Python Basics with Numpy (optional assignment)

Welcome to your first assignment. This exercise gives you a brief introduction to Python. Even if you’ve used Python before, this will help familiarize you with functions we’ll need.


  • You will be using Python 3.
  • Avoid using for-loops and while-loops, unless you are explicitly told to do so.
  • Do not modify the (# GRADED FUNCTION [function name]) comment in some cells. Your work would not be graded if you change this. Each cell containing that comment should only contain one function.
  • After coding your function, run the cell right below it to check if your result is correct.

After this assignment you will:

  • Be able to use iPython Notebooks
  • Be able to use numpy functions and numpy matrix/vector operations
  • Understand the concept of “broadcasting”
  • Be able to vectorize code

Let’s get started!

Updates to Assignment

This is version 3a of the notebook.

If you were working on a previous version

  • If you were already working on version “3”, you’ll find your original work in the file directory.
  • To reach the file directory, click on the “Coursera” icon in the top left of this notebook.
  • Please still use the most recent notebook to submit your assignment.

List of Updates

  • softmax section has a comment to clarify the use of “m” later in the course
  • softmax function specifies (m,n) matrix dimensions to match the notation in the preceding diagram (instead of n,m)

About iPython Notebooks

iPython Notebooks are interactive coding environments embedded in a webpage. You will be using iPython notebooks in this class. You only need to write code between the ### START CODE HERE ### and ### END CODE HERE ### comments. After writing your code, you can run the cell by either pressing “SHIFT”+“ENTER” or by clicking on “Run Cell” (denoted by a play symbol) in the upper bar of the notebook.

We will often specify “(≈ X lines of code)” in the comments to tell you about how much code you need to write. It is just a rough estimate, so don’t feel bad if your code is longer or shorter.

Exercise: Set test to "Hello World" in the cell below to print “Hello World” and run the two cells below.

### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
test = "Hello World"
print ("test: " + test)
test: Hello World

Expected output:
test: Hello World

**What you need to remember**: - Run your cells using SHIFT+ENTER (or "Run cell") - Write code in the designated areas using Python 3 only - Do not modify the code outside of the designated areas

1 - Building basic functions with numpy

Numpy is the main package for scientific computing in Python. It is maintained by a large community ( In this exercise you will learn several key numpy functions such as np.exp, np.log, and np.reshape. You will need to know how to use these functions for future assignments.

1.1 - sigmoid function, np.exp()

Before using np.exp(), you will use math.exp() to implement the sigmoid function. You will then see why np.exp() is preferable to math.exp().

Exercise: Build a function that returns the sigmoid of a real number x. Use math.exp(x) for the exponential function.

sigmoid(x)=11+e−xsigmoid(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}sigmoid(x)=1+ex1 is sometimes also known as the logistic function. It is a non-linear function used not only in Machine Learning (Logistic Regression), but also in Deep Learning.

To refer to a function belonging to a specific package you could call it using package_name.function(). Run the code below to see an example with math.exp().

# GRADED FUNCTION: basic_sigmoidimport mathdef basic_sigmoid(x):"""Compute sigmoid of x.Arguments:x -- A scalarReturn:s -- sigmoid(x)"""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)s = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))### END CODE HERE ###return s

Expected Output:

** basic_sigmoid(3) ** 0.9525741268224334

Actually, we rarely use the “math” library in deep learning because the inputs of the functions are real numbers. In deep learning we mostly use matrices and vectors. This is why numpy is more useful.

### One reason why we use "numpy" instead of "math" in Deep Learning ###
x = [1, 2, 3]
basic_sigmoid(x) # you will see this give an error when you run it, because x is a vector.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-56-2e11097d6860> in <module>()1 ### One reason why we use "numpy" instead of "math" in Deep Learning ###2 x = [1, 2, 3]
----> 3 basic_sigmoid(x) # you will see this give an error when you run it, because x is a vector.<ipython-input-54-e74ae05e0fb0> in basic_sigmoid(x)15 16     ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
---> 17     s = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))18     ### END CODE HERE ###19 TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'list'

In fact, if $ x = (x_1, x_2, …, x_n)$ is a row vector then np.exp(x)np.exp(x)np.exp(x) will apply the exponential function to every element of x. The output will thus be: np.exp(x)=(ex1,ex2,...,exn)np.exp(x) = (e^{x_1}, e^{x_2}, ..., e^{x_n})np.exp(x)=(ex1,ex2,...,exn)

import numpy as np# example of np.exp
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
print(np.exp(x)) # result is (exp(1), exp(2), exp(3))

Furthermore, if x is a vector, then a Python operation such as s=x+3s = x + 3s=x+3 or s=1xs = \frac{1}{x}s=x1 will output s as a vector of the same size as x.

