



Linear Algebra

Calculus I, II

Probability and Statistics

Linear Differential Equations

Numerical Analysis

Fourier Analysis

Discrete Mathematics


Introduction to Programming

Problem Solving & Programming

Computer Architecture

Data Structures (Arrays, Lists, Pointers)

Principles of Computer Systems或者Operating Systems


Introduction to Discrete Structures

Machine Structures

Programming Language: JAVA, Matlab, Python, C/C++Introduction to Computation


Windows, MacOS, Linux


Master of Science in Computer Vision


Linear Algebra (Inversion, Eigen Decomposition, Null Space)

Linear Differential Equations (Matrix Algebra, Matrix manipulation)

Calculus (Derivatives, Gradients, Chain Rule)

Probability and Statistics

Numerical Integration

Fourier Analysis

Optimization (convex optimization, Levenberg-Marquardt, sparse optimization)

Programming knowledge

Data structures

C/C++, JAVA, Matlab, Python

OpenCV, VLfeat, Matlab Image processing toolbox



Productivity software (MS office, iWork, OpenOffice)

Windows, MacOS, Linux


Photoshop (or equivalent)

Master of Science in Robotics


It is each student’s personal responsibility to arrive with, or to acquire rapidly thereafter, basic understanding (at the level of an introductory undergraduate course) in the following areas:

·Mathematics: calculus, linear algebra, numerical analysis, probability and statistics

·Computer Science: programming, data structures, algorithms

·Physics and Engineering: mechanics, dynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics

Master of Science in Machine Learning

Incoming students must have a strong background in computer science, including a solid understanding of complexity theory and good programming skills, as well as a good background in mathematics. Specifically, the first-year courses assume at least one year of college-level probability and statistics, as well as matrix algebra and multivariate calculus.

For our introductory ML course, there's a self-assessment test [PDF]http://liuxue.xdf.cn/which will give you some idea about the background we expect students to have (for the MS you're looking at the "modest requirements"). Generally, you need to have some reasonable programming skills, with experience inMatlab/R/scipy-numpyespecially helpful, andJavaandPythonbeing more useful than C, and a solid math background, especially inprobability/statistics, linear algebra, and matrix and tensor calculus.

Master of Science in Computer Science

We cater to students withbasic analytic skillsanda strong aptitude for mathematics, programming, and logical reasoning.  You don’t need a bachelor’s degree in computer science specifically for the program, but a technical undergraduate background will set you up for success.

Master of Science in Robotic Systems Development

Recommended Skills for MRSD



Familiarity with command-line and external functions using MATLAB library; Import/export of data; graphing/plotting functions & data; rudimentary animation


And / or C / C++ familiarity


Robot Operating System (ROS) - Optional (Good to know)

Program Constructs

Sequencing, Selection, Iteration & Recursion

Data Organization

Arrays, Lists, Pointers



Productivity SW (MS Office - Excel / Word / PowerPoint / Project)

Operating Systems

Windows or Apple-OS - use of personal laptop computer Linux or Ubuntu


Linear Algebra

Inversion, Eigenvalues, Null-Space

Linear Differential Eq.

Matrix-Algebra & -Manipulation

Basic Calculus

Derivatives, Gradients, Chain Rule

Numerical Integration

Basic Computational Implementation, e.g. Runge-Kutta 4

Fourier Analysis

NOT how to calculate the coefficients, but the notion that any complicated fct. can be represented as a composite of simpler ones

CMU Math Fundamentals Course

16-811: Math Fundamentals for Robotics


Newtonian Physics

Newton-Euler Mechanics (Forces, torques, mass / inertia, Equations of motion)

System State

Degrees of Freedom & Constraints to fully describe a system’s behavior mathematically


Control Systems

Controls Fundamentals (transfer functions; bode plots; stability-margin; time-response of LTI systems; PID compensators)



Basic experience with practical circuits (elements, interactions, PCBs)


Some design and fabrication experience (Concept -> CAD -> Fabrication)


Basic skills in document structuring and technical writing


Courses - College-Level

CMU: CS Courses 15-110 and / or 15-112 OR equivalentHIGHLY recommend being comfortable with material in 16-811

Courses - Online

Stanford - CS-101MIT - Code AcademyCourseraUdacity - . . . choose cs101 or cs373


Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction - David PoolePhysics - Jay OrearControl Systems Engineering - Norman NiseThe C Programming Language - Kernighan & RitchieThe C Programmers Handbook - Thom HoganProgramming in C - S. Kochan

Online Tutorials and Learning Resources

MATLABPythonLynda - assorted trainings - available with CMU ID


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