
Lightweight event-driven framework


中文说明/Chinese Documentation

Structure diagram

Quick start

// init eventbus plugin
EventBus plugin = new EventBus();
//Asynchronous globally enabled, if not enabled by default, synchronous blocking processing
plugin.async(1024, 8);
// Scan the class that contains the @Listener annotation method AND Implement the ApplicationEventListener interface
//Set the scan jar package to include the imported third-party jar package, which is not scanned by default.
// Set the default scan packet life, the default full scan
// plugin start
plugin.start();// send the first message
plugin.publish("123", new EventSource("test"));
// send the second message
plugin.publish("123", new EventSource("test111111"));
// One-to-many, one event, triggering multiple event processing
// Coexisting multiple events with the same tag. Providing priority processing. The smaller the value of priority, the greater the priority.
plugin.publish("test", new EventSource("123123"));Awaitility.await().atMost(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES).until(new Callable<Boolean>() {
@Overridepublic Boolean call() throws Exception {return eventBus.stop();}

maven jar~


Release Notes


  1. Final consistency (consider sql persistence, increase retry mechanism)
  2. Support el dynamic expressions
  3. Code refactoring, responsibilities are more subdivided and easy to expand

2019-01-12 v1.0.0

  1. Support concurrency, accelerate service processing efficiency, event publishing and asynchronous processing capability (disruptor)
  2. In-project service decoupling Observers and publishers do not interfere with each other
  3. Imitate the spring event-driven model. One-to-many release one event to trigger multiple event processing.
  4. Add multiple listener priority processing rights. In the case of asynchronous processing, the order of submission is guaranteed, and the order of execution is not guaranteed.
  5. Asynchronous queues support graceful downtime to ensure the reliability of memory channels
  6. Increase the threshold. In asynchronous mode, the ringbuffer exceeds the threshold. Automatically switch back to synchronous. Return to normal and switch to asynchronous mode again.



spring event-driven model



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