There are two ways to show a SMS’s information:
– In UM conversation mode’s dialog screen.
– In UM conversation mode or box mode, tap a SMS to enter SMS viewer.

SMS Viewer is used to display a SMS’s base information, included content, address, status etc.

SMS setting is used to set sms send and save related parameter and voicemail number.

SMS template is used  to send SMS or MMS.

SMS   Short Message Service
SCTS Service Centre Time Stamp, information element offering the recipient of a short message the information
of when the message arrived at the SM TL entity of the SC

1.Use Case

There are some global API in vapp_sms_gprot.h.

MMI_BOOL vapp_sms_has_sending_sms(void); //check if there is one sms in sending state

U32 vapp_sms_get_send_failed_count(void); // get send failed sms count

MMI_BOOL vapp_sms_resend_msg(U32 msg_id); // to resend one send failed sms

MMI_BOOL vapp_sms_cancel_send_msg(U32 msg_id); // cancel send sms

MMI_BOOL vapp_sms_cancel_send_msg(U32 msg_id); // cancel send sms

MMI_BOOL vapp_sms_check_is_voicemail_valid(mmi_sim_enum mmi_sim); // check if can call voicemail of this SIM

void vapp_sms_call_voicemail(mmi_sim_enum mmi_sim); // call voicemail of this SIM

VfxU16 vapp_sms_get_icon_by_status(VfxU32 msg_status);//get sms state icon through sms status

2.File Structure

/venusmmi/app/Cosmos/Message           Application source code
/venusmmi/app/Cosmos// Message/Res  Application resource file


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