Easting;*Northing = Lambert_1_rho_olat - rho * cos(theta) + Lambert_1_False_Northing;}return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert */long Convert_Lambert_1_To_Geodetic (double Easting,double Northing,double *Latitude,double *Longitude){ /* BEGIN Convert_Lambert_1_To_Geodetic */
/** The function Convert_Lambert_1_To_Geodetic converts Lambert Conformal* Conic (1 parallel) projection (easting and northing) coordinates to Geodetic* (latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid* and Lambert Conformal Conic (1 parallel) projection parameters.  If any errors occur,* the error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise LAMBERT_NO_ERROR* is returned.**    Easting          : Easting (X), in meters                       (input)*    Northing         : Northing (Y), in meters                      (input)*    Latitude         : Latitude, in radians                         (output)*    Longitude        : Longitude, in radians                        (output)*/double dx;double dy;double rho;double rho_olat_MINUS_dy;double t;double PHI;double es_sin;double tempPHI = 0.0;double theta = 0.0;double tolerance = 4.85e-10;int count = 30;long Error_Code = LAMBERT_1_NO_ERROR;if ((Easting < (Lambert_1_False_Easting - Lambert_Delta_Easting))||(Easting > (Lambert_1_False_Easting + Lambert_Delta_Easting))){ /* Easting out of range  */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_EASTING_ERROR;}if ((Northing < (Lambert_1_False_Northing - Lambert_Delta_Northing))|| (Northing > (Lambert_1_False_Northing + Lambert_Delta_Northing))){ /* Northing out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_NORTHING_ERROR;}if (!Error_Code){ /* no errors */dy = Northing - Lambert_1_False_Northing;dx = Easting - Lambert_1_False_Easting;rho_olat_MINUS_dy = Lambert_1_rho_olat - dy;rho = sqrt(dx * dx + (rho_olat_MINUS_dy) * (rho_olat_MINUS_dy));if (Lambert_1_n < 0.0){rho *= -1.0;dx *= -1.0;rho_olat_MINUS_dy *= -1.0;}if (rho != 0.0){theta = atan2(dx, rho_olat_MINUS_dy) / Lambert_1_n;t = Lambert_1_t0 * pow(rho / Lambert_1_rho0, 1 / Lambert_1_n);PHI = PI_OVER_2 - 2.0 * atan(t);while (fabs(PHI - tempPHI) > tolerance && count){tempPHI = PHI;es_sin = ES_SIN(sin(PHI));PHI = PI_OVER_2 - 2.0 * atan(t * pow((1.0 - es_sin) / (1.0 + es_sin), es_OVER_2));count --;}if(!count)return Error_Code |= LAMBERT_1_NORTHING_ERROR;*Latitude = PHI;*Longitude = theta + Lambert_1_Origin_Long;if (fabs(*Latitude) < 2.0e-7)  /* force lat to 0 to avoid -0 degrees */*Latitude = 0.0;if (*Latitude > PI_OVER_2)  /* force distorted values to 90, -90 degrees */*Latitude = PI_OVER_2;else if (*Latitude < -PI_OVER_2)*Latitude = -PI_OVER_2;if (*Longitude > PI){if (*Longitude - PI < 3.5e-6) *Longitude = PI;else*Longitude -= TWO_PI;}if (*Longitude < -PI){if (fabs(*Longitude + PI) < 3.5e-6)*Longitude = -PI;else*Longitude += TWO_PI;}if (fabs(*Longitude) < 2.0e-7)  /* force lon to 0 to avoid -0 degrees */*Longitude = 0.0;if (*Longitude > PI)  /* force distorted values to 180, -180 degrees */*Longitude = PI;else if (*Longitude < -PI)*Longitude = -PI;}else{if (Lambert_1_n > 0.0)*Latitude = PI_OVER_2;else*Latitude = -PI_OVER_2;*Longitude = Lambert_1_Origin_Long;}}return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Convert_Lambert_1_To_Geodetic */


/*********************************************************** Version $Id: lambert.c 911 2011-02-14 16:38:15Z reklov_w $*********************************************************/
/* RSC IDENTIFIER: LAMBERT** ABSTRACT**    This component provides conversions between Geodetic coordinates*    (latitude and longitude in radians) and Lambert Conformal Conic*    projection coordinates (easting and northing in meters) defined*    by two standard parallels.  When both standard parallel parameters*    are set to the same latitude value, the result is a Lambert *    Conformal Conic projection with one standard parallel at the *    specified latitude.** ERROR HANDLING**    This component checks parameters for valid values.  If an invalid value*    is found the error code is combined with the current error code using*    the bitwise or.  