
A Linked List is a simple but fascinating data structure that can be used to store linearly connected non-contiguous data.


We are often encountered with interesting manipulative problems using a linked list as they require out-of-the-box thinking with the limited properties of the Singly Linked List.


In this article, we will be discussing the problem to Reverse a Singly Linked List.


Linked List


Throughout the article, I will be assuming that you are able to comprehend basic terminology related to Linked lists. If that is not the case, please refer to the following article(s) before reading on.

在整篇文章中,我将假设您能够理解与链接列表有关的基本术语。 如果不是这种情况,请在继续阅读之前参考以下文章。

Java LinkedList – LinkedList In Java

Java LinkedList – Java中的LinkedList


反向链接列表 (Reversing a Linked List)

Let us dive right into the discussion for the solution. We will discuss two methods:

让我们直接深入讨论该解决方案。 我们将讨论两种方法:

  • Iterative Solution (using 3 pointers)迭代解决方案(使用3个指针)
  • Recursive Solution (using pseudo-2 pointers)递归解决方案(使用伪2指针)

Note: I would suggest you to try to solve the problem, and then go to the solution.

注意 :建议您尝试解决问题,然后再解决。

使用迭代解决方案反向链接列表 (Reverse a Linked List using Iterative Solution)

  • Let us get over with the base cases first. If the linked list has 0 or only 1 node, then it does not make sense to reverse the list, so we can simply return then and there.让我们先克服基本情况。 如果链表只有0个节点或只有1个节点,那么反转链表是没有意义的,因此我们可以简单地从那时到那里返回。
  • Assuming we have >=2 nodes now, we can do the following.假设现在有> = 2个节点,我们可以执行以下操作。
  • Keep 3 pointers on previous node, current node, next node.在上一个节点,当前节点,下一个节点上保留3个指针。
  • Initially, assign the previous node as NULL, current node as the head and next node as the successor of the head.最初,将前一个节点指定为NULL,将当前节点指定为头,然后将下一个节点指定为头的后继。
  • Reverse the link between the previous and current node.反向上一个节点与当前节点之间的链接。
  • Move all the pointers one step forward by doing the following:
    1. Previous node = current node
    2. Current node = next node
    3. Next node = next node -> next


    1. 上一个节点=当前节点
    2. 当前节点=下一个节点
    3. 下一个节点=下一个节点->下一个
  • Go to step 5 until the current node does not become NULL.转到步骤5,直到当前节点不为NULL。
  • Assign head as the previous node and return.将head分配为上一个节点并返回。

The code following this paradigm can be found here.


C语言代码 (Code in C)

#include<stdlib.h>struct node{
int data;
struct node *next;
} *head = NULL;struct node *make_node(int data){
struct node *new = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->next = NULL; new->data = data;
return new;
}void push(int data){
struct node *new_node = make_node(data);
new_node->next = head;
head = new_node;
}void print_list(){
struct node *cur = head;
printf("%d ", cur->data);
cur = cur->next;
}void reverse_list(){
if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)
struct node *prev = NULL, *cur = head, *next;
next = cur->next;
cur->next = prev;
prev = cur;
cur = next;
head = prev;
}int main(){push(3);
push(6);printf("Given Linked list is: ");
print_list();reverse_list();printf("Reversed Linked list is: ");
print_list();return 0;

Python代码 (Code in Python)

class Node:def __init__(self, data) = = Noneclass LinkedList:def __init__(self):self.head = Nonedef reverse(self):if self.head is None or is None:returnprev = Nonecur = self.headwhile cur:next_element = = prevprev = curcur = next_elementself.head = prevdef push(self, data):new_node = Node(data) = self.headself.head = new_nodedef print_list(self):cur = self.headl1 = []while cur:l1.append( = cur.nextreturn l1head = LinkedList()
print("Given list is: ", head.print_list())
print("Reversed list is: ", head.print_list())

使用递归解决方案反向链接列表 (Reverse a Linked List using Recursive Solution)

The recursive solution is slightly easy to understand as it uses a more natural and easy-to-understand algorithm. Nevertheless, iterative and recursive solutions are similar in working.

递归解决方案使用更自然且易于理解的算法,因此稍微易于理解。 但是,迭代和递归解决方案在工作上相似。

We mainly use recursion to replace the pointer ‘next’ as we can recurse forward to the end of the linked list and follow in a similar way as the iterative solution.

我们主要使用递归来替换指针“ next”,因为我们可以递归到链表的末尾并以与迭代解决方案类似的方式进行跟踪。

The only differences being that we move backward as well after going to the end of the list, due to the use of recursion.


Also, note that in the recursive solution we don’t require a next pointer as recursion allows us to move ahead in the linked list.


Here we define the recursive solution in 2 parts:


  • Recursive Case:

    1. We would first move ahead in the linked list.
    2. When the recursion ends, we can simply link the current node to the previous node.


    1. 我们将首先在链接列表中前进。
    2. 递归结束后,我们可以简单地将当前节点链接到上一个节点。
  • Base Case: If the current element is NULL, then we can simply assign the head as previous node i.e. the last node of the linked list in this case.基本情况:如果当前元素为NULL,则在这种情况下,我们可以简单地将head分配为链表的前一个节点,即最后一个节点。

The code following this paradigm can be found here:


C语言代码 (Code in C)

#include<stdlib.h>struct node{
int data;
struct node *next;
} *head = NULL;struct node *make_node(int data){
struct node *new = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->next = NULL; new->data = data;
return new;
}void push(int data){
struct node *new_node = make_node(data);
new_node->next = head;
head = new_node;
}void print_list(){
struct node *cur = head;
printf("%d ", cur->data);
cur = cur->next;
}struct node *reverse_list(struct node *prev, struct node *cur){
if(cur == NULL){
head = prev;
reverse_list(cur, cur->next);
cur->next = prev;
}int main(){push(3);
push(6);printf("Given Linked list is: ");
print_list();reverse_list(NULL, head);printf("Reversed Linked list is: ");
print_list();return 0;

Python代码 (Code in Python)

class Node:def __init__(self, data) = = Noneclass LinkedList:def __init__(self):self.head = Nonedef _reverse(self, prev, cur):if cur is None:self.head = prevelse:self._reverse(cur, = prevdef reverse(self):self._reverse(None, self.head)def push(self, data):new_node = Node(data) = self.headself.head = new_nodedef print_list(self):cur = self.headl1 = []while cur:l1.append( = cur.nextreturn l1head = LinkedList()
print("Given list is: ", head.print_list())
print("Reversed list is: ", head.print_list())



Reverse Linked List using Recursion – Python

使用递归的反向链接列表– Python



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