我已经有两年 ML 经历,这系列课主要用来查缺补漏,会记录一些细节的、自己不知道的东西。



  1. 本节课由助教黄冠博讲解。将分为影像与语音两部分讲解。
  2. One Pixel Attack,仅仅改变一个像素,就进行了攻击。着重讲了 Differential Evolution
  3. 接下来是 Adversarial Attack Outline 部分。
  4. 第一小节是 Attacks on ASR。Automatic Speech Recognition,自动语音识别技术。
  5. 第二小节是 Attacks on ASV。Automatic Speaker Verification,自动演讲人识别技术。
  6. 稍微提及了 Wake Up Words
  7. 第三节是重点,Hidden Voice Attack。比如,制作一段噪音,人类听不出,但是可能是某个机器指令,如Hey, Siri


  • 本节内容综述
  • 小细节
    • One Pixel Attack
      • Differential Evolution
    • Attacks on ASR
    • Attacks on ASV
    • Wake Up Words
    • Hidden Voice Attack
      • Psychoacoustics
      • Signal Preprocessing
      • Perturbation
        • Time Domain Inversion (TDI)
        • Random Phase Generation
        • High Frequency Addition(HFA)
        • Time Scaling (TS)


One Pixel Attack


如上,都是One Pixel Attack的例子。

如上,与上节所讲的内容相同,分为 untargeted attack 与 target attack 。One Pixel Attack的特点是,只能有一个 xxx 与之前不同。

如果遍历每一个像素,则耗时太长。因此,我们使用 Differential Evolution 。或者说,我们无需找到最好的像素。

Differential Evolution

During each iteration another set of candidate solutions(children)is generated according to the current population (parents). Then the children are compared with their corresponding parents, surviving if they are more fitted(possess higher fitness value) than their parents. In such a way, only comparing the parent and his child, the goal of keeping diversity and improving fitness values can be simultaneously achieved.


  • Higher probability of Finding Global Optima: due to diversity keeping mechanisms and the use of a set of candidate solutions
  • Require Less Information from Target System: 相比 FGSM,DE 不需要算 gradient ,因此不需要攻击对象 model 太多细节;independent of the classifier used


  • Initialize Candidates
  • Select Candidates and Generate
  • Test Candidates and Substitute


DE 并非将一个图片的一个数值当成一个“个体”,而是将一个像素的全部信息作为攻击目标:(x,y,R,G,B)(x, y, R, G, B)(x,y,R,G,B)。


Attacks on ASR



Attacks on ASV


Wake Up Words

Hidden Voice Attack

如上,助教播放了一段杂音,实际上代表的是"turn on the computer"。



Signal Preprocessing


  • 声音信号的采样;
  • 预处理,滤掉高低频的内容;
  • 对信号进行运算处理;
  • 输入模型。



Time Domain Inversion (TDI)
  • 利用了 mFFT(magnitude fft) 多对一的性质;
  • two completely different signals in the time domain can have similar spectra
  • modifying the audio in the time domain while preserving its spectrum, by inverting the windowed signal
  • inverting small windows across the entire signal, removes the smoothness


  • 我们虽然对音讯进行了修改;
  • 但是其 mFFT 还是与原音讯相同。
Random Phase Generation

如图,调整 aaa 与 bbb ,但是仍保证 a2+b2\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}a2+b2​ 不变。

High Frequency Addition(HFA)
  • Signal processing 的过程中, low-pass filter 会把相较于人耳高很多的频段滤掉以增加 VPS(Voice Processing System) 的准确率
  • add high frequencies to the audio that are filtered out during the preprocessing stage
  • create high frequency sine waves and add it to the real audio
  • If the sine waves have enough intensity, it has the potential to mask the underlying audio command to the human ear.

Time Scaling (TS)
  • 将音讯快放到 model 能正确辨识但是人又听不太懂在说什么
  • compress the audio in the time domain by discarding unnecessary samples and maintain the same sample rate
  • the audio is shorter in time, but retains the same spectrum as the original

什么是 sample rate ?波由好多点组成,simple rate 就是每秒有几个 data point 。

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