# example of vector operation
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
print (x + 3)

Any time you need more info on a numpy function, we encourage you to look at the official documentation.

You can also create a new cell in the notebook and write np.exp? (for example) to get quick access to the documentation.

Exercise: Implement the sigmoid function using numpy.

Instructions: x could now be either a real number, a vector, or a matrix. The data structures we use in numpy to represent these shapes (vectors, matrices…) are called numpy arrays. You don’t need to know more for now.
For x∈Rn, sigmoid(x)=sigmoid(x1x2...xn)=(11+e−x111+e−x2...11+e−xn)(1)\text{For } x \in \mathbb{R}^n \text{, } sigmoid(x) = sigmoid\begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ ... \\ x_n \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_1}} \\ \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_2}} \\ ... \\ \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_n}} \\ \end{pmatrix}\tag{1} ForxRn,sigmoid(x)=sigmoidx1x2...xn=1+ex111+ex21...1+exn1(1)

# GRADED FUNCTION: sigmoidimport numpy as np # this means you can access numpy functions by writing np.function() instead of numpy.function()def sigmoid(x):"""Compute the sigmoid of xArguments:x -- A scalar or numpy array of any sizeReturn:s -- sigmoid(x)"""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)s = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))### END CODE HERE ###return s
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])

Expected Output:

**sigmoid([1,2,3])** array([ 0.73105858, 0.88079708, 0.95257413])

1.2 - Sigmoid gradient

As you’ve seen in lecture, you will need to compute gradients to optimize loss functions using backpropagation. Let’s code your first gradient function.

Exercise: Implement the function sigmoid_grad() to compute the gradient of the sigmoid function with respect to its input x. The formula is: sigmoid_derivative(x)=σ′(x)=σ(x)(1−σ(x))(2)sigmoid\_derivative(x) = \sigma'(x) = \sigma(x) (1 - \sigma(x))\tag{2}sigmoid_derivative(x)=σ(x)=σ(x)(1σ(x))(2)
You often code this function in two steps:

  1. Set s to be the sigmoid of x. You might find your sigmoid(x) function useful.
  2. Compute σ′(x)=s(1−s)\sigma'(x) = s(1-s)σ(x)=s(1s)
# GRADED FUNCTION: sigmoid_derivativedef sigmoid_derivative(x):"""Compute the gradient (also called the slope or derivative) of the sigmoid function with respect to its input x.You can store the output of the sigmoid function into variables and then use it to calculate the gradient.Arguments:x -- A scalar or numpy arrayReturn:ds -- Your computed gradient."""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code)s = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))ds = s * (1 - s)### END CODE HERE ###return ds
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
print ("sigmoid_derivative(x) = " + str(sigmoid_derivative(x)))

Expected Output:

**sigmoid_derivative([1,2,3])** [ 0.19661193 0.10499359 0.04517666]

1.3 - Reshaping arrays

Two common numpy functions used in deep learning are np.shape and np.reshape().

  • X.shape is used to get the shape (dimension) of a matrix/vector X.
  • X.reshape(…) is used to reshape X into some other dimension.

For example, in computer science, an image is represented by a 3D array of shape (length,height,depth=3)(length, height, depth = 3)(length,height,depth=3). However, when you read an image as the input of an algorithm you convert it to a vector of shape (length∗height∗3,1)(length*height*3, 1)(lengthheight3,1). In other words, you “unroll”, or reshape, the 3D array into a 1D vector.

Exercise: Implement image2vector() that takes an input of shape (length, height, 3) and returns a vector of shape (length*height*3, 1). For example, if you would like to reshape an array v of shape (a, b, c) into a vector of shape (a*b,c) you would do:

v = v.reshape((v.shape[0]*v.shape[1], v.shape[2])) # v.shape[0] = a ; v.shape[1] = b ; v.shape[2] = c
  • Please don’t hardcode the dimensions of image as a constant. Instead look up the quantities you need with image.shape[0], etc.
# GRADED FUNCTION: image2vector
def image2vector(image):"""Argument:image -- a numpy array of shape (length, height, depth)Returns:v -- a vector of shape (length*height*depth, 1)"""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)v = image.reshape(image.shape[0]*image.shape[1]*image.shape[2], 1)### END CODE HERE ###return v
# This is a 3 by 3 by 2 array, typically images will be (num_px_x, num_px_y,3) where 3 represents the RGB values
image = np.array([[[ 0.67826139,  0.29380381],[ 0.90714982,  0.52835647],[ 0.4215251 ,  0.45017551]],[[ 0.92814219,  0.96677647],[ 0.85304703,  0.52351845],[ 0.19981397,  0.27417313]],[[ 0.60659855,  0.00533165],[ 0.10820313,  0.49978937],[ 0.34144279,  0.94630077]]])print ("image2vector(image) = " + str(image2vector(image)))

