
定位browser 的 chart,   VML,SVG, HTML5 Canvas使用的方式各不一样。

如果使用现有的js  library (各种实现js 图表的library汇总与比较) , 调用的API方式也肯定不同。

举个例子: draw2d 使用addFigure 和 setPosition 都可以设置图的位置。

混在特定技术或是特定library 里去layout , 很明显不是一个明智之举。

切分开来, layout 的功能对于任何的图形绘制都适用。就是本章所讨论的了。


其实实现思想很简单,维护一个JS 的object(Graph)。 在这个Object 里记录节点,边的信息; 
id  -- 表示符
x  -- 横坐标
y  -- 纵坐标
shape -- 绘制的图
这样的话, 在绘制一个图节点之前, 先要在这个Graph 维护这个图节点的一些信息。

Graph 示例

var Graph = function() {this.nodeSet = {};this.nodes = [];this.edges = [];this.adjacency = {};this.nextNodeId = 0;this.nextEdgeId = 0;this.eventListeners = [];
};var Node = function(id, data) {this.id = id;this.data = typeof(data) !== 'undefined' ? data : {};
};var Edge = function(id, source, target, data) {this.id = id;this.source = source;this.target = target;this.data = typeof(data) !== 'undefined' ? data : {};
};Graph.prototype.addNode = function(node) {if (typeof(this.nodeSet[node.id]) === 'undefined') {this.nodes.push(node);}this.nodeSet[node.id] = node;this.notify();return node;
};Graph.prototype.addEdge = function(edge) {var exists = false;this.edges.forEach(function(e) {if (edge.id === e.id) { exists = true; }});if (!exists) {this.edges.push(edge);}if (typeof(this.adjacency[edge.source.id]) === 'undefined') {this.adjacency[edge.source.id] = {};}if (typeof(this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id]) === 'undefined') {this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id] = [];}exists = false;this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id].forEach(function(e) {if (edge.id === e.id) { exists = true; }});if (!exists) {this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id].push(edge);}this.notify();return edge;
};Graph.prototype.newNode = function(data) {var node = new Node(this.nextNodeId++, data);this.addNode(node);return node;
};Graph.prototype.newEdge = function(source, target, data) {var edge = new Edge(this.nextEdgeId++, source, target, data);this.addEdge(edge);return edge;
};// find the edges from node1 to node2
Graph.prototype.getEdges = function(node1, node2) {if (typeof(this.adjacency[node1.id]) !== 'undefined'&& typeof(this.adjacency[node1.id][node2.id]) !== 'undefined') {return this.adjacency[node1.id][node2.id];}return [];
};// remove a node and it's associated edges from the graph
Graph.prototype.removeNode = function(node) {if (typeof(this.nodeSet[node.id]) !== 'undefined') {delete this.nodeSet[node.id];}for (var i = this.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {if (this.nodes[i].id === node.id) {this.nodes.splice(i, 1);}}this.detachNode(node);};// removes edges associated with a given node
Graph.prototype.detachNode = function(node) {var tmpEdges = this.edges.slice();tmpEdges.forEach(function(e) {if (e.source.id === node.id || e.target.id === node.id) {this.removeEdge(e);}}, this);this.notify();
};// remove a node and it's associated edges from the graph
Graph.prototype.removeEdge = function(edge) {for (var i = this.edges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {if (this.edges[i].id === edge.id) {this.edges.splice(i, 1);}}for (var x in this.adjacency) {for (var y in this.adjacency[x]) {var edges = this.adjacency[x][y];for (var j=edges.length - 1; j>=0; j--) {if (this.adjacency[x][y][j].id === edge.id) {this.adjacency[x][y].splice(j, 1);}}}}this.notify();
};/* Merge a list of nodes and edges into the current graph. eg.
var o = {nodes: [{id: 123, data: {type: 'user', userid: 123, displayname: 'aaa'}},{id: 234, data: {type: 'user', userid: 234, displayname: 'bbb'}}],edges: [{from: 0, to: 1, type: 'submitted_design', directed: true, data: {weight: }}]
Graph.prototype.merge = function(data) {var nodes = [];data.nodes.forEach(function(n) {nodes.push(this.addNode(new Node(n.id, n.data)));}, this);data.edges.forEach(function(e) {var from = nodes[e.from];var to = nodes[e.to];var id = (e.directed)? (id = e.type + "-" + from.id + "-" + to.id): (from.id < to.id) // normalise id for non-directed edges? e.type + "-" + from.id + "-" + to.id: e.type + "-" + to.id + "-" + from.id;var edge = this.addEdge(new Edge(id, from, to, e.data));edge.data.type = e.type;}, this);
};Graph.prototype.filterNodes = function(fn) {var tmpNodes = this.nodes.slice();tmpNodes.forEach(function(n) {if (!fn(n)) {this.removeNode(n);}}, this);
};Graph.prototype.filterEdges = function(fn) {var tmpEdges = this.edges.slice();tmpEdges.forEach(function(e) {if (!fn(e)) {this.removeEdge(e);}}, this);
};Graph.prototype.addGraphListener = function(obj) {this.eventListeners.push(obj);
};Graph.prototype.notify = function() {this.eventListeners.forEach(function(obj){obj.graphChanged();});

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