
String yourPast = "Good Java Programmer";

val yourPast : String = "Good Java Programmer"

val yourPast = "Good Java Programmer"

var yourFuture = "Good Java Programmer"


class Money(amount:Int) amount不是成员变量

class Money(val amount:Int)

val notMuch = new Money(2)


class Money(var amount:Int)

val notMuch = new Money(2)


case classes

public class Money {

private Integer amount;

private String currency;

public Money(Integer amount, String currency) {

this.amount = amount;

this.currency = currency;


public Integer getAmount() {

return amount;


public void setAmount(Integer amount) {

this.amount = amount;


public String getCurrency() {

return currency;


public void setCurrency(String currency) {

this.currency = currency;



public int hashCode() {

int hash = 5;

hash = 29 * hash + (this.amount != null ? this.amount.

hashCode() : 0);

hash = 29 * hash + (this.currency != null ? this.currency.

hashCode() : 0);

return hash;



public boolean equals(Object obj) {

if (obj == null) {

return false;


if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {

return false;


final Money other = (Money) obj;

return true;



public String toString() {

return "Money{" + "amount=" + amount + ", currency=" +

currency + '}';


public Money add(Money other) {

return new Money(this.amount +

other.amount, this.currency);



case class Money(amount:Int=1, currency:String="USD")  two immutable fields the fields declared in Scala classes are public

case class Money(private val amount: Int, private val currency: String)

to make them private instead, or used  var instead of  val to make the fields mutable.

val defaultAmount = Money()

val fifteenDollars = Money(15,"USD")

val fifteenDollars = Money(15)

val someEuros = Money(currency="EUR")

case class Money(val amount:Int=1, val currency:String="USD"){

def +(other: Money) : Money = Money(amount + other.amount)


Money(12) + Money(34)


Scala collections are, by default, immutable

val numbers = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)

val reversedList = numbers.reverse

val onlyAFew = numbers drop 2 take 3

cons operator

val numbers = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: Nil

val simpleList = Nil.::(6)

val twoElementsList = List(6).::(5)


val concatenatedList = simpleList ::: twoElementsList

val things = List(0,1,true) AnyVal

val things = List(0,1,true,"false") Any


val amounts = List(Money(10,"USD"),Money(2,"EUR"),Money(20,"GBP"),



val euros = amounts.filter(money => money.currency=="EUR")

val euros = amounts.filter(x => x.currency=="EUR")

val euros = amounts.filter(_.currency=="EUR")


val allAmounts = amounts.partition(amt => amt.currency=="EUR")


val euros = allAmounts._1

val everythingButEuros= allAmounts._2

val (euros,everythingButEuros) = amounts.partition(amt => amt.currency=="EUR")


Map amounts = new HashMap<String,Integer>();

amounts.put("USD", 10);

amounts.put("EUR", 2);

val wallet = Map( "USD" -> 10, "EUR" -> 2 )

val someEuros = wallet("EUR")


val mayBeSomePounds = wallet.get("GBP")

val updatedWallet = wallet + ("GBP" -> 20)  新的不可变

val tenDollars = "USD"-> 10 Tuple


def increment = (x:Int) => x + 1


List(1,2,3,4) map increment

String Interpolation

val many = 10000.2345

val amount = s"$many euros"


val amount = f"$many%12.2f euros"

val amount = s"${many*2} euros"

val printedAmounts = amounts map(m=> s"${m.amount} ${m.currency}")


groupBy method that transforms a collection into a  Map collection:

val sortedAmounts = amounts groupBy(_.currency)

Scala UnitTest

POM.xml maven依赖文件

•  Dependency for the core scala-library:






•  Dependency for scalatest (a framework for testing in Scala that supports

JUnit and other styles; we will cover it in detail in Chapter 4, Testing Tools):







•  Dependency for JUnit to use Java  Assert statements in our test case:






























import org.junit._

import Assert._

class CustomerScalaTest {


def setUp: Unit = {



def tearDown: Unit = {



def testGetCustomerId = {


val instance = new Customer()

val expResult: Integer = null

val result: Integer = instance.getCustomerId()

assertEquals(expResult, result)



Java/Scala Collection转换

./activator console

import java.util.Arrays

val javaList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4)

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

val scalaList = javaList.asScala

val javaListAgain = scalaList.asJava

assert( javaList eq javaListAgain)