Expected Output:

**image2vector(image)** [[ 0.67826139] [ 0.29380381] [ 0.90714982] [ 0.52835647] [ 0.4215251 ] [ 0.45017551] [ 0.92814219] [ 0.96677647] [ 0.85304703] [ 0.52351845] [ 0.19981397] [ 0.27417313] [ 0.60659855] [ 0.00533165] [ 0.10820313] [ 0.49978937] [ 0.34144279] [ 0.94630077]]

1.4 - Normalizing rows

Another common technique we use in Machine Learning and Deep Learning is to normalize our data. It often leads to a better performance because gradient descent converges faster after normalization. Here, by normalization we mean changing x to $ \frac{x}{| x|} $ (dividing each row vector of x by its norm).

For example, if x=[034264](3)x = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 3 & 4 \\ 2 & 6 & 4 \\ \end{bmatrix}\tag{3}x=[023644](3) then ∥x∥=np.linalg.norm(x,axis=1,keepdims=True)=[556](4)\| x\| = np.linalg.norm(x, axis = 1, keepdims = True) = \begin{bmatrix} 5 \\ \sqrt{56} \\ \end{bmatrix}\tag{4} x=np.linalg.norm(x,axis=1,keepdims=True)=[556

](4)and x_normalized=x∥x∥=[03545256656456](5)x\_normalized = \frac{x}{\| x\|} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \frac{3}{5} & \frac{4}{5} \\ \frac{2}{\sqrt{56}} & \frac{6}{\sqrt{56}} & \frac{4}{\sqrt{56}} \\ \end{bmatrix}\tag{5}x_normalized=xx=[056



Note that you can divide matrices of different sizes and it works fine: this is called broadcasting and you’re going to learn about it in part 5.

Exercise: Implement normalizeRows() to normalize the rows of a matrix. After applying this function to an input matrix x, each row of x should be a vector of unit length (meaning length 1).

# GRADED FUNCTION: normalizeRowsdef normalizeRows(x):"""Implement a function that normalizes each row of the matrix x (to have unit length).Argument:x -- A numpy matrix of shape (n, m)Returns:x -- The normalized (by row) numpy matrix. You are allowed to modify x."""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code)# Compute x_norm as the norm 2 of x. Use np.linalg.norm(..., ord = 2, axis = ..., keepdims = True)x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, axis = 1, keepdims=True)# Divide x by its norm.x = x/x_norm### END CODE HERE ###return x
x = np.array([[0, 3, 4],[1, 6, 4]])
print("normalizeRows(x) = " + str(normalizeRows(x)))

Expected Output:

 <tr> <td> **normalizeRows(x)** </td> <td> [[ 0.          0.6         0.8       ]

[ 0.13736056 0.82416338 0.54944226]]

In normalizeRows(), you can try to print the shapes of x_norm and x, and then rerun the assessment. You’ll find out that they have different shapes. This is normal given that x_norm takes the norm of each row of x. So x_norm has the same number of rows but only 1 column. So how did it work when you divided x by x_norm? This is called broadcasting and we’ll talk about it now!

1.5 - Broadcasting and the softmax function

A very important concept to understand in numpy is “broadcasting”. It is very useful for performing mathematical operations between arrays of different shapes. For the full details on broadcasting, you can read the official broadcasting documentation.

Exercise: Implement a softmax function using numpy. You can think of softmax as a normalizing function used when your algorithm needs to classify two or more classes. You will learn more about softmax in the second course of this specialization.


