public static enum Thread.State  extends Enum<Thread.State>线程状态。
1.NEW 至今尚未启动的线程的状态。
2.RUNNABLE 可运行线程的线程状态。
        处于可运行状态的某一线程正在 Java 虚拟机中运行,但它可能正在等待操作系统中的其他资源,比如处理器。
3.BLOCKED 受阻塞并且正在等待监视器锁的某一线程的线程状态。
        处于受阻塞状态的某一线程正在等待监视器锁,以便进入一个同步的块/方法,或者在调用 Object.wait 之后再次进入同步的块/方法。
4.WAITING 某一等待线程的线程状态。某一线程因为调用下列方法之一而处于等待状态:

  • 不带超时值的 Object.wait
  • 不带超时值的 Thread.join

例如,已经在某一对象上调用了 Object.wait() 的线程正等待另一个线程,以便在该对象上调用 Object.notify() 或 Object.notifyAll()。
    已经调用了 Thread.join() 的线程正在等待指定线程终止。

  • Thread.sleep
  • 带有超时值的 Object.wait
  • 带有超时值的 Thread.join
  • LockSupport.parkNanos
  • LockSupport.parkUntil


    /*** A thread state.  A thread can be in one of the following states:* <ul>* <li>{@link #NEW}<br>*     A thread that has not yet started is in this state.*     </li>* <li>{@link #RUNNABLE}<br>*     A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state.*     </li>* <li>{@link #BLOCKED}<br>*     A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock*     is in this state.*     </li>* <li>{@link #WAITING}<br>*     A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to*     perform a particular action is in this state.*     </li>* <li>{@link #TIMED_WAITING}<br>*     A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action*     for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.*     </li>* <li>{@link #TERMINATED}<br>*     A thread that has exited is in this state.*     </li>* </ul>** <p>* A thread can be in only one state at a given point in time.* These states are virtual machine states which do not reflect* any operating system thread states.** @since   1.5* @see #getState*/public enum State {/*** Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.*/NEW,/*** Thread state for a runnable thread.  A thread in the runnable* state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may* be waiting for other resources from the operating system* such as processor.*/RUNNABLE,/*** Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.* A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock* to enter a synchronized block/method or* reenter a synchronized block/method after calling* {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}.*/BLOCKED,/*** Thread state for a waiting thread.* A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the* following methods:* <ul>*   <li>{@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout</li>*   <li>{@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout</li>*   <li>{@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}</li>* </ul>** <p>A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to* perform a particular action.** For example, a thread that has called <tt>Object.wait()</tt>* on an object is waiting for another thread to call* <tt>Object.notify()</tt> or <tt>Object.notifyAll()</tt> on* that object. A thread that has called <tt>Thread.join()</tt>* is waiting for a specified thread to terminate.*/WAITING,/*** Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.* A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of* the following methods with a specified positive waiting time:* <ul>*   <li>{@link #sleep Thread.sleep}</li>*   <li>{@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout</li>*   <li>{@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout</li>*   <li>{@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}</li>*   <li>{@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}</li>* </ul>*/TIMED_WAITING,/*** Thread state for a terminated thread.* The thread has completed execution.*/TERMINATED;}



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