


Action recognition using kinematics posture feature on 3D skeleton joint locations





文献记录(part26)--Action recognition using kinematics posture feature on 3D skeleton joint locations相关推荐

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  2. 论文记录:Decoupling GCN with DropGraph Module for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

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  4. 阅读Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Directed Graph Neural Networks(CVPR2019)

      Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Directed Graph Neural Networks是Lei Shi等人的另一篇文章,和之前的2s-AGCN以 ...

  5. 论文阅读 - Large-scale weakly-supervised pre-training for video action recognition

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  6. 阅读Disentangling and Unifying Graph Convolutions for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition(CVPR2020)

    Disentangling and Unifying Graph Convolutions for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition(CVPR2020) paper: ...

  7. 读书笔记:Dynamic GCN: Context-enriched Topology Learning for Skeleton-based Action Recognition

    Dynamic GCN:基于骨架的动作识别的上下文丰富的拓扑学习 Dynamic GCN: Context-enriched Topology Learning for Skeleton-based ...

  8. [论文阅读]Spatio-Temporal Graph Routing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

    Spatio-Temporal Graph Routing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition paper: https://www.aaai.org/ojs/ ...

  9. Action Recognition Using Attention-Joints Graph Convolutional Neural Networks翻译

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