1、参考链接 :http://www.nongnu.org/lwip/2_0_x/group__mqtt.html

2、首先移植好lwip,然后添加 lwip-2.0.2\src\apps\mqtt  文件下 的 mqtt.c 文件,如果有头文件问题,清解决头文件问题!


下面代码中的MQTT 服务器 是我自己搭建的,你也可以找一台Linux 主机搭建一个。。2017年4月24日09:10:19

/** MQTT client for lwIP* Author: Erik Andersson* Details of the MQTT protocol can be found at:http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html **/#include "oneNet_MQTT.h"#include "string.h"ip_addr_t mqttServerIpAddr;//1. Initial steps, reserve memory and make connection to server://1.1: Provide storage//Static allocation: //下面这两句转移到 MAIN.c 中
//  mqtt_client_t static_client;//  example_do_connect(&static_client);//Dynamic allocation:
//  mqtt_client_t *client = mqtt_client_new();
//  if(client != NULL) {
//    example_do_connect(&client);
//  }//1.2: Establish Connection with servervoid example_do_connect(mqtt_client_t *client)
{struct mqtt_connect_client_info_t ci;err_t err;/* Setup an empty client info structure */memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci));/* Minimal amount of information required is client identifier, so set it here */ ci.client_id = "lwip_test";// MQTT服务器地址为:端口号为:1883IP4_ADDR(&mqttServerIpAddr, 59, 110, 142, 105);//配置 MQTT 服务器地址/* Initiate client and connect to server, if this fails immediately an error code is returnedotherwise mqtt_connection_cb will be called with connection result after attempting to establish a connection with the server. For now MQTT version 3.1.1 is always used *///MQTT 服务器进行连接 ,并注册 “连接结果处理”的回调函数,2017年4月12日09:00:12
    err = mqtt_client_connect(client, &mqttServerIpAddr, 1883, mqtt_connection_cb, 0, &ci);/* For now just print the result code if something goes wrong */if(err != ERR_OK) {printf("mqtt_connect return %d\n", err);}
}//Connection to server can also be probed by calling mqtt_client_is_connected(client) //-----------------------------------------------------------------
//2. Implementing the connection status callback
//执行连接状态 的 回调函数
static void mqtt_connection_cb(mqtt_client_t *client, void *arg, mqtt_connection_status_t status)
{err_t err;if(status == MQTT_CONNECT_ACCEPTED) {printf("mqtt_connection_cb: Successfully connected\n");/* Setup callback for incoming publish requests *///注册 消息推送 回调函数 以及消息数据到来的处理函数
    mqtt_set_inpub_callback(client, mqtt_incoming_publish_cb, mqtt_incoming_data_cb, arg);/* Subscribe to a topic named "subtopic" with QoS level 2, call mqtt_sub_request_cb with result */ err = mqtt_subscribe(client, "subtopic", 2, mqtt_sub_request_cb, arg);if(err != ERR_OK){printf("mqtt_subscribe return: %d\n", err);}} else {printf("mqtt_connection_cb: Disconnected, reason: %d\n", status);/* Its more nice to be connected, so try to reconnect */example_do_connect(client);}
}void mqtt_sub_request_cb(void *arg, err_t result)
{/* Just print the result code here for simplicity, normal behaviour would be to take some action if subscribe fails like notifying user, retry subscribe or disconnect from server */printf("Subscribe result: %d\n", result);
//3. Implementing callbacks for incoming publish and data/* The idea is to demultiplex topic and create some reference to be used in data callbacksExample here uses a global variable, better would be to use a member in argIf RAM and CPU budget allows it, the easiest implementation might be to just take a copy ofthe topic string and use it in mqtt_incoming_data_cb
*///这两个函数 一个 处理 消息头 一个 处理 具体的 数据static int inpub_id;
static void mqtt_incoming_publish_cb(void *arg, const char *topic, u32_t tot_len)
{//消息来了之后,先进入这里用于判断 是什么主题 的,2017年4月20日09:25:51
    printf("Incoming publish at topic \" %s \" with total length %u\r\n", topic, (unsigned int)tot_len);/* Decode topic string into a user defined reference */if(strcmp(topic, "subtopic") == 0) {inpub_id = 0;} else if(topic[0] == 'A')        {/* All topics starting with 'A' might be handled at the same way */inpub_id = 1;}else{/* For all other topics */inpub_id = 2;}
}static void mqtt_incoming_data_cb(void *arg, const u8_t *data, u16_t len, u8_t flags)
{//消息来了之后先判断主题 上面那个函数,然后在这里是根据不同的主题,进行不同的处理
    uint8_t tempBuff[20]={0};uint8_t i;//数据复制到到缓冲区,并加  字符‘0’结尾,因为 发送工具只能发送 字符 不能发送字符串,2017年4月20日09:24:43for(i=0;i<len;i++){tempBuff[i]=data[i];}tempBuff[i]=0;printf("Incoming publish payload with length %d, flags %u\n", len, (unsigned int)flags);if(flags & MQTT_DATA_FLAG_LAST) {/* Last fragment of payload received (or whole part if payload fits receive bufferSee MQTT_VAR_HEADER_BUFFER_LEN)  *//* Call function or do action depending on reference, in this case inpub_id */if(inpub_id == 0) {/* Don't trust the publisher, check zero termination */if(tempBuff[len] == 0) {printf("mqtt_incoming_data_cb: %s\n", (const char *)data);}}else if(inpub_id == 1) {/* Call an 'A' function... */}else {printf("mqtt_incoming_data_cb: Ignoring payload...\n");}}else {/* Handle fragmented payload, store in buffer, write to file or whatever */}
//4. Using outgoing publish//使用 向外推送消息
//MQTT传输的消息分为:主题(Topic)和负载(payload)两部分void example_publish(mqtt_client_t *client, void *arg)
{const char *pub_payload= "Hello,MQTT!\r\n";//推送的有效数据(负载)
  err_t err;/**    最多一次,这一级别会发生消息丢失或重复,消息发布依赖于底层TCP/IP网络。即:<=1*    至多一次,这一级别会确保消息到达,但消息可能会重复。即:>=1*    只有一次,确保消息只有一次到达。即:=1。在一些要求比较严格的计费系统中,可以使用此级别*/u8_t qos = 2; /* 0 1 or 2, see MQTT specification *///=0 的意思应该是不保留有效负载(有效数据)u8_t retain = 0; /* No don't retain such crappy payload... */err = mqtt_publish(client, "pub_topic", pub_payload, strlen(pub_payload), qos, retain, mqtt_pub_request_cb, arg);if(err != ERR_OK){printf("Publish err: %d.\r\n", err);}else{printf("Publish Success.\r\n");}
}/* Called when publish is complete either with sucess or failure */
//推送消息完成后 的 回调函数
void mqtt_pub_request_cb(void *arg, err_t result)
{if(result != ERR_OK){printf("Publish result: %d\n", result);}
//5. Disconnecting//Simply call mqtt_disconnect(client)

    static_client.conn_state=0;/* Initialize MQTT client */example_do_connect(&static_client);while(1){example_publish(&static_client,(void *)mqtt_pub_request_cb);/* vTaskDelayUntil是绝对延迟,vTaskDelay是相对延迟。*/vTaskDelay(2000);}

上面 的服务器 地址 今天 已经 到期了 ,阿里 的 太贵了 没钱 续费了  哎 2017年6月26日17:15:40


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