
import sys

import re

import os

import urllib.request as lib

def craw_links(url, depth, keywords, processed):

'''url:the url to craw

depth:the current depth to craw

keywords:the tuple of keywords to focus

processed:the urls already crawled


if url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):

if url not in processed:

# mark this url as processed



# avoid processing the same url again


print('Crawing '+url+'...')

with lib.urlopen(url) as fp:

# Python3 returns bytes

# so need to decode

contents = fp.read()

contents_decoded = contents.decode('UTF-8')

# form a regular expression

pattern = '|'.join(keywords)

# if this page contains certain keywords, save it to a file

flag = False

if pattern:

searched = re.search(pattern, contents_decoded)


# if the keywords to filter is not given, save current page

flag = True

if flag or searched:

with open('craw\\'+url.replace(':','_').replace('/','_'), 'wb') as fp:


# find all the links in the current page

links = re.findall('href="(.*?)"', contents_decoded)

# craw all links in the current page

for link in links:

# consider the relative path

if not link.startswith(('http://','https://')):


index = url.rindex('/')

link = url[0:index+1]+link



# control the crawl depth

if depth>0 and link.endswith(('.htm','.html')):

craw_links(link, depth-1, keywords, processed)

if __name__ == '__main__':

processed = []

keywords = ('datetime','KeyWord2')

if not os.path.exists('craw') or not os.path.isdir('craw'):


start_url = r'https://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html'

craw_links(start_url, 1, keywords, processed)


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