If you stuck around for a while, you might have noticed I used to post a video (and an audio) every Friday for most of 2018. I call them "Fridays with Zell".

如果您呆了一会儿,您可能已经注意到,我曾经在2018年大部分时间每个星期五发布一个视频(和音频)。我称它们为“ Zell的星期五”。

In 2019, I decided to stop making videos. I want to share why I decided to stop making videos.

在2019年,我决定停止制作视频。 我想分享为什么我决定停止制作视频。

为什么我开始制作视频 (Why I started making videos)

I started making videos because of three reasons:


  1. I thought it would be fun.我以为会很有趣。
  2. It would be good practice if I want to release video-based courses in the future.如果以后我想发布基于视频的课程,那将是一个很好的做法。
  3. I heard good things about video helping to bring more subscribers我听到了有关视频的好消息,有助于吸引更多订阅者

I finally got a chance to try making videos at the start of 2018. I committed for one year (and made 44 videos in total). That's approximately 1 video per week.

我终于有机会在2018年初尝试制作视频。我承诺了一年(总共制作了44个视频)。 每周大约有1个视频。

为什么我要在周五与Zell关闭。 (Why I'm shutting down Fridays with Zell.)

Two reasons:


  1. Videos don't bring me additional subscribers影片不会带给我更多订阅者
  2. Video-making is not fun for me视频制作对我来说并不好玩

I should probably say more about each statement, so here we go.


影片不会带给我更多订阅者 (Videos don't bring me additional subscribers)

Here's a chart of subscribers in 2018 and in 2019. Green bars indicate the number of new subscribers.


The number of new subscribers hovered around 250 per week from 1st January 2018 to 22 May 2019. I stopped posting videos in January 2019, but the number of subscribers remained at 250 per week.


This tells me the videos didn't bring in new subscribers. My videos were mostly watched by people who are already following me.

这告诉我视频没有吸引新的订阅者。 我的视频大部分被已经关注我的人观看。

视频制作不好玩 (Video-making is not fun)

A lot of work goes into creating videos.


  1. I had to put myself in front of the camera我不得不把自己放在镜头前
  2. Speak in a manner that doesn't feel too fake说话时不要太假
  3. Edit the hell out of what I spoke (the hard part)用我说的话来编辑地狱(困难的部分)
  4. Write an article that goes along with the video撰写随视频一起的文章

Points 3 and 4 are killers.


I loathe the editing process. I hate scrubbing and trimming the audio. This process is not fun at all. I would rather do ANYTHING else than edit a video.

我讨厌编辑过程。 我讨厌擦洗和修剪音频。 这个过程根本不好玩。 除了编辑视频外,我宁愿做其他任何事情。

Plus, converting a video into an article takes a hell lot of work too. I have to write a transcript of what transpired in the video, create images, and write an article that flows.

另外,将视频转换为文章也需要大量工作。 我必须写一段视频中的文字记录,创建图像并写一篇流畅的文章。

It's not fun.


It's too much work.


I got burned out.


So I decided to stop.


我会再制作视频吗? (Will I ever make videos again?)

I can't say for sure. Maybe I will make videos again when the dread fades away. But if I ever start making videos again, I'll do it in a different way.

我不能肯定地说。 恐惧消失后,也许我会再次制作视频。 但是,如果我再次开始制作视频,我会以另一种方式来做。

最后的话 (Final words)

You won't know whether you should (or shouldn't) do something until you've done it.


Give it a try.


You can always walk away if it's not for you.


If you walk away, you'll know why it's not for you. You'll have a better idea about what you want/don't want to do. And you can focus better on the next thing.

如果您走开,您会知道为什么它不适合您。 您将对自己想要/不想做的事情有个更好的主意。 而且您可以更好地专注于下一件事。

Sometimes, what's right for you now doesn't mean it's always going to be right for you.


Keep experimenting, and continue to challenge your assumptions.


Thanks for reading. This article was originally posted on my blog. Sign up for my newsletter if you want more articles to help you become a better frontend developer.

谢谢阅读。 本文最初发布在我的博客上 。 如果您想要更多的文章来帮助您成为更好的前端开发人员,请注册我的时事通讯 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/https-zellwk-com-blog-shutting-down-fridays-with-zell/


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