Use TPTP monitor. Sometime TPTP says it is slow, but real case is it is not slow. Why?

See the following picture

getSaeSarEodByPtfl() only query database, but uses 0.28s, It is too slow? You want tune it? No, the root cause is from Oracle executeQuery(), it costs 0.26s. So your code, cost 0.02s, it is acceptable.

But why Oracle use 0.26s? It is network cost?, no, in real time(no tptp)  the whole http request only 0.087s. So we think TPTP make it slow?

I don't know!!!!

I click 11 times, I found some time it is fast, see picture, "Min Time" is 0.07s and 0.05s.

So what is conclusion? TPTP make it slow,and random. Some time it is normal, some time it is slow. What TPTP has done? Maybe TPTP is not a stable tools. Ot TPTP has limitation. It suite for "calculation in memory, but not remote call"

Not see the absoluted value, but relative value. Two cases will show getSaeEodSarByPtfl()-Oracle time=0.02s. So getSaeEodSarByPtfl() no need to tune.

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