  • $ \text{for } x \in \mathbb{R}^{1\times n} \text{, } softmax(x) = softmax(\begin{bmatrix}
    x_1 &&
    x_2 &&
    … &&
    \end{bmatrix}) = \begin{bmatrix}
    \frac{e{x_1}}{\sum_{j}e{x_j}} &&
    \frac{e{x_2}}{\sum_{j}e{x_j}} &&
    … &&
    \end{bmatrix} $

  • $\text{for a matrix } x \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n} \text{, xijx_{ij}xij maps to the element in the ithi^{th}ith row and jthj^{th}jth column of xxx, thus we have: }$ softmax(x)=softmax[x11x12x13…x1nx21x22x23…x2n⋮⋮⋮⋱⋮xm1xm2xm3…xmn]=[ex11∑jex1jex12∑jex1jex13∑jex1j…ex1n∑jex1jex21∑jex2jex22∑jex2jex23∑jex2j…ex2n∑jex2j⋮⋮⋮⋱⋮exm1∑jexmjexm2∑jexmjexm3∑jexmj…exmn∑jexmj]=(softmax(first row of x)softmax(second row of x)...softmax(last row of x))softmax(x) = softmax\begin{bmatrix} x_{11} & x_{12} & x_{13} & \dots & x_{1n} \\ x_{21} & x_{22} & x_{23} & \dots & x_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ x_{m1} & x_{m2} & x_{m3} & \dots & x_{mn} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{e^{x_{11}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} & \frac{e^{x_{12}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} & \frac{e^{x_{13}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} & \dots & \frac{e^{x_{1n}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{1j}}} \\ \frac{e^{x_{21}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} & \frac{e^{x_{22}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} & \frac{e^{x_{23}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} & \dots & \frac{e^{x_{2n}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{2j}}} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{e^{x_{m1}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} & \frac{e^{x_{m2}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} & \frac{e^{x_{m3}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} & \dots & \frac{e^{x_{mn}}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_{mj}}} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} softmax\text{(first row of x)} \\ softmax\text{(second row of x)} \\ ... \\ softmax\text{(last row of x)} \\ \end{pmatrix} softmax(x)=softmaxx11x21xm1x12x22xm2x13x23xm3x1nx2nxmn=jex1jex11jex2jex21jexmjexm1jex1jex12jex2jex22jexmjexm2jex1jex13jex2jex23jexmjexm3jex1jex1njex2jex2njexmjexmn=softmax(first row of x)softmax(second row of x)...softmax(last row of x)


Note that later in the course, you’ll see “m” used to represent the “number of training examples”, and each training example is in its own column of the matrix.
Also, each feature will be in its own row (each row has data for the same feature).
Softmax should be performed for all features of each training example, so softmax would be performed on the columns (once we switch to that representation later in this course).

However, in this coding practice, we’re just focusing on getting familiar with Python, so we’re using the common math notation m×nm \times nm×n
where mmm is the number of rows and nnn is the number of columns.

# GRADED FUNCTION: softmaxdef softmax(x):"""Calculates the softmax for each row of the input x.Your code should work for a row vector and also for matrices of shape (m,n).Argument:x -- A numpy matrix of shape (m,n)Returns:s -- A numpy matrix equal to the softmax of x, of shape (m,n)"""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 3 lines of code)# Apply exp() element-wise to x. Use np.exp(...).x_exp = np.exp(x)# Create a vector x_sum that sums each row of x_exp. Use np.sum(..., axis = 1, keepdims = True).x_sum = np.sum(x_exp, axis=1, keepdims=True)# Compute softmax(x) by dividing x_exp by x_sum. It should automatically use numpy broadcasting.s = x_exp/x_sum#     print("x_sum" + str(x_sum.shape))
#     print("x_exp" + str(x_exp.shape))### END CODE HERE ###return s
x = np.array([[9, 2, 5, 0, 0],[7, 5, 0, 0 ,0]])
print("softmax(x) = " + str(softmax(x)))
# print(x.shape)

Expected Output:

 <tr> <td> **softmax(x)** </td> <td> [[  9.80897665e-01   8.94462891e-04   1.79657674e-02   1.21052389e-04

[ 8.78679856e-01 1.18916387e-01 8.01252314e-04 8.01252314e-04


  • If you print the shapes of x_exp, x_sum and s above and rerun the assessment cell, you will see that x_sum is of shape (2,1) while x_exp and s are of shape (2,5). x_exp/x_sum works due to python broadcasting.

Congratulations! You now have a pretty good understanding of python numpy and have implemented a few useful functions that you will be using in deep learning.

