
Python range() function is a utility function to generate the list of numbers. The list of numbers generated is useful for iteration logic.

Python range()函数是一个实用程序函数,用于生成数字列表。 生成的数字列表对于迭代逻辑很有用。

Python范围() (Python range())

If you are following our tutorial from the beginning, you may notice that many times we have used python range function.

如果您从一开始就遵循我们的教程,您可能会注意到我们已经多次使用python range函数。

Basically, Python range is used to generate a list of numbers. Note that, Python range function does not return a list, rather it acts like a list. The basic structure of Python range function is given below.

基本上,Python range用于生成数字列表。 注意,Python range函数不会返回列表,而是像列表一样。 Python range函数的基本结构如下。

  1. range(n) : This will generate a list of numbers from 0 to n.range(n):这将生成一个从0到n的数字列表。
  2. range(a, b) : This will generate a list of numbers from a to b-1.range(a,b):这将生成一个从a到b-1的数字列表。
  3. range(a, b, c) : This will generate a list of numbers from a to b-1 where step size is c.range(a,b,c):这将生成一个从a到b-1的数字列表,步长为c。

Please remember that, the range() function does not return any list. In the following example, we will see that.

请记住, range()函数不会返回任何列表。 在下面的示例中,我们将看到。

# initialize a list from 0 to 5
init_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]# it will show you the type is 'list'
print('Type of init_list is :', type(init_list))# get the instance of range() function
instance_range = range(1, 10)# it will show that the type is 'range'
print("Type of instance_range is :", type(instance_range))

The output of the following code will be


Python range()函数示例 (Python range() function example)

Many examples can be given for Python range function. You can use it in many places of your code. Suppose, you need to print the first 1-to-n odd numbers. You can do that easily using python range function. The code will be;

Python范围函数可以给出许多示例。 您可以在代码的许多地方使用它。 假设您需要打印前1到n个奇数。 您可以使用python range函数轻松地做到这一点。 该代码将是;

# prompt for input
num = int(input('Enter the max limit: '));# so, generate list from 1 to num(inclusive)
for i in range(1, num+1, 2):print(i, end=' ')

Here, given 11 as input, we will get the following output


Enter the max limit: 11
1 3 5 7 9 11

使用Python range()遍历遍历列表 (Traversing List using Python range() for loop)

However you can access python list using index of the list. In this case, the index will be generated by python range function. The following code will help you understand this clearly.

但是,您可以使用列表索引访问python列表。 在这种情况下,索引将由python range函数生成。 以下代码将帮助您清楚地理解这一点。

# initialize a list
init_list = [1, 'abc', 23, 'def']for i in range(len(init_list)):print(init_list[i])

The output of the following code will be



So, that’s all for Python range function. Most of the time python range function is used with for loop and to iterate the list.

因此,这就是Python范围函数的全部内容。 大多数时候,python range函数与for循环一起使用并迭代列表。

GitHub Repository.GitHub存储库中检出完整的python脚本和更多Python示例。

Reference: Official Documentation

参考: 官方文档




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