场景:android 应用监听输入法按键事件【例如搜索和回车键等】的整个流程分析

android 应用监听输入法按键事件【比如搜索和回车键等】的整个流程分析


int keyCode = sKey.getKeyCode();

KeyEvent eDown = new KeyEvent(0, 0, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN,

keyCode, 0, 0, 0, 0, KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD);

KeyEvent eUp = new KeyEvent(0, 0, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode,

0, 0, 0, 0, KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD);

onKeyDown(keyCode, eDown);

onKeyUp(keyCode, eUp);



public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

if (processKey(event, 0 != event.getRepeatCount())) return true;

return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);



public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

if (processKey(event, true)) return true;

return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);



if (processKey(event, true)) return true;


if (processFunctionKeys(keyCode, realAction)) {

return true;



if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) {

if (!realAction){

Log.d(TAG,"processFunctionKeys call KEYCODE_ENTER return");

return true;



return true;





public void sendKeyChar(char charCode) {

switch (charCode) {

case '\n': // Apps may be listening to an enter key to perform an action

if (!sendDefaultEditorAction(true)) {





// Make sure that digits go through any text watcher on the client side.

if (charCode >= '0' && charCode <= '9') {

sendDownUpKeyEvents(charCode - '0' + KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0);

} else {

InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();

if (ic != null) {

ic.commitText(String.valueOf((char) charCode), 1);







case '\n': // Apps may be listening to an enter key to perform an action

if (!sendDefaultEditorAction(true)) {




看上面注释:// Apps may be listening to an enter key to perform an action,很清楚吧,呵呵,来看看这个方法吧

public boolean sendDefaultEditorAction(boolean fromEnterKey) {

EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo();

if (ei != null &&

(!fromEnterKey || (ei.imeOptions &

EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION) == 0) &&

(ei.imeOptions & EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION) !=


// If the enter key was pressed, and the editor has a default

// action associated with pressing enter, then send it that

// explicit action instead of the key event.

InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection();

if (ic != null) {



return true;


return false;




* Have the editor perform an action it has said it can do.


public boolean performEditorAction(int editorAction);


* Set of bits in {@link #imeOptions} that provide alternative actions

* associated with the "enter" key. This both helps the IME provide

* better feedback about what the enter key will do, and also allows it

* to provide alternative mechanisms for providing that command.


public static final int IME_MASK_ACTION = 0x000000ff;



public boolean performEditorAction(int actionCode) {

if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "performEditorAction " + actionCode);


return true;



edittext.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {


public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {


if(actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_GO){


return true;


return false;





* Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an action is

* performed on the editor.


public interface OnEditorActionListener {


* Called when an action is being performed.


* @param v The view that was clicked.

* @param actionId Identifier of the action. This will be either the

* identifier you supplied, or {@link EditorInfo#IME_NULL

* EditorInfo.IME_NULL} if being called due to the enter key

* being pressed.

* @param event If triggered by an enter key, this is the event;

* otherwise, this is null.

* @return Return true if you have consumed the action, else false.


boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event);




* Set a special listener to be called when an action is performed

* on the text view. This will be called when the enter key is pressed,

* or when an action supplied to the IME is selected by the user. Setting

* this means that the normal hard key event will not insert a newline

* into the text view, even if it is multi-line; holding down the ALT

* modifier will, however, allow the user to insert a newline character.


public void setOnEditorActionListener(OnEditorActionListener l) {

if (mInputContentType == null) {

mInputContentType = new InputContentType();


mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener = l;


我们看到了OnEditorActionListener l赋值给了mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener



public boolean performEditorAction(int actionCode) {

if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "performEditorAction " + actionCode);


return true;




public void onEditorAction(int actionCode) {

final InputContentType ict = mInputContentType;

if (ict != null) {

if (ict.onEditorActionListener != null) {

if (ict.onEditorActionListener.onEditorAction(this,

actionCode, null)) {




看到了吧,之前放入mInputContentType的onEditorActionListener现在赋值给了InputContentType ict,然后执行了


actionCode, null)


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