**What you need to remember:** - np.exp(x) works for any np.array x and applies the exponential function to every coordinate - the sigmoid function and its gradient - image2vector is commonly used in deep learning - np.reshape is widely used. In the future, you'll see that keeping your matrix/vector dimensions straight will go toward eliminating a lot of bugs. - numpy has efficient built-in functions - broadcasting is extremely useful

2) Vectorization

In deep learning, you deal with very large datasets. Hence, a non-computationally-optimal function can become a huge bottleneck in your algorithm and can result in a model that takes ages to run. To make sure that your code is computationally efficient, you will use vectorization. For example, try to tell the difference between the following implementations of the dot/outer/elementwise product.

import timex1 = [9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]
x2 = [9, 2, 2, 9, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]### CLASSIC DOT PRODUCT OF VECTORS IMPLEMENTATION ###
tic = time.process_time()
dot = 0
for i in range(len(x1)):dot+= x1[i]*x2[i]
toc = time.process_time()
print ("dot = " + str(dot) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")### CLASSIC OUTER PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION ###
tic = time.process_time()
outer = np.zeros((len(x1),len(x2))) # we create a len(x1)*len(x2) matrix with only zeros
for i in range(len(x1)):for j in range(len(x2)):outer[i,j] = x1[i]*x2[j]
toc = time.process_time()
print ("outer = " + str(outer) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")### CLASSIC ELEMENTWISE IMPLEMENTATION ###
tic = time.process_time()
mul = np.zeros(len(x1))
for i in range(len(x1)):mul[i] = x1[i]*x2[i]
toc = time.process_time()
print ("elementwise multiplication = " + str(mul) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")### CLASSIC GENERAL DOT PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION ###
W = np.random.rand(3,len(x1)) # Random 3*len(x1) numpy array
tic = time.process_time()
gdot = np.zeros(W.shape[0])
for i in range(W.shape[0]):for j in range(len(x1)):gdot[i] += W[i,j]*x1[j]
toc = time.process_time()
print ("gdot = " + str(gdot) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")
x1 = [9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]
x2 = [9, 2, 2, 9, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0, 9, 2, 5, 0, 0]### VECTORIZED DOT PRODUCT OF VECTORS ###
tic = time.process_time()
dot =,x2)
toc = time.process_time()
print ("dot = " + str(dot) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")### VECTORIZED OUTER PRODUCT ###
tic = time.process_time()
outer = np.outer(x1,x2)
toc = time.process_time()
print ("outer = " + str(outer) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")### VECTORIZED ELEMENTWISE MULTIPLICATION ###
tic = time.process_time()
mul = np.multiply(x1,x2)
toc = time.process_time()
print ("elementwise multiplication = " + str(mul) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")### VECTORIZED GENERAL DOT PRODUCT ###
tic = time.process_time()
dot =,x1)
toc = time.process_time()
print ("gdot = " + str(dot) + "\n ----- Computation time = " + str(1000*(toc - tic)) + "ms")

As you may have noticed, the vectorized implementation is much cleaner and more efficient. For bigger vectors/matrices, the differences in running time become even bigger.

Note that performs a matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multiplication. This is different from np.multiply() and the * operator (which is equivalent to .* in Matlab/Octave), which performs an element-wise multiplication.

2.1 Implement the L1 and L2 loss functions

Exercise: Implement the numpy vectorized version of the L1 loss. You may find the function abs(x) (absolute value of x) useful.


  • The loss is used to evaluate the performance of your model. The bigger your loss is, the more different your predictions ($ \hat{y} )arefromthetruevalues() are from the true values ()arefromthetruevalues(y$). In deep learning, you use optimization algorithms like Gradient Descent to train your model and to minimize the cost.
  • L1 loss is defined as:
    KaTeX parse error: No such environment: align* at position 7: \begin{̲a̲l̲i̲g̲n̲*̲}̲ & L_1(\hat{y},…
# GRADED FUNCTION: L1def L1(yhat, y):"""Arguments:yhat -- vector of size m (predicted labels)y -- vector of size m (true labels)Returns:loss -- the value of the L1 loss function defined above"""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)loss = np.sum(abs(y-yhat), axis=0, keepdims=True)### END CODE HERE ###return loss
yhat = np.array([.9, 0.2, 0.1, .4, .9])
y = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 1])
print("L1 = " + str(L1(yhat,y)))

Expected Output:

 <tr> <td> **L1** </td> <td> 1.1 </td> </tr>

Exercise: Implement the numpy vectorized version of the L2 loss. There are several way of implementing the L2 loss but you may find the function useful. As a reminder, if x=[x1,x2,...,xn]x = [x_1, x_2, ..., x_n]x=[x1,x2,...,xn], then,x) = ∑j=0nxj2\sum_{j=0}^n x_j^{2}j=0nxj2.

