
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined错误应对方法,意思是说,某一列定义模糊,于是



select v1.*,(v1.data-v2.data) as rate, v3.*, (v3.data-v4.data) as rate2

from (

select rownum as rn, a.* from (

select ayearmon, DATA, DATA-100 as rate

from test

where isvalid=1 and code='3503'

and region = '000000'

order by ayearmon desc

) a) v1,


select (rownum-1) as rn1, b.* from (

select ayearmon, DATA

from test

where isvalid=1 and code='3503'

and region = '000000'

order by ayearmon desc

) b) v2,

( select rownum as rn, c.* from (

select ayearmon, DATA, DATA-100 as rate

from test

where isvalid=1 and code='3502'

and region = '000000'

order by ayearmon desc

) c) v3,


select (rownum-1) as rn1, d.* from (

select ayearmon, DATA

from test

where isvalid=1 and code='3502'

and region = '000000'

order by ayearmon desc

) d) v4

where v1.rn = v2.rn1 and v3.rn = v4.rn1 and v1.rn = v3.rn

and v1.rn >= 1 and v1.rn <= 10

select * from (

select v1.*, CASE WHEN substr(v1.ayearmon, 5, 2) = '02' THEN v1.DATA ELSE (v1.DATA - v2.DATA)  END  as dy

from (

select rownum as rn, a.* from (

select ayearmon, DATA

from v_yy_MAC201

where isvalid=1 and code='10011001' and length(ayearmon) = 6

and timetype='b0301' and region = '000000'

order by ayearmon desc

) a) v1,


select (rownum-1) as rn1, b.* from (

select ayearmon, DATA

from v_yy_MAC201

where isvalid=1 and code='10011001' and length(ayearmon) = 6

and timetype='b0301' and region = '000000'

order by ayearmon desc

) b) v2 where v1.rn = v2.rn1


where rn >= 1 and rn <= 50



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