This combining allows multiple error codes to be*    returned. The possible error codes are:**       LAMBERT_NO_ERROR           : No errors occurred in function*       LAMBERT_LAT_ERROR          : Latitude outside of valid range*                                     (-90 to 90 degrees)*       LAMBERT_LON_ERROR          : Longitude outside of valid range*                                     (-180 to 360 degrees)*       LAMBERT_EASTING_ERROR      : Easting outside of valid range*                                     (depends on ellipsoid and projection*                                     parameters)*       LAMBERT_NORTHING_ERROR     : Northing outside of valid range*                                     (depends on ellipsoid and projection*                                     parameters)*       LAMBERT_FIRST_STDP_ERROR   : First standard parallel outside of valid*                                     range (-89 59 59.0 to 89 59 59.0 degrees)*       LAMBERT_SECOND_STDP_ERROR  : Second standard parallel outside of valid*                                     range (-89 59 59.0 to 89 59 59.0 degrees)*       LAMBERT_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR   : Origin latitude outside of valid range*                                     (-89 59 59.0 to 89 59 59.0 degrees)*       LAMBERT_CENT_MER_ERROR     : Central meridian outside of valid range*                                     (-180 to 360 degrees)*       LAMBERT_A_ERROR            : Semi-major axis less than or equal to zero*       LAMBERT_INV_F_ERROR        : Inverse flattening outside of valid range*                                    (250 to 350)*       LAMBERT_HEMISPHERE_ERROR   : Standard parallels cannot be opposite latitudes*       LAMBERT_FIRST_SECOND_ERROR : The 1st & 2nd standard parallels cannot*                                     both be 0*** REUSE NOTES**    LAMBERT is intended for reuse by any application that performs a Lambert*    Conformal Conic projection or its inverse.*    * REFERENCES**    Further information on LAMBERT can be found in the Reuse Manual.**    LAMBERT originated from:*                      U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center*                      Geospatial Information Division*                      7701 Telegraph Road*                      Alexandria, VA  22310-3864** LICENSES**    None apply to this component.** RESTRICTIONS**    LAMBERT has no restrictions.** ENVIRONMENT**    LAMBERT was tested and certified in the following environments:**    1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC, version 2.8.1*    2. Windows 98/2000 with MS Visual C++, version 6** MODIFICATIONS**    Date              Description*    ----              -----------*    10-02-97          Original Code*    08-15-99          Re-engineered Code*    03-05-05          Re-engineered Code***//***************************************************************************/
/**                               INCLUDES*/#include <math.h>
#include "lambert.h"#include "lambert_1.h"
/**    math.h     - Standard C math library*    lambert.h  - Is for prototype error checking*    lambert_1.h  - Is called to do conversion*//***************************************************************************/
/*                               DEFINES**/#define PI         3.14159265358979323e0   /* PI     */
#define PI_OVER_2  (PI / 2.0)
#define PI_OVER_4  (PI / 4.0)
#define MAX_LAT    (( PI *  89.99972222222222) / 180.0)  /* 89 59 59.0 degrees in radians */
#define TWO_PI     (2.0 * PI)
#define LAMBERT_m(clat,essin)                  (clat / sqrt(1.0 - essin * essin))
#define LAMBERT_t(lat,essin)                   tan(PI_OVER_4 - lat / 2) *               \pow((1.0 + essin) / (1.0 - essin), es_OVER_2)
#define ES_SIN(sinlat)                         (es * sinlat)/**************************************************************************/
/*                               GLOBAL DECLARATIONS**//* Ellipsoid Parameters, default to WGS 84  */
static double Lambert_a = 6378137.0;                    /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters */
static double Lambert_f = 1 / 298.257223563;            /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
static double es = 0.081819190842621;                   /* Eccentricity of ellipsoid */
static double es_OVER_2 = 0.040909595421311;            /* Eccentricity / 2.0 */
static double Lambert_lat0 = 0.78669154042193;          /* Calculated origin latitude */
static double Lambert_k0 = 0.99620424745181;            /* Calculated scale factor */
static double Lambert_false_northing = 8204.2214438468; /* Calculated false northing *//* Lambert_Conformal_Conic projection Parameters */
static double Lambert_Std_Parallel_1 = (40 * PI / 180); /* Lower std. parallel, in radians */
static double Lambert_Std_Parallel_2 = (50 * PI / 180); /* Upper std. parallel, in radians */
static double Lambert_Origin_Lat = (45 * PI / 180);     /* Latitude of origin, in radians */
static double Lambert_Origin_Long = 0.0;                /* Longitude of origin, in radians */
static double Lambert_False_Northing = 0.0;             /* False northing, in meters */
static double Lambert_False_Easting = 0.0;              /* False easting, in meters *//* Maximum variance for easting and northing values for WGS 84. */
static double Lambert_Delta_Easting = 40000000.0;
