


1. 报文


2. 报文分类:



3. 报文结构













Moved Permanently









Not Found



Request Time-out



Internal Server Error



2. httpd代码















#define ISspace(x) isspace((int)(x))

#define SERVER_STRING "Server: httpd/0.1.0\r\n"

// 接受请求,并处理

void accept_request(int clientsockfd);

// 无法处理请求,回写400到client

void bad_request(int);

// 将文件内容发送到client

void cat(int client, FILE* fp);

// 输出错误信息

void error_die(const char *);

// 从fd中读取一行,并将读取的'\r\n'和'\r'转换为'\n'

int get_line(int fd, char* buf, int bufsize);

// 返回200 OK给客户端

void headers(int clientsockfd, const char * filename);

// 返回404状态给客户端

void not_found(int);

// 处理客户端文件请求,发送404或200+文件内容到client

void serve_file(int client, const char* filename);

// 开启soket监听

int startup(u_short *);

// 返回501状态给客户端

void unimplemented(int);


/* A request has caused a call to accept() on the server port to

* return. Process the request appropriately.

* Parameters: the socket connected to the client */


void accept_request(int client)


char buf[1024];

int numchars;

char method[255]; // 方法(请求类型)

char url[255]; // 请求的资源URL

char path[512]; // 请求资源的本地路径

size_t i, j;

struct stat st;


char *query_string = NULL;

// 1. 从客户端连接请求数据包中读取一行

numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));

// 2. 从读取的数据中提取出请求类型

i = 0; j = 0;

while (!ISspace(buf[j]) && (i < sizeof(method) - 1)){

method[i] = buf[j];

i++; j++;


method[i] = '\0';

// 3. 判断请求类型

if (strcasecmp(method, "GET") && strcasecmp(method, "POST"))


unimplemented(client); // 不支持请求类型,向客户端返回501



// 4. 提取请求的资源URL

i = 0;

while (ISspace(buf[j]) && (j < sizeof(buf))){

j++; // 定位下一个非空格位置


while (!ISspace(buf[j]) && (i < sizeof(url) - 1) && (j < sizeof(buf)))


url[i] = buf[j];

i++; j++;


url[i] = '\0';

// 5. 生成本地路径

sprintf(path, "./%s", url);

if (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/'){

strcat(path, "index.html"); //如果请求url是以'/'结尾,则指定为该目录下的index.html文件


// 6. 判断请求资源的状态

if (stat(path, &st) == -1) {

// 从client中读取,直到遇到两个换行(起始行startline和首部header之间间隔)

while ((numchars > 0) && strcmp("\n", buf)){ /* read & discard headers */

numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));


not_found(client); // 501




// 请求的是个目录,指定为该目录下的index.html文件

if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR){

strcat(path, "/index.html");


// 返回一个文件内容给客户端

serve_file(client, path); //





/* Inform the client that a request it has made has a problem.

* Parameters: client socket */


void bad_request(int client)


char buf[1024];

// 向client回写400状态

sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST\r\n");

send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "Content-type: text/html\r\n");

send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "\r\n");

send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "

Your browser sent a bad request, ");

send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "such as a POST without a Content-Length.\r\n");

send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);



/* Put the entire contents of a file out on a socket. This function

* is named after the UNIX "cat" command, because it might have been

* easier just to do something like pipe, fork, and exec("cat").

* Parameters: the client socket descriptor

* FILE pointer for the file to cat */


void cat(int client, FILE *resource)


char buf[1024];

// 从resource中读取一行

fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), resource);

// 将文件中的内容发送到客户端

while (!feof(resource))


send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), resource);




/* Print out an error message with perror() (for system errors; based

* on value of errno, which indicates system call errors) and exit the

* program indicating an error. */


void error_die(const char *sc)


perror(sc); // 输出错误信息

exit(1); // 退出程序



/* Get a line from a socket, whether the line ends in a newline,

* carriage return, or a CRLF combination. Terminates the string read

* with a null character. If no newline indicator is found before the

* end of the buffer, the string is terminated with a null. If any of

* the above three line terminators is read, the last character of the

* string will be a linefeed and the string will be terminated with a

* null character.

