

npm install --save realm


react-native link realm


rnpm link realm


1.Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

include ':realm'
project(':realm').projectDir =new File(rootProject.projectDir,'../node_modules/realm/android')

2.Add the compile line to the dependencies in android/app/build.gradle:

dependencies {compile project(':realm')

3.Add the import and link the package in

import io.realm.react.RealmReactPackage; // add this importpublic class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {@Overrideprotected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(new MainReactPackage(),new RealmReactPackage() // add this line);}

1. 打开数据库的方式,按照其介绍有两种方式
其一、通过 open方法,eg:

// Define your models and their properties
const CarSchema = {name: 'Car',properties: {make:  'string',model: 'string',miles: {type: 'int', default: 0},}
const PersonSchema = {name: 'Person',properties: {name:     'string',birthday: 'date',cars:     'Car[]',picture:  'data?' // optional property}
};{schema: [CarSchema, PersonSchema]}).then(realm => {// Create Realm objects and write to local storagerealm.write(() => {const myCar = realm.create('Car', {make: 'Honda',model: 'Civic',miles: 1000,});myCar.miles += 20; // Update a property value});// Query Realm for all cars with a high mileageconst cars = realm.objects('Car').filtered('miles > 1000');// Will return a Results object with our 1 carcars.length // => 1// Add another carrealm.write(() => {const myCar = realm.create('Car', {make: 'Ford',model: 'Focus',miles: 2000,});});// Query results are updated in realtimecars.length // => 2});


const PersonSchema = {name: 'Person',properties: {name: 'string',testScores: 'double?[]'}
};let realm = new Realm({schema: [PersonSchema, CarSchema]});realm.write(() => {let charlie = realm.create('Person', {name: 'Charlie',testScores: [100.0]});// Charlie had an excused absense for the second test and was allowed to skip itcharlie.testScores.push(null);// And then he didn't do so well on the third testcharlie.testScores.push(70.0);
  1. 插入数据
let realm = new Realm({schema: [PersonSchema, CarSchema]});
realm.write(() => {let charlie = realm.create('Person', {name: 'Charlie',testScores: [100.0]});
  1. 查询数据

假设有表 Dog,下面获取Dog表所有数据。

let dogs = realm.objects('Dog'); // retrieves all Dogs from the Realm


query(name){let dogs = realm.objects('Dog');let tanDogs = dogs.filtered('color = "tan" AND name "'+name+'"');


At the moment only a subset of the NSPredicate syntax is supported in the query language. Basic comparison operators ==, !=, >, >=, <, and <= are supported for numeric properties. ==, BEGINSWITH, ENDSWITH, and CONTAINS are supported for string properties. String comparisons can be made case insensitive by appending [c] to the operator: ==[c], BEGINSWITH[c] etc. Filtering by properties on linked or child objects can by done by specifying a keypath in the query eg car.color == 'blue'


let hondas = realm.objects('Car').filtered('make = "Honda"');// Sort Hondas by mileage
let sortedHondas = hondas.sorted('miles');// Sort in descending order instead
sortedHondas = hondas.sorted('miles', true);// Sort by price in descending order and then miles in ascending
sortedHondas = hondas.sorted(['price', true], ['miles']);


let people = realm.objects('Person');// Sort people by the milage of their cars
let sortedPeople = people.sorted('car.miles');



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