static double Lambert_Delta_Northing = 40000000.0;/* These state variables are for optimization purposes. The only function* that should modify them is Set_Lambert_Parameters.         *//************************************************************************/
/*                              FUNCTIONS**/long Set_Lambert_Parameters(double a,double f,double Origin_Latitude,double Central_Meridian,double Std_Parallel_1,double Std_Parallel_2,double False_Easting,double False_Northing){ /* BEGIN Set_Lambert_Parameters */
/** The function Set_Lambert_Parameters receives the ellipsoid parameters and* Lambert Conformal Conic projection parameters as inputs, and sets the* corresponding state variables.  If any errors occur, the error code(s)* are returned by the function, otherwise LAMBERT_NO_ERROR is returned.**   a                   : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters   (input)*   f                   : Flattening of ellipsoid                     (input)*   Origin_Latitude     : Latitude of origin, in radians            (input)*   Central_Meridian    : Longitude of origin, in radians           (input)*   Std_Parallel_1      : First standard parallel, in radians       (input)*   Std_Parallel_2      : Second standard parallel, in radians      (input)*   False_Easting       : False easting, in meters                  (input)*   False_Northing      : False northing, in meters                 (input)**   Note that when the two standard parallel parameters are both set to the *   same latitude value, the result is a Lambert Conformal Conic projection *   with one standard parallel at the specified latitude.*/double es2;double es_sin;double t0;double t1;double t2;double t_olat;double m0;double m1;double m2;double m_olat;double n;                                /* Ratio of angle between meridians */double const_value;double inv_f = 1 / f;long Error_Code = LAMBERT_NO_ERROR;if (a <= 0.0){ /* Semi-major axis must be greater than zero */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_A_ERROR;}if ((inv_f < 250) || (inv_f > 350)){ /* Inverse flattening must be between 250 and 350 */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_INV_F_ERROR;}if ((Origin_Latitude < -MAX_LAT) || (Origin_Latitude > MAX_LAT)){ /* Origin Latitude out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR;}if ((Std_Parallel_1 < -MAX_LAT) || (Std_Parallel_1 > MAX_LAT)){ /* First Standard Parallel out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_FIRST_STDP_ERROR;}if ((Std_Parallel_2 < -MAX_LAT) || (Std_Parallel_2 > MAX_LAT)){ /* Second Standard Parallel out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_SECOND_STDP_ERROR;}if ((Std_Parallel_1 == 0) && (Std_Parallel_2 == 0)){ /* First & Second Standard Parallels are both 0 */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_FIRST_SECOND_ERROR;}if (Std_Parallel_1 == -Std_Parallel_2){ /* Parallels are the negation of each other */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_HEMISPHERE_ERROR;}if ((Central_Meridian < -PI) || (Central_Meridian > TWO_PI)){ /* Origin Longitude out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_CENT_MER_ERROR;}if (!Error_Code){ /* no errors */Lambert_a = a;Lambert_f = f;Lambert_Origin_Lat = Origin_Latitude;Lambert_Std_Parallel_1 = Std_Parallel_1;Lambert_Std_Parallel_2 = Std_Parallel_2;if (Central_Meridian > PI)Central_Meridian -= TWO_PI;Lambert_Origin_Long = Central_Meridian;Lambert_False_Easting = False_Easting;Lambert_False_Northing = False_Northing;if (fabs(Lambert_Std_Parallel_1 - Lambert_Std_Parallel_2) > 1.0e-10){es2 = 2 * Lambert_f - Lambert_f * Lambert_f;es = sqrt(es2);es_OVER_2 = es / 2.0;es_sin = ES_SIN(sin(Lambert_Origin_Lat));m_olat = LAMBERT_m(cos(Lambert_Origin_Lat), es_sin);t_olat = LAMBERT_t(Lambert_Origin_Lat, es_sin);es_sin = ES_SIN(sin(Lambert_Std_Parallel_1));m1 = LAMBERT_m(cos(Lambert_Std_Parallel_1), es_sin);t1 = LAMBERT_t(Lambert_Std_Parallel_1, es_sin);es_sin = ES_SIN(sin(Lambert_Std_Parallel_2));m2 = LAMBERT_m(cos(Lambert_Std_Parallel_2), es_sin);t2 = LAMBERT_t(Lambert_Std_Parallel_2, es_sin);n = log(m1 / m2) / log(t1 / t2);Lambert_lat0 = asin(n);es_sin = ES_SIN(sin(Lambert_lat0));m0 = LAMBERT_m(cos(Lambert_lat0), es_sin);t0 = LAMBERT_t(Lambert_lat0, es_sin);Lambert_k0 = (m1 / m0) * (pow(t0 / t1, n));const_value = ((Lambert_a * m2) / (n * pow(t2, n)));Lambert_false_northing = ((const_value * pow(t_olat, n)) - (const_value * pow(t0, n))) + Lambert_False_Northing;}else{Lambert_lat0 = Lambert_Std_Parallel_1;Lambert_k0 = 1.0;Lambert_false_northing = Lambert_False_Northing;}Set_Lambert_1_Parameters(Lambert_a, Lambert_f, Lambert_lat0, Lambert_Origin_Long, Lambert_False_Easting, Lambert_false_northing, Lambert_k0);}return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Set_Lambert_Parameters */void Get_Lambert_Parameters(double *a,double *f,double *Origin_Latitude,double *Central_Meridian,double *Std_Parallel_1,double *Std_Parallel_2,double *False_Easting,double *False_Northing){ /* BEGIN Get_Lambert_Parameters */