* Parameters: the socket descriptor

* the buffer to save the data in

* the size of the buffer

* Returns: the number of bytes stored (excluding null) */


int get_line(int sock, char *buf, int size)


int i = 0;

char c = '\0';

int n;

while ((i < size - 1) && (c != '\n'))


// 从sock中读取一个字节

n = recv(sock, &c, 1, 0);

/* DEBUG printf("%02X\n", c); */

if (n > 0)


// 将 \r\n 或 \r 转换为'\n'

if (c == '\r')


// 读到了'\r'就再预读一个字节

n = recv(sock, &c, 1, MSG_PEEK);

/* DEBUG printf("%02X\n", c); */

// 如果读取到的是'\n',就读取,否则c='\n'

if ((n > 0) && (c == '\n'))

recv(sock, &c, 1, 0);


c = '\n';


// 读取数据放入buf

buf[i] = c;




c = '\n';



buf[i] = '\0';

// 返回写入buf的字节数




/* Return the informational HTTP headers about a file. */

/* Parameters: the socket to print the headers on

* the name of the file */


void headers(int client, const char *filename)


char buf[1024];

(void)filename; /* could use filename to determine file type */

// 向客户端回写200应答

strcpy(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

strcpy(buf, SERVER_STRING);

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

strcpy(buf, "\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);



/* Give a client a 404 not found status message. */


void not_found(int client)


char buf[1024];

// 向client回写404状态

sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, SERVER_STRING);

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "

Not Found\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "

The server could not fulfill\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "your request because the resource specified\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "is unavailable or nonexistent.\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);



/* Send a regular file to the client. Use headers, and report

* errors to client if they occur.

* Parameters: a pointer to a file structure produced from the socket

* file descriptor

* the name of the file to serve */


void serve_file(int client, const char *filename)


FILE *resource = NULL;

int numchars = 1;

char buf[1024];

buf[0] = 'A'; buf[1] = '\0';

// 从client中读取,直到遇到两个换行(起始行start line和首部header的间隔)

while ((numchars > 0) && strcmp("\n", buf)){ /* read & discard headers */

numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));



resource = fopen(filename, "r");

if (resource == NULL)

not_found(client); // 404错误



headers(client, filename); // 向客户端回写200 OK

cat(client, resource); // 将resource指向文件中的内容写入client





/* This function starts the process of listening for web connections

* on a specified port. If the port is 0, then dynamically allocate a

* port and modify the original port variable to reflect the actual

* port.

* Parameters: pointer to variable containing the port to connect on

* Returns: the socket */


int startup(u_short *port)


int httpd = 0;

struct sockaddr_in name;

// 创建一个socket

httpd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

if (httpd == -1){



// 填写绑定地址

memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name));

name.sin_family = AF_INET;

name.sin_port = htons(*port);

name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

// 绑定socket到指定地址

if (bind(httpd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0){



// 如果采用随机分配端口,获取它

if (*port == 0) /* if dynamically allocating a port */


socklen_t namelen = sizeof(name);

if (getsockname(httpd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, &namelen) == -1)


*port = ntohs(name.sin_port);


// 监听,等待连接

if (listen(httpd, 5) < 0)


// 返回正在监听的文件描述符




/* Inform the client that the requested web method has not been

* implemented.

* Parameter: the client socket */


void unimplemented(int client)


char buf[1024];

// 向client回写501状态

sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 501 Method Not Implemented\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, SERVER_STRING);

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "

Method Not Implemented\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "


send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "

HTTP request method not supported.\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);

sprintf(buf, "\r\n");

send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);



int main(void)


int server_sock = -1;

u_short port = 0; // 使用随机端口

int client_sock = -1;

struct sockaddr_in client_name;

socklen_t client_name_len = sizeof(client_name);

pthread_t newthread;

// 启动服务,监听,等待连接

server_sock = startup(&port);

printf("httpd running on port %d\n", port);

while (1)


// 接受请求

client_sock = accept(server_sock,

(struct sockaddr *)&client_name,


if (client_sock == -1)


// 创建一个线程来处理请求

/* accept_request(client_sock); */

if (pthread_create(&newthread , NULL, reinterpret_cast(accept_request), reinterpret_cast(client_sock)) != 0)



// 关闭





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