  • L2 loss is defined as KaTeX parse error: No such environment: align* at position 7: \begin{̲a̲l̲i̲g̲n̲*̲}̲ & L_2(\hat{y},…
# GRADED FUNCTION: L2def L2(yhat, y):"""Arguments:yhat -- vector of size m (predicted labels)y -- vector of size m (true labels)Returns:loss -- the value of the L2 loss function defined above"""### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)loss =,abs(y-yhat))   # [a,b,c,d]*[a,b,c,d]^T = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2### END CODE HERE ###return loss
yhat = np.array([.9, 0.2, 0.1, .4, .9])
y = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 1])
print("L2 = " + str(L2(yhat,y)))

Expected Output:

**L2** 0.43

Congratulations on completing this assignment. We hope that this little warm-up exercise helps you in the future assignments, which will be more exciting and interesting!

**What to remember:** - Vectorization is very important in deep learning. It provides computational efficiency and clarity. - You have reviewed the L1 and L2 loss. - You are familiar with many numpy functions such as np.sum,, np.multiply, np.maximum, etc...

吴恩达 深度学习 编程作业(1-2.1)- Python Basics with Numpy相关推荐

  1. 吴恩达深度学习编程作业汇总

    以下列表为吴恩达的深度学习课程所对应的编程作业列表,都直接指向了github的连接地址:这些作业也是我在网上购买,可能与官方的内容有所出入:同时由于有的训练集和测试集以及预训练好的参数过大,不便上传, ...

  2. 吴恩达 深度学习 编程作业(2-2)- Optimization Methods

    吴恩达Coursera课程 编程作业系列,本文为<改善深层神经网络:超参数调试.正则化以及优化 >部分的第二周"优化算法"的课程作业,同 ...

  3. 吴恩达深度学习编程作业 part 2-2

    本章节学习神经网络中的正则化 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn import ...

  4. 【吴恩达深度学习编程作业】4.4特殊应用——人脸识别和神经风格转换(问题未解决)

    参考文章:1.人脸识别与神经风格转换 2.神经风格转换编程作业 神经网络风格中遇到的问题已经解决了并将解决方案写在了备注里面,但是人脸识别那里运行到database就出错了,目前仍没有找到解决方案.我 ...

  5. pytorch l2正则化_吴恩达深度学习 编程作业六 正则化(2)

    推荐守门员应该将球踢到哪个位置,才能让自己的队员用头击中. 1.无正则化模型 判别是否有正则化与调用其他计算函数. 准确率:0.948/0.915 明显过拟合overfiting了. 2.L2正则化 ...

  6. 吴恩达 深度学习 编程作业(2-3)- TensorFlow Tutorial

    TensorFlow Tutorial Welcome to this week's programming assignment. Until now, you've always used num ...

  7. 吴恩达 深度学习 编程作业(2-1.1) Initialization

    Initialization Welcome to the first assignment of "Improving Deep Neural Networks". Traini ...

  8. 吴恩达 深度学习 编程作业(1-3)- Planar data classification with one hidden layer(平面花形状)

    Python Basics with Numpy (optional assignment) Welcome to your first assignment. This exercise gives ...

  9. 吴恩达深度学习编程作业:TensorFlow


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  2. 搭建百度unit2.0测试代码(Java)
  3. ZeroMQ接口函数之 :zmq_msg_init - 初始化一个空的ZMQ消息结构
  4. 在Qt Designer中使用样式表
  5. Java多线程和并发(三),Thread类和Runnable接口
  6. C++中变量使用前一定要初始化
  7. springmvc是什么_当一个http请求来临时,SpringMVC究竟偷偷帮你做了什么?
  8. 动作类游戏状态机设计
  9. CSS 文本方向 direction属性
  10. 华为云车联网解决方案
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  12. ajax响应码,ajax处理响应(三)(示例代码)
  13. mysql绿化,Mysql精简与绿化版本
  14. DASH.js使用demo(配合ffmpeg和mp4box)
  15. 打开3DMAX2014报错,Error while registering plugins.
  16. GIT统计代码量及IDEA Statistic统计解析
  17. 分析泰坦尼克号沉船数据 机器学习告诉你谁获救概率更大
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  20. maven使用的总结


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  2. oracle 11g 如何实现坏块检查、恢复?
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  4. 为什么说“进程是资源分配的单位、线程是调度的单位”?
  5. linux 引导管理器,linux系统引导管理器GRUB
  6. 嘉年华ON LINE首次在墨天轮和视频号并机直播,数据库内核技术抢先get
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