/*                         * The function Get_Lambert_Parameters returns the current ellipsoid* parameters and Lambert Conformal Conic projection parameters.**   a                   : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters   (output)*   f                   : Flattening of ellipsoid                  (output)*   Origin_Latitude     : Latitude of origin, in radians            (output)*   Central_Meridian    : Longitude of origin, in radians           (output)*   Std_Parallel_1      : First standard parallel, in radians       (output)*   Std_Parallel_2      : Second standard parallel, in radians      (output)*   False_Easting       : False easting, in meters                  (output)*   False_Northing      : False northing, in meters                 (output)*/*a = Lambert_a;*f = Lambert_f;*Std_Parallel_1 = Lambert_Std_Parallel_1;*Std_Parallel_2 = Lambert_Std_Parallel_2;*Origin_Latitude = Lambert_Origin_Lat;*Central_Meridian = Lambert_Origin_Long;*False_Easting = Lambert_False_Easting;*False_Northing = Lambert_False_Northing;return;
} /* END OF Get_Lambert_Parameters */long Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert (double Latitude,double Longitude,double *Easting,double *Northing){ /* BEGIN Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert */
/** The function Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert converts Geodetic (latitude and* longitude) coordinates to Lambert Conformal Conic projection (easting* and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and* Lambert Conformal Conic projection parameters.  If any errors occur, the* error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise LAMBERT_NO_ERROR is* returned.**    Latitude         : Latitude, in radians                         (input)*    Longitude        : Longitude, in radians                        (input)*    Easting          : Easting (X), in meters                       (output)*    Northing         : Northing (Y), in meters                      (output)*/long  Error_Code = LAMBERT_NO_ERROR;if ((Latitude < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude > PI_OVER_2)){  /* Latitude out of range */Error_Code|= LAMBERT_LAT_ERROR;}if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > TWO_PI)){  /* Longitude out of range */Error_Code|= LAMBERT_LON_ERROR;}if (!Error_Code){ /* no errors */Set_Lambert_1_Parameters(Lambert_a, Lambert_f, Lambert_lat0, Lambert_Origin_Long, Lambert_False_Easting, Lambert_false_northing, Lambert_k0);Error_Code = Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert_1(Latitude, Longitude, Easting, Northing);}return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Convert_Geodetic_To_Lambert */long Convert_Lambert_To_Geodetic (double Easting,double Northing,double *Latitude,double *Longitude){ /* BEGIN Convert_Lambert_To_Geodetic */
/** The function Convert_Lambert_To_Geodetic converts Lambert Conformal* Conic projection (easting and northing) coordinates to Geodetic* (latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid* and Lambert Conformal Conic projection parameters.  If any errors occur,* the error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise LAMBERT_NO_ERROR* is returned.**    Easting          : Easting (X), in meters                       (input)*    Northing         : Northing (Y), in meters                      (input)*    Latitude         : Latitude, in radians                         (output)*    Longitude        : Longitude, in radians                        (output)*/long Error_Code = LAMBERT_NO_ERROR;if ((Easting < (Lambert_False_Easting - Lambert_Delta_Easting))||(Easting > (Lambert_False_Easting + Lambert_Delta_Easting))){ /* Easting out of range  */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_EASTING_ERROR;}if ((Northing < (Lambert_false_northing - Lambert_Delta_Northing))|| (Northing > (Lambert_false_northing + Lambert_Delta_Northing))){ /* Northing out of range */Error_Code |= LAMBERT_NORTHING_ERROR;}if (!Error_Code){ /* no errors */Set_Lambert_1_Parameters(Lambert_a, Lambert_f, Lambert_lat0, Lambert_Origin_Long, Lambert_False_Easting, Lambert_false_northing, Lambert_k0);Error_Code = Convert_Lambert_1_To_Geodetic(Easting, Northing, Latitude, Longitude);}return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Convert_Lambert_To_Geodetic */

其实就2个c文件,  直接引用工程即可

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