


  IDE:Microsoft visual studio Community 2015


1 tweens对象完成后会自动销毁,如此我们基本不用关心DOTween的内存销毁问题。

        //// Summary://     Default autoKillOnComplete behaviour for new tweens.//     Default: TRUEpublic static bool defaultAutoKill;

2   构建新的tweens后,会自动play。保持该值,我们则无需要手动调用play

        //// Summary://     Default autoPlay behaviour for new tweens.//     Default: AutoPlay.Allpublic static AutoPlay defaultAutoPlay;

3 默认的运动方式,主要表现是开始执行时,快速,在后期会逐步减速。该算法在执行时间长度比较短时看着比较合理舒适,但是如果出现类似距离较长,时间也相对较长时,就容易发现在后期有点很不好接受的缓慢移动。此时就需要考虑更改运动方式。

        //// Summary://     Default ease applied to all new Tweeners (not to Sequences which always have//     Ease.Linear as default).//     Default: Ease.InOutQuadpublic static Ease defaultEaseType;//// Summary://     Sets the ease of the tween.//     If applied to Sequences eases the whole sequence animationpublic static T SetEase<T>(this T t, Ease ease) where T : Tween;

4 DOTween中有两套不同的调用方式=》
shortcuts way,但是需要针对不同对象,需要调用不一样对象:
        //// Summary://     Tweens a Transform's localPosition to the given value. Also stores the transform//     as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations//// Parameters://   endValue://     The end value to reach////   duration://     The duration of the tween////   snapping://     If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integerspublic static Tweener DOLocalMove(this Transform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false);//// Summary://     Tweens a Transform's localRotation to the given value. Also stores the transform//     as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations//// Parameters://   endValue://     The end value to reach////   duration://     The duration of the tween////   mode://     Rotation modepublic static Tweener DOLocalRotate(this Transform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, RotateMode mode = RotateMode.Fast);//// Summary://     Tweens a Transform's localScale to the given value. Also stores the transform//     as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations//// Parameters://   endValue://     The end value to reach////   duration://     The duration of the tweenpublic static Tweener DOScale(this Transform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration);

generic way,大部分的执行都可以用同类型的接口。
        //// Summary://     Tweens a virtual property from the given start to the given end value and implements//     a setter that allows to use that value with an external method or a lambda//     Example://     To(MyMethod, 0, 12, 0.5f);//     Where MyMethod is a function that accepts a float parameter (which will be the//     result of the virtual tween)//// Parameters://   setter://     The action to perform with the tweened value////   startValue://     The value to start from////   endValue://     The end value to reach////   duration://     The duration of the virtual tweenpublic static Tweener To(DOSetter<float> setter, float startValue, float endValue, float duration);

5 关于sequence
Sequences are like Tweeners, but instead of animating a property or value they animate other Tweeners or Sequences as a group.
比较简单的Sequence,可以直接用如下函数增加Append / Join:
 //// Summary://     Adds the given tween to the end of the Sequence. Has no effect if the Sequence//     has already started//// Parameters://   t://     The tween to appendpublic static Sequence Append(this Sequence s, Tween t);//// Summary://     Inserts the given tween at the same time position of the last tween added to//     the Sequence. Has no effect if the Sequence has already startedpublic static Sequence Join(this Sequence s, Tween t);


        //// Summary://     Inserts the given tween at the given time position in the Sequence, automatically//     adding an interval if needed. Has no effect if the Sequence has already started//// Parameters://   atPosition://     The time position where the tween will be placed////   t://     The tween to insertpublic static Sequence Insert(this Sequence s, float atPosition, Tween t);//// Summary://     Inserts the given callback at the given time position in the Sequence, automatically//     adding an interval if needed. Has no effect if the Sequence has already started//// Parameters://   atPosition://     The time position where the callback will be placed////   callback://     The callback to insertpublic static Sequence InsertCallback(this Sequence s, float atPosition, TweenCallback callback);

6 关于Kill函数:特意提出该接口,是因为针对于Sequence,调用DOTween.Kill("Sequence", true),并不能在kill之前complete,不确定是其本身的bug还是我对接口的理解不对。

        //// Summary://     Kills all tweens with the given ID or target and returns the number of actual//     tweens killed//// Parameters://   complete://     If TRUE completes the tweens before killing thempublic static int Kill(object targetOrId, bool complete = false);


    [ContextMenu("DoTweenAlpha")]void DoTweenAlpha(){Debug.Log("DoTweenAlpha");UIRect uiRect = m_uiRectAni;if (uiRect != null){DOTween.To(x => uiRect.alpha = x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f).SetId("Tween");}}[ContextMenu("DoTweenKillCompleteAlpha")]void DoTweenKillCompleteAlpha(){Debug.Log("DoTweenKillCompleteAlpha");UIRect uiRect = m_uiRectAni;if (uiRect != null){DOTween.Kill("Tween", true);}}[ContextMenu("DoTweenKillAlpha")]void DoTweenKillAlpha(){Debug.Log("DoTweenKillAlpha");UIRect uiRect = m_uiRectAni;if (uiRect != null){DOTween.Kill("Tween", false);}}[ContextMenu("DoSequenceAlpha")]void DoSequenceAlpha(){Debug.Log("DoSequenceAlpha");UIRect uiRect = m_uiRectAni;if (uiRect != null){Sequence sequence = DOTween.Sequence();sequence.Append(DOTween.To(x => uiRect.alpha = x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f));sequence.SetId("Sequence");}}[ContextMenu("DoSequenceKillCompleteAlpha")]void DoSequenceKillCompleteAlpha(){Debug.Log("DoSequenceKillCompleteAlpha");UIRect uiRect = m_uiRectAni;if (uiRect != null){DOTween.Kill("Sequence", true);}}[ContextMenu("DoSequenceKillAlpha")]void DoSequenceKillAlpha(){Debug.Log("DoSequenceKillAlpha");UIRect uiRect = m_uiRectAni;if (uiRect != null){DOTween.Kill("Sequence", false);}}




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