JavaBean-style properties

class Company(var name:String)

val sun = new Company("Sun Microsystems")



import scala.beans.BeanProperty

class Company(@BeanProperty var name:String)

val sun = new Company("Sun Microsystems")




class Customer ( var customerId: Int, var zip: String) {

def this( zip: String) = this(0,zip)

def getCustomerId() = customerId

def setCustomerId(cust: Int): Unit = {

customerId = cust



val customer = new Customer("123 45")


interface VIPCustomer {

Integer discounts();


class Customer(val name:String, val discountCode:String="N" ){

def discounts() : List[Int] = List(5)

override def toString() = "Applied discounts: " + discounts.mkString(" ","%, ","% ")


trait VIPCustomer extends Customer {

override def discounts = super.discounts ::: List(10)


trait GoldCustomer extends Customer {

override def discounts =

if (discountCode.equals("H"))

super.discounts ::: List(20)

else super.discounts ::: List(15)


object Main {

def main(args: Array[String]) {

val myDiscounts = new Customer("Thomas","H") with VIPCustomer with GoldCustomer




scala> Main.main(Array.empty)

Applied discounts: 5%, 10%, 20%

Note that the order in which traits are stacked is important. They are calling each other from right to left.  GoldCustomer is, therefore, the first one to be called.


companion objects

object Main {

def main(args: Array[String]) {

println("Hello Scala World !")



object Customer {

def apply()= new Customer("default name")


class Customer(name:String) {



public class ConversionSample {

static Integer parse(String numberAsString) {

Integer number = null;

try {

number = Integer.parseInt(numberAsString);

} catch (NumberFormatExceptionnfe) {

System.err.println("Wrong format for "+numberAsString);

} catch (Exception ex) {

System.err.println("An unknown Error has occurred");


System.out.println("Parsed Number: "+number);

return number;


def parse(numberAsString: String) =

try {


} catch {

case nfe: NumberFormatException =>

println("Wrong format for number "+numberAsString)

case e: Exception => println("Error when parsing number"+




case nfe: NumberFormatException =>

println("Wrong format for number "+numberAsString); -1

case _: Throwable =>

println("Error when parsing number "+numberAsString)


scala.util.Left or  scala.util.Right type

case class Failure(val reason: String)

def parse(numberAsString: String) : Either[Failure,Int] =

try {

val result = Integer.parseInt(numberAsString)


} catch {

case _ : Throwable => Left(Failure("Error when parsing




String customerLevel = null;

if(amountBought > 3000) {

customerLevel = "Gold";

} else {

customerLevel = "Silver";


val amountBought = 5000

val customerLevel = if (amountBought> 3000) "Gold" else "Silver"




Eclipse-based (including all the different versions of Eclipse, Typesafe's own bundled version known as Scala IDE as well as more commercial IDEs such as SpringSourceSTS), IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans.


Simple Build Tool (SBT) http://www.scala-sbt.org/

http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/tutorial/Hello.html 例子

http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/tutorial/Directories.html 目录结构,Build.sbt是sbt的定义文件

SBT plugins

https://github.com/typesafehub/sbteclipse 基于sbt生成eclipse使用的工程文件

https://github.com/mpeltonen/sbt-idea 基于sbt生成IntelliJ使用的工程文件

https://github.com/dcaoyuan/nbscala/wiki/SbtIntegrationInNetBeans 基于sbt生成Netbeans使用的工程文件


xsbt-web-plugin (available at  https://github.com/JamesEarlDouglas/xsbt-web-plugin ), a useful plugin to create traditional web apps that runs on a servlet container (such as Jetty).

v Plugins.sbt: addSbtPlugin("com.earldouglas" % "xsbt-web-plugin" % "0.4.2")


name := "SampleProject"

organization := "com.samples"

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.10.3"

seq(webSettings :_*)

libraryDependencies += "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "6.1.22" % "container"

libraryDependencies += "javax.servlet" % "servlet-api" % "2.5" % "provided"

v sbt eclipse生成了eclipse工程

v 启动web工程

> sbt

> container:start

v War包生成 > package



v Plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.11.2")

v assembly.sbt

import AssemblyKeys._ // put this at the top of the file


// your assembly settings here



addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-scalariform" % "1.2.0")

SBT中运行compile or  test:compile时,即按照scala风格格式化代码

Scala Worksheets




http://dispatch.databinder.net/Dispatch.html HttpClient上的封装

build.sbt添加libraryDependencies += "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" % "0.11.0"

import dispatch._, Defaults._

val request = url("http://freegeoip.net/xml/www.google.com")

val result = Http( request OK as.String)

val resultAsString = result()

def printer = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(90, 2)

for (xml <- citiesAsXML)


for comprehension or  for expression

for (sequence) yield expression In the preceding code,  sequence can contain the following components:

•  Generators: They drive the iteration and are written in the following form:

element <- collection

•  Filters: They control the iteration and are written in the following form:

if expression

•  Definitions: They are local variable definitions and are written in the

following form:

variable = expression

for {

elem <- List(1,2,3,4,5)

} yield "T" + elem

for {

word <- List("Hello","Scala")

char <- word

} yield char.isLower

for {

word <- List("Hello","Scala")

char <- word if char.isUpper

} yield char

or {

word <- List("Hello","Scala")

char <- word

lowerChar = char.toLower

} yield lowerChar


ScalaTest ( www.scalatest.org ) and Specs2 ( etorreborre.github.io/specs2/ ). ScalaCheck framework ( www.scalacheck.org )

Typesafe Activator包含必要的插件,项目根下执行> activator eclipse即生成eclipse工程

import org.scalatest.FunSuite

class Test01 extends FunSuite {

test("Very Basic") {

assert(1 == 1)


test("Another Very Basic") {

assert("Hello World" == "Hello World")



> activator

> test-only scalatest.Test01 (or scalatest.Test01.scala)

>~test-only scalatest.Test02  文件修改后自动运行单元测试【continuous mode】

The continuous mode works for the other SBT commands as well, such as  ~run or  ~test


import org.junit.runner.RunWith

import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner

import org.scalatest.FunSuite


class MyTestSuite extends FunSuite ...

www.seleniumhq.org 功能测试

package scalatest

import org.scalatest._

import org.scalatest.selenium.WebBrowser

import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver

class Test08 extends FlatSpec with Matchers with WebBrowser {

implicit val webDriver: WebDriver = new HtmlUnitDriver

go to "http://www.amazon.com"

click on "twotabsearchtextbox"

textField("twotabsearchtextbox").value = "Scala"


pageTitle should be ("Amazon.com: Scala")

pageSource should include("Scala Cookbook: Recipes")




alternatives to create web applications range from lightweight frameworks such as Unfiltered, Spray, or Scalatra to full-featured solutions such as the Lift or the Play Frameworks.

http://www.playframework.com/ http://www.playmodules.net

Web Service


addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" %"2.4.0")

addSbtPlugin("org.scalaxb" % "sbt-scalaxb" % "1.1.2")

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("public")


import ScalaxbKeys._




ibraryDependencies += "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" %"0.11.0"

libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.0.M7" %"test"

sourceGenerators in Compile <+= scalaxb in Compile

packageName in scalaxb in Compile := "se.wssample"


val books =


<book title="Programming in Scala" quantity="15" price="30.00"


<book title="Scala for Java Developers" quantity="10"

price="25.50" />


import scala.xml._

val sameBooks = XML.loadString("""


<book title="Programming in Scala" quantity="15"


<book title="Scala for Java Developers" quantity="10"




val total = (for {

book <- books \ "book"

price = ( book \ "@price").text.toDouble

quantity = ( book \ "@quantity").text.toInt

} yield price * quantity).sum

val books =


{ List("Programming in Scala,15,30.00","Scala for Java

Developers,10,25.50") map { row => row split "," } map { b => <book

title={b(0)} quantity={b(1)} price={b(2)} /> }}


import scala.util.parsing.json._

val result = JSON.parseFull("""


"Library": {

"book": [


"title": "Scala for Java Developers",

"quantity": 10



"title": "Programming Scala",

"quantity": 20





Futures and Promises

Scala Improvement Process (SIP)SIP-14-Futures and Promises


•  async { <expression> } : In this construct,  <expression> is the code to

be executed asynchronously.

•  await { <expression returning a Future> } : This construct is included

in an  async block. It suspends the execution of the enclosing  async block

until the argument  Future is completed.

async future


Reactive Systems




MongoDB database, we are going to discover how the Casbah Scala toolkit https://github.com/mongodb/casbah



scala> :paste

// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)


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  3. scala和java像不像_关于Java和Scala同步的五件事你不知道

    scala和java像不像 实际上,所有服务器应用程序都需要在多个线程之间进行某种同步. 大多数同步工作是在框架级别为我们完成的,例如通过我们的Web服务器,数据库客户端或消息传递框架. Java和S ...

  4. scala rest_使用路标的Scala和Java的Twitter REST API

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