
FIPA Modeling Technical Committee

The FIPA Modeling Technical Committee (Modeling TC) was established to develop vendor-neutral common semantics, meta-model, and abstract syntax for agent-based methodologies.

Modeling TC Objectives

  • To facilitate advances in the state of the art of agent-based modeling.
  • To enable developers to better understand how to model agent-based applications, including large-scale multiagent systems.
  • To recommend technology for adoption of common semantics, meta-model, and abstract syntax for agent-based development methodologies.
  • To recommend technology for adoption that enable interoperability across the lifecycle of AUML tools designs/work products.
  • To promote standard modeling techniques that increase rigor and consistency of specifications.
  • To leverage and interoperate with specifications from FIPA and other standards organizations.
  • To liaise with other appropriate organizations.

Click here for more information on the FIPA Modeling TC.

Latest Updates

FIPA has approved a work plan to develop an AUML standard.

Work currently underway. See Schedule & Events.

A FIPA Methodologies TC has also been approved by FIPA. To view their work plan, see http://www.fipa.org/docs/wps/f-wp-00023/

Resolutions from Feb 2003 Palermo meeting

The Modelling TC participants determined that a primary goal of FIPA AUML is to be domain independent. Initially, we will examine areas the TC currently has expertise: service-oriented architecture (SOA), business process management (BPM), simulation, real-time, AOSE, robotics, information systems. Other areas will be examined over time as we can.
The Modelling TC participants have initially identified thirteen sources of notations that should be considered for a FIPA AUML: UML 2.0, AOR, PASSI, MESSAGE, Tropos (includes i* and GRL), Adelphi, Gaia, Brixs, Styx, Prometheus, Madkit, OPEN, OPM. A one-to-two page summary of each will be produced for public view by 12 March 2003.
The Modelling TC participants have initially identified twelve modelling areas that should be explored for a FIPA AUML: multi- vs. single agent, agent “class/component” and implementation structure, goal and soft goals, use cases, social aspects, environment, workflow/planning, levels of abstraction, temporal constraints, policies, deployment and mobility. For due dates, see Schedule & Events.
The Modelling TC participants have initially identified useful existing diagram types that the FIPA AUML might use and extend: class, component, sequence, deployment, state chart, use cases, and activity diagrams, coloured Petri nets.


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